hi, everyone. we are back for another what we ate video where we show you what we eat in a day as a vegan couple. this one is for last monday. for breakfast, i made some buckwheat and speltflour crepes that we had with some sweet fillings. chocolate spread and also kevin’s favouritefilling for sweet crepes which is maple syrup with coconut. we also had a banana each along with the crepesand our usual cup of tea. throughout the day, we sipped on some pu-erh tea. it’s a new one that we’ve recently bought. pu erh tea is a variety of fermented and ageddark tea produced in yunnan province in china.
there are different varieties of pu-erh teaand the one we bought for a start is in the form of loose leaf. it is also sold in the form of pressed cakes. we are looking forward to trying other varietiesof pu-erh that have been aged for a longer amount of time. i am rinsing the tea first and from the lightercolour of the first rinse, it means that we can steep this tea for a little longer, forabout a minute. a darker colour would only need about 20-30seconds of steeping. we are still learning about this tea and so far we've had a great experience from it.
both kevin and i instantly adopted it as our current and all-time favourite so far. it is a very relaxing tea. the variety that we bought has a mild mellow taste that we love. this tea is not so much about the taste asit is about the chai chi which is the energy of the tea. pu-erh also has a lot of health benefits. it is very effective to lower cholesterol. i will talk more about pu-erh in the futurewhen i’ve had the chance to try out other varieties.
we did not really have lunch and we snackedon some fruits instead - a large mango between the two of us and a couple of small italianplums. we helped ourselves to another cup of blacktea with soymilk in the late afternoon while working on our next videos. for dinner, i had a couple of chinese eggplantthat really needed to be used. so, i started by pan frying them while stillthinking what i wanted to make with them. i decided to go for a spicy sauce-based dish. can you guess what this sauce is? i’ll give you a little hint.
it’s a british favourite. i’ve veganized it and added some kidneybeans and courgettes...or zucchini. we had this with brown rice. it was superb and we will be sharing thisrecipe quite soon. so stay tuned. so that was it for what we ate on monday. by the way, some of you have asked for theokra recipe that we showed in our previous what we ate video. at the moment, we can’t find good okra forsome reason.
they are somewhat mature with tough seedsinside which make them inappropriate for cooking. i’ll be sharing the recipe as soon as ican find some nice fresh tender okra. i hope you’ve enjoyed this episode. see you very soon.
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