this recipe is a chunky chilli con carne but instead of using beef mince were going to go for stewing beef and instead of rice we are going to go for some awesome smashed roots so this is sweet and spicy on the same plate to get our chilli con carne underway you need to peel and dice an onion a garlic and a chilli do you want some help you just stay there and look good i can do that same way as always so take your onion what you need to do is cut away from the root so take the knife and cut about three quarters of the way in
so it all holds together then turn it and cut the other way and youll end up with a nice fine dice did you just listen to a word he just said no he didnt yes you just cut there look cut little squares also here our chilli seeds and all so we have a nice little heat its always worth trying it so you know how much to put in try it raw if it blows your head off put less in and i'm going to do exactly the same with our clove of garlic
i broke the tap sorry jamie while your fixing that over this side a glug of olive oil i'm going to add into that all of our onions garlic and chilli yes right so beef rather than your average chilli being done with mince beef we are going to use some awesome stewing steak this is nice casserole steak and we are going to cover it with ground cumin plenty of salt and pepper and if you kind of mix that all together then its going to go into the pan with our sweated onions garlic and chilli to cook off for a couple of minutes now let me show you the other flavours were going to put into this
tomato a tin of chopped tomato red wine this is a really rich kind of sauce a stick of cinnamon and some beef stock which were going to cheat with just half a stock cube they can all go splashed into there now and about half a tins worth of just water now balance out the stock cube so essentially your adding beef stock rather than serve this with rice we are going to go for smashed roots take two parsnips a carrot a swede and two turnips
peel them all up and cut them into thumb sized chunks put them into cold salted water and bring it up to boil so they will simmer for about 20 minutes just ahead of serving thats it why don't you get your jumper right the way in there what a mess no not that one cooking is just guidline i've heard jamie is coming to taste this later on and if he's not happy i'm going to blame it on you its fine just before we serve we can take all of our roots drain them into a colander
and the baz your in charge of smashing up these all we are going to add to it is one knob of butter and some sort and pepper after two and a half hours that beef has cooked right down we have added in ou red kidney beans and red pepper at the last minute and that is about good to serve as is our smashed roots so lets get loads of this onto the plate remember this is instead of rice and there is bits of smooth puree in here there is good chunks as well a bit of everything some of this awesome chilli
and the a few dollops of sour cream really helps to cut through the spice we are going to add a bit more spice in the form of red chilli there you go a few finishing touches and the only thing left to do is taste it tell us what you think because i know you are a big chilli fan have you got like potato and carrots smashed roots so low carb chilli con carne has stewed for ages chunky bits of beef i love the way you have done chilli con carne with chunks of meat that are going to fall apart instead of just the mince meat very very delicious mike is this a bit werd for you
in jamie oliver's kitchen eating with jamie oliver eating off a jamie oliver spoon souvenirs i've got customers in my restaurants steeling napkins 30,000 a month and now your nicking spoons what have you got in your pockets i'm just tea towel and thats mine i bought that with me so how do you think bens done he's a good lad ben i mean just look at him he's trustworthy if he was selling mortgages you would want t buy it
its tasty i tell you what its really easy to get the level of spice wrong also how long did you cook that for that was about two and a half hours like two and a half hours you have still got tender chunks if you did it another half hour you could just keep stirring until it went into like a chilli mush almost back to mince i suppose yeah thats very good where can you get the recipe this recipe you can get on sortedfood.com and if
you really want to you can subscribe to jamie oliver's food tube channel by just clicking on his little mush right here just there snap it click it push it in the mouth in the eyes what ever you like ooohh
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