so i know we always say we're excited about thismeal but today it is extra special because we're bringing you to our favorite restaurantin all of buenos aires. this is a steakhouse. it is a parrilla. that means they cook allof their meat on the grill. and it is seriously the best meat we've tried in the city. andwe've ordered our favorite cut - bife de lomo. it is going to be amazing. we're waiting forthat to show up. so it wouldn't be a proper meal without alittle bit of vino tinto. yes, this is the house wine and it is actually very good forhouse wine. so anyways, what makes this our favorite restaurant in buenos aires. well,you know traditional argentine food is steak.
and it is called parrilla or asado. and whatwe're having here is parrilla. it is a special cut of meat. and what i really love aboutthis restaurant, why we really like this place so much, is that the food is just fantastichere. there are some steakhouses in argentina which are kind of a little bit pretentious.you're paying a bit more for the atmosphere than you are for the food. but this placeis all about the food. it is just such an incredible cut of meat. i can't wait to shareit with you. so another think we like about this placeare the appetizers. we didn't order these. but every-time we come here they give us empanadas.and look at these. they're nice and golden. these are special. they are some of the juiciestempanadas.
mmmmm. look at that. it is like lean groundbeef and it is really juicy and really flavorful. and these are fried empanadas so a littlebit greasy as well. which i do enjoy. and if that wasn't enough check out the breadbasket we were given. some of these slices of bread actually have cheese melted on top.and bacon. look at this one. cheese and bacon. i'm claiming that one. so until the meat gets here we've orderedan ensalada completa. yes, this is our complete salad. an oh it comes with a lot of ingredients.my favorite being the beetroot. yes. check out this generous slab of beetroot. it hastomatoes, egg. there is even a potato here. onions, potatoes. shredded carrot. yeah.
this is an awesome salad. it makes us feela little better about all of the meat consumption. yeah. and this is the reason we came here. the starof the meal has arrived. the star of the meal. bife de lomo. look at this piece of beautyon my fork. oooh. that is some of the most tender meat i'veever had in my entire life. you bite into it and it just disintegrates, it just meltsright into your mouth. and it is so juicy and flavorful. it is just fantastic. thisis the tenderloin in english. it is the best. and you know what makes this restaurant awesome.you know how you can tell you're in a really
good steakhouse. they don't ask you how youwant your steak. they don't say do you want it rare, do you want it medium rare, do youwant it well done? no, they just make it the house way and they know what they're doing.so you get the best most optimal steak possible. so it is now my turn. and i like to put chimichurrion my steak. so it is kind of like this sauce. um, and it has garlic and different spices.i don't actually know all of the ingredients. i just know i can always taste garlic. loadsof garlic. spread it on. it looks like it has some kind of a oil base as well. yeah. and then over here you also have another kindof salsa. yeah, so this one is not spicy. this would be mild. but i like the one witha kick.
so. chimichurri. let's put more chimichurri on. mmmmm. that is my favorite. it is the best cut ofmeat you can get at this restaurant. and you do have to pay a little bit more for it butit is totally worth it. and we ordered one portion and it is enough for sam and i toshare. like that is one big cut of meat if you saw it. but yeah, highly recommended.if you want to try some good steak parrilla peã±a in the neighborhood of recoleta. orjust south of recoleta actually. it is really good. track it down.
okay, so sam what do you think sets argentiniansteak apart from steak in any other country. well, argentine steak has a reputation forbeing world class. it is considered one of the best steaks in the world and you knowwhat i totally agree with that. what really sets it apart is they don't try to mask thesteak with tonnes of barbecue sauce. like if you look down here you can see. i don'tknow if you can see this but there is just a little bit of salt on top. what the realfocus is is on grilling. grilling it to perfection. using the right temperature, cooking it forthe right amount of time so it is a little bit crispy on the outside and juicy on theinside. they have just got that down to perfection. argentine steak is just world class. thereis no other way to describe it. yeah, take
that brazil. someone has a little bit of my wine. i thinkshe's still doing just fine. but we have a little bit of dessert so how about we introduceour dessert. what do we got here? okay, so i'm already full. i didn't even want dessertbut sam insisted. so we are having queso con dulce de batata. so that is cheese with asweet potato type of dessert. and we also ordered a portion of dulce de leche. justthere is nothing else in there aside from dulce de leche. and that is more or less ormost favorite thing in the world. like if i was on a stranded island, on a desertedisland and i could have like one request i might ask for dulce de leche. a jar of dulcede leche. and how is that? it's good, i mean
i think it is better when you're having itwith ice cream or a banana or some cake but i mean it is not bad on its own. so how wouldyou describe it for someone who has never tried it before? it is kind of similar to caramel but not quite.i find it a lot creamier, a lot richer, milkier. it is. it is basically made by boiling condensedmilk and like you just keep boiling it and stirring it until it gets thicker and thicker.and this is what you end up with. okay, so this is probably the simplest dessertyou can get in argentina. it is known as the trucker's meal. this is what a trucker wouldorder at like a pit-stop. you know just a very simple basic dessert. you know what thisis a really classy dessert for what is considered
a trucker's dessert. i mean it looks reallydelicious and my first time i ever tried this was at your house. your parent's house i shouldsay like two or three years ago. so i'm familiar with this dessert. it is one of my favorites.it is simple but it is delicious. so let's try that. mmmm. so what is great about this is this is a reallylike tasty cheese but when you add it with this sweet potato it is sort of like in agelatin form. in a thick form. it just gives it that extra bit of sweetness while you'reeating the cheese. and it is incredible. it is simple but it is good isn't it? simplebut delicious. so it would appear sam is on cloud nine atthe moment. so here is a guide to eating dulce
de leche. you just grab a big spoon like this,stick it in your mouth and you let it sit there for about 30 seconds and you close youreyes. there are not too many feelings in the world that are better than this. hahahaha. oh my gosh. have you found nirvana over there?i'm pretty close. maybe you just need another spoon. okay. i think this is the result of too much wine. okay, so we've been stuffing ourselves forclose to an hour. it is time to go home. so let's do price point. okay, so in terms ofprice point we're going to focus on which is basically the nicest cut of meat in thehouse. that entire cut of meat was 270 pesos
which was about $18 us dollars. and that wasfor both of us. so when you think about that kind of value you're getting $9 per personand you're eating like some of the best steak of your entire life. so incredible value andagain this is just the kind of place. like i can't recommend it enough. i would callit a neighborhood parrilla. a neighborhood steakhouse. it is the kind of place that yougo into and you see mostly locals are eating at. and when you see locals eating at a restaurantlike this you know it is high quality because they are going to demand it. they're not goingto come back if the food is not good. you can rip off a tourist but you're not goingto rip off a local. and that is all i've got to say. come here. goodbye.
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