-so someone called etienne would like you sign off on a week of holidays in the beginning of august. -no but it's been only a year since etienne's been at the company... -yes -so he's not going on holiday. -anything else? -well then if this is a no... then no -okay, great, and don't forget to come in at 7pm *-yo! still down to come and help me move after tomorrow?*
'*-you're moving?* (boss speaks with an employee) *-what a memory you have! good to know i can count on my best friend!* *-i'll take a day off, don't worry. what time should i show up?* let's meet at 10am in caron square? it won't take long, i have this! ^how is it that you're not coming in today?^ -i... i am sorry i ... i took my day off today ^will your... thing be long?^ -no no no it won't be long it's just that...
^you come back immediately after, okay?^ -alright, okay. umm so when i finish i'll come back to work ^well yes 'cause we are waiting for you^ -okay, see you later *-i just got here, i'm waiting for you* *-me too, where are you* make some kind of gesture. -hello raphael, you've transformed? -what? no, i'm yacine
-no, actually, i am waiting for someone who is like you but it's not you... it was my friend and... and you showed up -well, i'm waiting for cyril -i..i am maximillian -can i look at your phone? -well then... it's a bug because i thought i was talking to my friend raph who had to help me to move today -oh then that's why cyril never mentioned he was moving -yeah, sorry to have disturbed you, i will manage by myself
-but do you need help? -no, no, no, no we don't know each other, you don't owe me anything. don't worry i will move alone. sorry again -yeah yeah no problem, good luck. *boss: come to work at 2pm at the latest* it'll be faster with two. -are you sure? because if not i can... -you'll buy me something to eat. but this afternoon i can't: i have to go to work. -yeah no problem, that's already very nice... yacine right? -yeah
-nice to meet you yacine -nice to meet you maximilien -oh you can call me max -so, what do you do for a living? - i created my company, i am working on a mobile game -seriously? a game? -f*ck! it's so exhausting! -there are no elevators, but we get used to it after a while -your home very nice... well your former home
and your game: what is it about? like candy crush? -it's a strategy game and at the same time a little bit narrative. it's a little complicated. and it's not finished yet -you gotta show it to me! you still have a super nintendo? yeah, with 2 controllers and some games. i play sometimes -oh! how often did i use to play this? -and you, what do you do for a living? -it's a lot less fun than you; i work at human resources in a bank. it's depressing -i know exactly what you're talking about. i used to be an engineer at a computing company
but building a company is really boring, between the workload, the paperwork, the insurances, the accounting... -estelle? -oh yeah those are my ex's things. give them to me, i'll get rid of them -oh, look -what is it? -it's my game, it's only the beginning though -ah yes thank you i'm sorry! but your game, it's just too good! you really need to finish it.
-thank you so much -did you do it alone? -it's been two years, yeah -let's go back -yeah let's go and honestly a few boxes are not that hard... -if you want to give up, you still can -well, i was going to get a gym membership just to lift stuff so... -so, we'll lift this come on
-how long have you been at your company for? -it's been five years. i was an intern first and then i obviously got a cdd then a cdi and now i have a little team -you work your way up, then yeah, you, you work for yourself while i'm working for a man who asked me to come back at 2pm even though i took the day off today a man who doesn't realise i haven't had a week off in five years -i don't have a girlfriend anymore, that might make you feel better -you're leaving the fridge here? -given the weight, i don't think it will go far -yeah... don't move
-i didn't tape it enough -are you sure about that? -don't worry it's light: it's clothes -it wasn't clothes -fucking facebook bug -i'm sorry -but at the same time we are almost done let's go -do you want some?
-you didn't empty the fridge? -that was why it was so heavy? -i'm sorry dude -oh f*ck -it's official now: i am a fan -i need the sequel -i need the sequel of this game -thank you -you got a text that says 'okay for tonight'
boss? -my old boss, we have to look over something together -oh fuck it's 2pm -oh yeah, your work... yeah... well, thank you yacine, you did a lot of work, i had fun and it was a pleasure to meet you, so ... all the best and good luck... with your... work yacine -i'm not going -huh?
-today is my day off -so he can wait until tomorrow... yeah... i took my day off for you to move so he is going to wait until tomorrow -as you like... -you are not going to move in alone? -no -good, so we finish -okay let's go! -let's go! a whole new world... (literally: this rare dream...)
a new fantastic point of view... (literally: a new world of beautiful color) -what? -what are you going to do? what is your problem? -come here -sh*t he's really coming yes, we're leaving, we're leaving to tell us no or where to go or say we're only dreaming (literally: no one can tell us it's forbidden to still believe in happiness) a whole new world... (literally: this rare dream)
a dazzling place i never knew... (literally: i can't believe this, this is marvelous...) i want to be the very best like no one ever was (literally: i will fight and not stop) -did we secure the boxes -hmm nope -i love your new flat, just because it has an elevator -yeah, you haven't seen much of it yet -voila, here's my new palace -oh yeah... it's...
-it's shit. -i was going to say small -good... -why did you leave your old flat? -i don't have the money anymore as i financed my game out of pocket and now i'm living off my savings. so, now i find myself here -fortunately, you're going to launch your game soon, and then you can buy something bigger -i don't think i will ever launch this game -what?! -i've lost way too much time, i've spent all my money, and i'm not even sure people will be into my game so a few days ago i made my decision: i'm putting an end to this disaster.
-what does that mean, "i'm putting an end to the disaster" -i'm giving up on my game. -i can't go on. look at me: i'm broke, i broke up with my girlfriend, i'm moving... -i have an opportunity, actually my old boss wants to offer me another job i can't decline, that's why i'm seeing him tonight. -wait, are you kidding ? you can't give up now, when you've already done the hardest part -yacine, you can clearly see i have no other choice -you certainly do have a choice
-your game is a killer, you just have to launch it wait, what is it? a money problem? because if it's a money problem, i can take you to the bank and help you apply for a loan -that's nice but...no... but i've tried it... but -we can even do it at my bank! you know what? if you give up... so do i. finish your moving alone.
-yacine, you can't... -you've given up, so i'll give up and leave. -no... yacine.. -i'm leaving -i will take the subway, i have a montly pass, i can, i have a card -man -yeah sorry -okay fine -fine what?
you're going to finish your game? -yes... -then why didn't i hear that? -i am finishing my game ! -actually, i'm way over here, i can't hear you -that's it! that's what we wanna see, that's what wanna hear. by the way give me your game. -asshole? -you said asshole to my boss ? -your old boss. you are your own boss
like this, now, your thoughts are clear, you don't have any more doubts. come on, let's finish it -you're crazy -you'll thank me later -you wish that you'd just sent that to your own boss, isn't that right? -maybe -did it feel good at least? -yes it's small but it will take you less time to cross your flat -yeah, then i will be able to develop my game faster and it will launch faster -exactly, we often don't see how lucky we are.
-want a quick game? "the facebook bug is now fixed" -wait a second, can you switch back to the news '''the facebook problem actually originated from its own creator, mark zuckerberg, who was behind this huge malfunction. which is why the facebook creator has since been fired by his outraged shareholders but he left us with a little surprise. the users that were switched were those with the similar ages and tastes. the explanation: ''i wanted to create the opportunity for strangers to meet'' from now the bug is...''''' -woah, he went crazy
-yeah and we are victims. i'll be able to add you as a friend on facebook now. -sure, and you can also get obliterated -actually, you think i will lose? -no but look! -cute, that's really cute... -thank you for coming! it's a pleasure to see you guys. -are you kidding? it's not everyday that you launch a game -this is marie -hi
-nice to meet you -for this, should i put it in the kitchen or the living room? or, wait, they're the same place. -how you doing? -good and you -good -your flat is sweet -it's too small but it's cozy -oh actually i'm finally going on holidays with yacine -really?
- he finally asked his boss. it has been months since we've been talking about it we leave in a month -congrats, you'll tell me all about it right? -yeah, i'm so happy. you know he changed a lot since he met you -i should thank him because... if i launch the game tonight it's thanks to him -only one click and it's two years of work on the internet -i do it? -yeah!
-come on -five -four -three -two -one *congrats on your game, you made it* creator: cyprien - producing: the parasites . net with slimane- baptiste behoun and cyprien
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