blin! many people have been asking. what does 'blin' mean? well, friends i will give you this small secret. 'blin' means pancake. also 'blin' is the family-friendly version of the word 'blyat'. so let's make some blyat. i mean let's make some blin. as with every other boris recipe you have to be very precise with measurements.
all details have been added to description so follow very carefully. if you want to make blin like boris you need flour, milk, one egg, one big tablespoon for measuring 2tbsp of sugar. and one small spoon for measuring 1tsp of salt. now, friends remember. even if you are doing salty pancakes or sweet pancakes, it does not matter. you always put in some salt and some sugar.
not too much. but also add some cooking oil. and then put all your slav muscles into whisking it all together. if you have fucked up like boris right now and made it too thick then just add some more milk. some people say you should add some baking powder. but for that i say no. this is the slav way. don't fuck around with that shit.
okay, so this is the consistency you are looking for. not too solid, not too liquid. it is slav perfection. like boris. next up you take the biggest pan you can find put it on high heat and add some oil on top. wait until pan gets hot spread the oil around a bit and then get ready to be welcomed to the world of blinmaking. take the batter
take very exact measurement and put it on the pan. like this. boris style. just remember, it is basically impossible to fuck it up. okay, maybe for boris this comes naturally. i have been baking blins from year one. but just take the pan, spread it all around. don't worry about the high heat, it's good for the blin. just wait until you see small bubbles on top then it's time to flip it.
but for this we have special maneuver as well. you see, you can use wooden spoon. like the weak man that you are. you can tickle it a little bit, maybe flip it. no, it's bullshit. we don't use that shit here. pay attention. i call this the boris... blyat. called the boris blin 360. boom!
this is how we do it in the eastern bloc. or maybe you have your western friends coming over for some snacks. well this is your time to shine, blin. take some cheese, take some ham. add some knife. show off your skills to all your friends and family. don't forget to take selfie and post it on instagram while squatting, of course. now repeat previous step.
put some oil on pan. add some slavically calculated amount of batter on the pan. wait for it to cook just a little bit on one side and then do boris blin 360. after adding a generous amount of ham and cheese on your blin flip it together and squeeze it tight like you are holding the secrets of your motherland. again, cook it from one side and when it's time to flip then you have options to choose from.
either you go the way of the pussy and take two spatulas and flip it over. or do it like a man! this is the double folded boris 720 noscope. oh shit! okay it needs some more work. i haven't practiced this so much. the legend says that dark smoke still rises from house of boris. vadim, asshole neighbor, should stop spreading rumors, blyat! also this would probably be the best time to clean up the kitchen
before your mama comes home and realises that you have been cooking to life of boris again. or if that is not a problem, even better. now it's time to finalise the preparation process of the blin. for the ham and cheese blin we'll go for mayonnaise. spread it around and make all the slavs happy. for a more traditional approach add some strawberry jam. very good classic flavor of the slavs. and if your name is boris, you of course add mayonnaise on top.
tastes like slav paradise. also considering your dietary needs and your taste preference you can also put here garlic or onion. or maybe chili pepper. or if you are true slav and you want to get all the energy for the squatting needs. then you put here sourcream and caviar. because that's how we do it in life of boris. well, friends thank you for watching. i hope you enjoyed.
and you find this recipe very easy to follow. if there is one bit of slav in you you will succeed very great. but for now, keep on practicing the boris blin 360 flips and i will see you next time, friends. keep it cheeki breeki!
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