this is john kohler with discountjuicers.com.today we’re going to answer a very important question that seems to come up lately. andthe question is simply this: john, what’s the difference between a food processor, whichi have over here, and a blender? there is some confusion out there that some peoplethat the blender and the food processor are basically the same thing and you need eitherone or the other, but you don’t need both. well nothing could be further than the truth.so both these machines, whether it’s the food processor or the blender, and i have2 different kinds here, work a little bit differently. now, i guess to explain this,for those of you that are into statistics, or go back to your statistics class in school,but we have what’s called a venn diagram.
so this venn diagram was created by john vennto show relationships. so in this case we have the blender in a bigcircle at the top, and a food processor or a big circle, on the bottom. so you can seehere, there’s an area of overlap. and the area of overlap is the area that both machinesperform similar functions. that being said, while they perform similar functions, theydo them completely differently. and i’ll explain those in a minute. but the functionsthat are similar in both machines is that they can mix, chop, and blend. but that’swhere the similarities end because also there are sections that the blender can do thatthe food processor can’t do. and there’s things that a food processor can definitelydo that a blender can’t do.
so what we’re going to do today is we’regoing to go over some of these differences between the different appliances. so first,let’s introduce the different appliances that i’m going to share with you today.on this side, we have the omega food pro food processor. this is an 11 cup food processorwith a full 5 year warranty. it’s very important when you’re buying any kitchen applianceor any appliance you’re going to use a lot, you want to make sure it has a long warranty.once again, a long warranty is your assurance that product will work for that many yearswithout any problems because the manufacturer is going to repair or replace it at no costfor you. some appliances, whether it’s a blender of food processor may come with ashort 90 day warranty, and we know if the
item fails during that time on the 91st day,you pretty much got to buy a new one. so it pays to spend a lil bit more for a machinethat has a longer warranty that you don’t have to buy the extended warranty for.over on this side, we have the vitamix turbo-blend vs. the vs stands for variable speed. so thisis a variable speed blender. it comes with the bpa free craft and a tamper that actuallyhelps you push things into the blender. we’ll be talking more about that in a second. finally,we have the blendtech champ hp3a. this model basically comes with a 64 ounce craft, or96 ounce craft. this is the wild side craft, the large craft. and we’re going to talkabout this in a second. this one does not include a tamper, and both these machinesactually have a seven year warranty. so the
vitamix has had a 7 year for a long time,and the blendtech just changed their warranty on their machine to be 7 years to competewith the vitamix. so next, let’s talk about how these appliancesdiffer and how they are the same. so you can see here, these two guys are blenders, andthe main purpose of blenders in my opinion, are for one thing. to blend liquids! onceagain, i’ll say it again, blenders are meant for blending liquids, and that’s what theydo really good, although they can do other processes. other things blenders can do arelike pulverize seeds into flour. if you have a high power blender, most common householdblenders will not do this. for example, you could take flax seeds, put it into one ofthese high power blenders, and turn it into
a flax powder. and that’s a function thatactually the food processor will not do. it just doesn’t spin at a fast enough speedto basically fractionate the grains into a powder.so these high power blenders will also grind up your common cereal grains into a flouras well. in fact, the vitamix actually has a dry container that’s used for grindingdry things such as the grains, the cereal grains. but once again, you know, the wetcontainer will blend or grind up grains, maybe just not as effectively as a dry container.so for people that are into living a raw foods lifestyle, just forget about the dry container.all you need is a wet container for grinding up flax seeds and powdering up other things.this one will work find. now, if you’re
into baking and you want to cook and makeflours for baking, in that case, then the dry container has an optimized blade designto basically blend up and grind up the grains much more effectively.so the blender could also chop, so you could put things in here to chop. now, i wantedto describe the different blade configurations on these two blenders, or actually other blenders.this blender has a star blade pattern, so you could see the star in there. and whathappens on this blade design, if you’re trying to chop, you put a whole tomato, sayit’s the size of my fist, you put it in there. basically what will happen is the tomatowill sit on top of this and the tomato will sit on top while the blade is spinning becausethe tomato just wont drop down in between
the blades unless you have some small cherrytomatoes. what vitamix does to solve this is they giveyou a tamper that you can then actually push into the machine to push that tomato intothe blades. but that being said, once the blades are running, then it‘ll hid the tomato,and if you pulse it very slowly or run it that long, you’ll get a nice chop. thatbeing said, it can turn into a puree really quickly. so that’s why i don’t think theblenders the optimal machine to be chopping in, but it will do it. on the blendtech here,you could see the little different blade designs. this is the propeller blade design, so youcould see here just one single piece of metal bent up and formed into a blade. and thisone will actually chop better because once
again, my hand is a tomato, it could dropdown between the blade, and then the blade will come around and hit it.so in that case the blendtech is going to be a more effective food processor than thevitamix. that being said, i still think that the food processor is definitely the bestif you want to chops things up, because that’s really what it’s designed to do. the blenderswill do that, but not too well. in addition, these guys will also mix. once again, youcould put your ingredients in there, and once again, the main difference is these guys excelat processing liquid ingredients. now, if you want to process dry ingredients, theseguys do kind of work, for the reason that this one has the wide blade, and somethingcould drop between here and then get processed.
but in often cases, things that’ll dry willactually sit to the sides of the craft and this blade will spin, and you’ll get what’scalled covation. covation happens when you don’t have enough liquids in there to blend,because once again, these are blenders, not mixers. how vitamix solved that, is once again,they have that tamper, so you could put stuff in here and tamper it down to make it go andhit the blade. so another difference between the blender and the food processor is therevolution per minute. so the blender runs at 20,000+ rpms on these two blenders whichare high power blenders ,which is incredibly fast, so that has the power to basically breakup fiber cell walls of greens if you want to make your green smoothie and give you anice smooth texture when you’re blending
up. that’s something in a liquid form. onthe food processor, you know it runs magnitudes slower than 20,000 rpms, probably like 20times or 40 times slower. it runs much slower than that. so it’s not going to actuallyoxidize your food as fast, but it’s also not going to chop it up quite as effectivelyeither. so next let’s go ahead and talk about thefood processor, so the omega food pro food processor comes with a bunch of differentblades and configuration, so let’s talk about that real quick. once again, you dohave a pusher. you have one large pusher for feeding in smaller things. they even giveyou a small pusher so you can feed in something small like a carrot. i like that a lot. youcan go ahead and take this apart, and let
me show you the bowl on this. here’s thebowl, and this standard is called the s blade, because it looks like an s if you look at.it looks like an s. and this blade is serrated, so both the blades on the blenders are notserrated, so this is actually going to be a little bit more effective in cutting thanthey will, because they’re designed to blend. once again, this blade design, there’s onelow and one high. so what that allows you to do is basically allows the food to dropdown, come around and get hit by the top blade, and then it’ll actually get hit with thebottom blade at the same time, or right at the second revolution as well, so it’s muchmore effective to do those things like chopping and mixing than these blenders are. so inaddition, the food processor, while it will
blend, it’s not a good device to do that.because on every blender, it basically has a line on the craft, it says maximum liquidlevel. because once again, food processors are not necessarily for blending up liquids,although it will do that. and you don’t want to fill it up past the maximum liquidlevel, because what happens is the liquid will actually go down in here because thisbowl, once again, is not designed for liquids. it’s designed for dry things. the liquidwill go down through this shaft, get in your motor, probably void your warrantee in thatcase, and make a real big mess. so besides just the standard s blade thatcomes with the omega food pro food processor, there are some other attachments that allowyou to do more things. so in the omega food
pro food processor, you also get a dough blade.now some food processors come with plastic dough blade. the dough blade on the omegafood pro is a stainless steel dough blade, so if we compare these two side by side, youcould see the s blade’s a lot larger. the dough blade is a lot smaller, so this is generallyrecommended for dough or other uses. in general you should use the standard s blade that hasthe serrates, it’s going to work a lot better than this dough blade, it just has a regular,not even too sharp of a blade on there. so another thing the food processor does thatthe blenders don’t do is slicing and shredding. so we can go ahead and put this back ontothe blender, lock it in place. we’re going to put this piece in here, lock it in place.and then we’re going to use these two disks.
so these two disks are not frisbees, or asianmartial arts equipment. what they are are a slicing blade. and there’s basically atwo side slices, it’s a reversible blade. if you put this side up and it simply goesin like that, and then you’ll put the lid on. anyways, if you put this up, this spinsaround, and as it’s spinning around, you put things down the chute. it’ll basicallygive you exact precise uniform slices every single time. and this has two side slices.it’s basically on this side is a two millimeter slice, so that’s two millimeters. on thisside is double the width of four millimeters. so that’s really nice, really handy to havethe slicing bade. so next we have the shredding blade. onceagain, you put this adapter in your food processor
so that you can use the shredding blade. onceagain, that just goes on like that. you have to have the top fully assembled for it towork properly. there’s a safety interlock on the omega food pro food processor whichkeeps you safe. so this is a reversible shredding disk. on this side, we have two millimetershreds, and once again you flip that over and we have the four millimeter shreds overon this side. so once again the food processor is a littlebit more versatile when working with dry, hard ingredients such as fruits and vegetables.so my favorite way to use the shredding and slicing disks are to make large salads outof whole vegetables. it’s very important, you know when you put a bite of food in yourmight to chew it up very well. and most people
don’t chew their food enough to get optimaldigestion, so i’d encourage you to chew 20 to 40 times minimally each mouthful toturn it into a mush so you’re going to get the best digestion of the food you’re eating.because if you don’t digest your food, it’s not going to be a benefit to you. so that’swhy i like the food processor. the shredding disk will—i like to basically make a saladout of root vegetables like carrots, really easily. you can basically put this in here,shred up a whole bunch of carrots in no time, put a salad dressing over it, have an instantcarrot salad. with the slicing disk, my favorite thing todo is to basically put it in on the two millimeter side if i’m going to slicing up celery.so i take the whole celery stalk and i don’t
like to eat celery because those strings alwaysget stuck in my teeth. when you put it through the food processor with the slicing disk,it makes small little slices. and all that celery that is filled up in the bowl, i justdump that into a big salad bowl, make a dressing in the blender, because once again a dressingis a liquid and it’ll actually take raw macadamia nuts and orange juice and basicallypulverize the macadamia nuts so there’s no pieces. it’s just going to be like anorange cream sauce. so that’s a job that the food processorwon’t do. so once again, you need the right tool for the right job. that’s actuallysomething my grandfather told me when i was kid. right tool for the right job. so anyways,slicing up all this celery makes an easy salad.
dump it into a bowl, make salad dressing ina blender, pour the dressing on, and eat it up. and because the celery has been slicedup, there’s no more string to get stuck in your teeth. so another excellent use ofthe food processor to slice and shred up your vegetables.another thing i like about the omega food pro food processor is that it comes with afour cup mini bowl. so this mini bowl basically just sits into the food processor and it allowsyou to process up to four cups. so one of the things about either the blenders or thefood processors is that there’s a minimum amount of the items that you’re going toprocess required to put in the blender. what do i mean? well if you put like two dropsof water and some whole carrots, it’s not
going to blend effectively. you need a minimumamount of water and then your item that you’re blending. so the blender’s actually whatyou need, you need a minimum amount of liquids to make it blend properly, otherwise you’regoing to get cavitation, the blade’s going to spin around without it hitting the itemyou’re trying to blend itup, and it’s just not going to work effectively.so if you are loading up your blender to blend something up, i encourage you to put the liquidsfirst, number one, so if you’re using liquids, put them first. if you’re just blendingup produce that have high water content, you want to put the high water content items infirst. so if you’re blending in say tomatoes, cilantro, and kale for example, don’t putthe kale, cilantro, and then tomatoes on top.
put the tomatoes in first. the things thathave the most water, as soon as the blade blow up the tomatoes, all that will turn intoliquid, and that will provide the blender enough liquid so it can continue to blendwell. so once again, on the food processor thereis a minimum amount of the product you’re going to put in there to make it work properly.like if you want to process into brazil nuts into brazil nut butter, and i do have a videousing the omega food pro to do that, if you put in like one brazil nut, it’s going tochop it up, but it’s not going to make a nice butter, because you need a sufficientquantity of those nuts in here to make a brazil nut butter. so that’s what this attachmentfor the omega food pro comes in handy. this
is a four cup mini bowl for the food processor.it simply sits in there like that, and you can process much smaller quantities of whateveryou want to process in the food processor and it’s going to work a lot better. sothat’s really simple, really easy. now i did mention brazil nut butter. all thesemachines will make nut butters, or brazil nut butter. once again, you need to use anut that has a high oil content. nuts that have low oil content will basically blendup into a powder and then you’ll have to add some additional oil to get it to blendup or some additional water. so if you’re making nut butters, and you need to add someof the oil, i’d recommend using the oil of the nut you’re processing, so if you’remaking almond nut butter, you’d want to
add almond oil. you know, if you don’t havealmond oil or it’s too hard to find, you could add some coconut oil. i think that’sa nice general one to use. but that’ll basically get all the powderto congeal. so that’s the main problem. these machines have the power to make thenut butters, but most nuts don’t have a high enough oil content to make it congealand austate together. i recommend the food processor for making nut butters, and i havea video on making brazil nut butter in the omega food pro. it works really well. brazilnuts have a high enough oil content. another one that has high enough oil content is macadamianuts. if you do want to make almond butter, putthe almonds in there. you’re going to get
an almond flour. you just need to let it runand run, and finally it should start to cache and clumping together. but if it doesn’t,then what i like to do instead of adding the almond oil like i recommended earlier. startdropping one, two, three macadamia nuts, because the macadamia nuts have a high enough oilcontent, so they you have an almond nut, macadamia nut butter together, but then you won’thave to add any additional oil, so i don’t like to really use additional oils in my diet.they actually add a lot of fat. but using real nuts in my opinion are a lot better.so the same things can be done with a blendtech and the vitamix. if i had to pick one of these,to make the nut butters, the vitamix would be better only because we have the tamper.but once again, if your mixture is not oily
enough or have enough oil content, you’regoing to get covation, and it’s just not going to work well. so hopefully you’velearned some of the differences between the blenders and the food processors. once again,to sum it up, all these machines will do basically blending, chopping, and mixing, but each onewill do a certain job better. like the blenders, they’ll obviously blend better. the foodprocessor is going to mix and chop a lot better than these guys.once again, the liquid level could only to be a certain height on the food processor,and to the blender they could almost go to the top. you need to leave some air spaceto basically let the air vent off. the other thing is if you’re into raw foods and eatinghigher quality food without oxidizing your
food, the blenders do run at a higher rpm,so they tent to oxidize your food more, whereas the food processors runs at a lower rpm andwill not. so on the flip side, the food processor doesn’t run at high enough rpm to basicallymake like a good quality smoothie because i tactually doesn’t run fast enough to micronizeand break up all the cell walls in your kale in your green smoothie, for example. but imean, it will work. so if you have one you can kind of use it for those purposes, butit’s definitely not the same. so in the long run, i’d definitely recommendyou buy a food processor, and i like the omega food pro food processor or a blender betweenthe vitamix and the champ hp3a. they’re both good blenders. i have another excellentvideo that goes other the specific pros and
cons of each of them. so be sure top checkmy other videos. i compared these two blenders if you’re interested in purchasing a blender.and i have other videos that talk more about the omega food pro food processor. so hopefullyyou now know the difference between the food processor and the blender.once again, the blenders are simply for blending primarily liquids, although it will do otherthings, and the food processor is for primarily working for dry ingredients although it willwork with some liquid ingredient, but not as well. so don’t’ compromise. just endup getting a food processor and a blender, because they both do different jobs, and onceagain, like my grandfather said, get the right tool for the right job.once again this is john kohler with discountjuicers.com.
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