hallo. this is the color of celebration. matching my clothes. how do you knowi’m going to wear this today? some of you have left. oh, today is 31st, of course. many people have left. oh, so sorry. left without a party.
we should have a goodbye partyor something. some question people. this is old or new (arrivals)? how many new today? haven’t seen me yesterday,the day before? just you? you two? oh, you three? all right. welcome home! anyway, a lot of old faces. you don’t want to leave,right? (no.)
this retreat taught me a lot, that the higher i go, the stronger they attack, from the maya (negative force). i told you before. it’s so funny,i don’t understand why. so much ego still thereafter all these years. in case you thinkyou still have a lot of ego, please cut it out,otherwise you go nowhere.
no matter how much poweri brought down for you, you can’t touch it. it’s too much ego. so, you guys take care thatyour egos have to be dead. otherwise, you go nowherein the spiritual realm. you don’t go any higherand you continue to be a slave to the maya, and thinking that you’re greatbecause you’re vegetarian. what about vegetarian,i mean, vegan?
what’s good about it? it’s only good becauseyou’re compassionate. if you’re not compassionateto me, your friend, whom can yoube compassionate to? charity begins at home. no? vegetarian, vegan, and sita few hours a day sleeping. that’s nothing! that doesn’t make youa saint yet. the worm, the earthworm,he doesn’t even eat vegetarian,
he eats nothing,he only eats the earth. he harms no one, he harms no plants, no animals, nothing, and he risks his lifedeep under there to bring food to us. he risks his little humble, defenseless, helpless lifeto dig the earth, to make it airy,so that we can farm.
and he could die any timeby the hoe of farmers. by the tread of our foot. by the ants who can come and burn his whole bodywith their stings, or the bees, or whoever. do you understand?(yes.) so if you are vegetarian or veganand you sit a few lousy hours, and sleeping, nodding,you are nothing! don’t be too proud!
don’t keep nourishing your egoto this extent! so you watch out. you watch yourself, you watch yourselfas if your life hangs on it. don’t watch me,don’t watch your neighbors, don’t watch other disciples. watch yourself. every day you have to checkif your ego is still there or if it’s growing biggerthan usual.
so, please check yourself up. don’t be too proud of yourself. you are nobody, truly. just because you eat vegetarian… the cows also do it all day longsince the day they’re born. they don’t eveneat vegetarian, eat only grass. the worm, i told you already,he works very hard. without the worms,many places cannot be cultivated, cannot plant vegetablesfor you to eat.
and the little bees, he also makes food for us,makes everything grow accordingly. even nowadays, like some of the farmers, they could even pollenizethemselves, but they even brought the bees in to do itbecause the bees do it better. they admit it like that. the pollenized fruitthat they make is much better than the onethat’s humanly made.
so nature is always the best,by the way. and those little bees,they are workers for us. the little wormthat we look down upon, that could not speak for himself, could not defend himself, they are benefactors of humansand animals and this planet. but they never claim they are grandor great or anything. the sun never claimshis greatness. the moon is alsothe earth saver.
if the moon has been far awayfrom the orbit, far away thanwhere the moon is right now, we don’t exist here. we can’t exist. everything depends onsuch factors, that we live here, that we have a good life. and then we abuse the planet,of course. and even come in, have a mastertry to teach you so diligently all these years,still don’t learn anything.
really pitiful. such a shame. sometimes… don’t tell me that i’m a master,i’m tough, and i’m always good. it’s not. sometimes,i’m also very frustrated. i feel very, very frustratedand tired of teaching “stones.†sometimes stones,they listen better. one time, in chinese, there is a story thatthere’s a zen master
who had been preaching to the stonesand the stones will nod their heads, so one person told methat story, i said, “i have. i have also stones around meall the time. they also nod their heads, but i don’t knowhow much they understand.†and then, one time,i told the story about the turtle, supposed to be very slow,very, very slow. but i said, “this is nothing. the turtle in the story is nothingcompared to my turtles.
they crawl even slowerthan that on the spiritual road.†there you are. now you know. but i am so glad also thatthe retreat is over, so maybe i can put somenormalcy into my life again, if i even have any life. that maybei will have good food now, at least, maybe the medicine is working,maybe i’ll become healthy soon. you see my voiceis already not very good,
and because coughing too much. i am also glad,but i probably will miss you guys. last days, i said maybe we’d haveweekend group meditation and all that and maybe if i am around,i’d come see you. but i’m not sure about that. i said, “maybe, if.†so you do at your own risk. it’s not a promisebecause if it is a promise, then i have to keep.
i want to promise, but i can’t because sometimes the situationis not predictable all the time. the way it is right now. i can’t even predict my own office here,not to talk about the future. so, maybeyou got the wrong master. hurry up, go find somebody else. can leave me alone. and i’m planning maybei’ll go to the old home. the old people.
so at least,if i go to the old home, there are some peopleto take care of me, no? find some faraway,anonymous old home, then you have your routineevery day, right? every day you come out,they make you exercise, and then you come in, you eat, and then you talkwith your senior citizens and play cards with them,something like that. and maybe start a romance
with some late bloomers over there. i saw some movies like that, no? some old pensioner people, they stay togetherin the old people’s home, right? and then they starteda romance at seventy. i am only sixty-something. i still have a lot of chances, no? a couple more years’ chance. maybe it’s good.
at least somebody is therewhen i’m sick, and then if i need something,they can go and buy for me. it’s easier that way. but i have to look for some homethat has some spiritual blessing line, divine connection,heaven gate, heaven way, and no hell gate, no hell ways. oh, that would be difficult. on the internet,they don’t say such things. i probably have to look online.
or have tomake an advertisement, say, “sixty-some (year-old) citizen,junior citizen… no, senior citizen,looking for a suitable home. preferably with a lot of heaven gates,multiple heaven ways, and divine connectionswould be the best, and spiritual blessing lines,also together, the more the better. price is not a problem. but also have toaccept three saintly dogs.
two meals a day with a special menu. monday, tuesday,wednesday… friday. vegan dogs, and this special senior citizenis also purely vegan. she can also go rawif such an option exists, or breatharianif you can help with… if you can help her go that way.†wow, i think that will be difficult for meto find one. if you know any,please tell me, all right?
probably you know one. i am thinking. and then, when you comesee me again, if you ever,or if i ever come out again, probably i’ll have a mannext to me with a stick. “come on, honey. let’s go to group meditation.†“what did you say? you are what?â€
semester? what semester?†“i said supreme master,supreme master.†“semester, what?†i’d say, “never mind,go take your medicine.†i saw some films like that, no? some older people, they get their late romancein the old home, no? you saw some? (yes.) you know someof these stories? (yes.)
some true stories, right?(yes.) i saw “driving miss daisy.†(yes.) it’s alsoa very touching story, no? i am sure there aresome real-life stories like that. old woman met old man,and then boom! like a coup de foudre. “love at first sight,â€they say this. who knows? wow. i have to think positive, no?
and prepare forwhatever happens. at least, if i die, somebodywill look after my dogs and bury me or something. oh, by the way,i told you already, if i die, if you happen to be there,please just cremate. no making picture,no ash, no nothing like that. just throw the ash into the sea. that’s it. or river or lake,whatever possible.
don’t bury, don’t make a tomb, and don’t give my nameon the stone… tombstone. don’t bother. at least after i die,let me rest in peace. i don’t need any more disciplescoming with flowers or food to offer me at that time. when i’m alive, don’t give. when i die, come inwith a lot of offerings, biscuits, candy, and then bring hometo eat because of blessing.
the tomb blesses your food. oh, whatever. i would have liked to really talkto some of you or more, all of you individually, asking how you’re doing and how is your practice and all that,but this time, we just do it silently. because i don’t havea lot of time this time. i always come in a rush,and i have to go in a rush. somebody wantsto tell experience.
who is this? hong kong? today, i would liketo share with you again some more of my experiences. since meditating hereuntil now, each day, i live like in a fairytale, master.(good for you.) today is the same. so i would liketo share my experiences because there would not bemany opportunities, and i think initiates may not know this,so i would like to share it.
okay, that’s right. they don’t know it. many people are blind and deaf. on monday, when i sat insidethe heaven gate, master, i saw many heavenly beingscoming down. they flew down. there were flowerswhich do not exist on earth. but they could talkand had very bright colors. and there were starsemitted pink light.
and also there were rays, almost like light raysarranged into beautiful shapes, and they flew toward me,for example. and there were so many, master. some of them, at first, it lookedlike a square box only to me. it didn’t have any distinct formbut looked like a square box. i thought, “why does ithave such a dim color?†i thought it was just a box. i said to myself, “why is it here?â€
but the ones next to itwere very colorful. when the box flew toward me,i passed through it. so it turned out to be not a box at all.it was almost like a spiritual tree, master, (i know. i know.)but it was square. it has spiritual inside,it has feeling, it has… yes. yes, yes. when i entered the box,it transformed into an energy, not a box, master. (understand.) and then, this very powerful energy
enveloped my headand my whole body. (yeah.) and it blessed me a lot. when i concentrated on this energy,it became even more and more powerful. at that time, i realizedthat it wasn’t a box, but maybe a spiritual tree radiating light.(understand, understand.) there were many,but i tell only this one. i saw a goddess, buti didn’t see clearly her face. (too bright to see.) they flew close to meand looked at my face.
then they started to fly away. i saw them wear beautifuland colorful dresses. also, their hairwas a chestnut color, master. very beautiful. at that time, i had the feelingas if i was in heaven, and the beings there wantedto come and greet me. (yeah.) i felt like they wantedto greet me there. that is one experience. the second one was when i satunderneath the spiritual tree, master.
in the beginning, i feltthe energy was so powerful. that i don’t need to say. when i saw it, i thoughtit was very hard, master, but it was actually not. (yeah.) it kept moving around me,like kissing me, master. yeah. there’s no shape. no shape. no substance, actually,just looks like. yes. i saw it as very hard,but it wasn’t really so.
it was a spiritual tree,(i know, i know.) which blessed me a lot, master.(okay.) this afternoon, with the sisters sitting around me,the spiritual tree seemed happy, too, and it emitted lightthat made me feel euphoric. one more thing,when we were meditating, i entered and saw something that looked like grassbut not grass, master. and it emitted light.
the “grass†was wavingand stood tall, maybe like my height. it emitted light andperformed a dance before me. next to that appeared a waterfall. the water was crystal clearand so beautiful. (yeah.) those aremy happy experiences, master. really, during this retreat, it seems like i am livingin fairy land every day. visions came so many times,i can only remember some… i noted them down,but i could only remember some
because there were so many,master. (yeah.) yes, it’s like a fairytaleall the time. i can’t imagine at this present time that i would be ableto see those things. i’ve had many experiences before, but i’ve never felt as luckyas in this retreat, like i won the lottery. (yeah.) from the beginning to the end,every day, i live in that energy fieldthat can only exist in fairytales.
i feel each tree, each gate… people came to greet meand blessed me so much. and sometimes,they kissed me, too. and there are a lot more,but sometimes i can’t remember them all. okay, understand.(i forgot, i didn’t look back.) there were a lot,but it comes like glimpses, yet there are a lot of details. understand, understand.
okay, good for you. (yes.) congratulations. thank you, master. i told everybody. this time, it’s different. i told, maybe i didn’t tellthis batch of you, but i told the beginning,many beginning people, first week, two weeks,that this time, it’s different. you should concentrate more inside,then you get a lot, a lot,
a lot of blessing powerbecause i brought a lot down. but you have to tune in, really have to be sincereand really trust what i told you, then you will havejust the way she has. perhaps she’s more humble, perhaps she’s more appreciative,and then she can go up so quick. of course, she wasan aulacese (vietnamese) refugee in hong kong before, and she knew thati came to the hong kong
refugee camp to visit people,and even after the camp was dismantled, i also sent luggage and stuff. i sent, like, somethingfor them to go home with. for example like that. and of course, she’s more… maybe grateful, andso is more in tune with me. and after what she has been throughduring the war and after the war, she appreciates the gift of spiritual life more than many of,
for example, you, having such an easy lifein the west, and okay, by chance get initiation, or by chancecome see master, “why not? she’s funny and…†maybe cheap comedian show. so, if you don’t have too muchof spiritual experience, please don’t blame me. i don’t give hermore than i give you.
it’s all laid there. just like whatever the foodfrom the kitchen is laid all on the tablefor all of you to enjoy. you take a lot or you take little,it’s up to you. i don’t differentiate, like, “because she’s an aulacese(vietnamese) refugee, i give her more.†it’s not like that. it is up to you to have it moreor to have it less.
it’s not up to me. i cannot, for example,if i’m rich like bill gates, i cannot force youto have the money. you must have wanted it. you must have really needed it. if you need the spiritual progressas much as you need the air, i mean, not like you know it consciously,but in your soul, you yearn so much like that,then you get. you can feel the spiritual energythat had been brought down this time,
or is concentrated herebecause i’m here right now, of course. and the restalso spreads around in the world. but of course, i’m here,it’s different. more different. more strong. and i have told you, if you have watched the older videos,the first videos, then you have heard me saying that. but i guessyou probably have differently.
maybe you have some,but differently. maybe you feelsomething differently, but you don’t havesuch a clear vision then. but more or lessyou would have some. next one. that’s it, you’re finished? it’s finished, right, love? of course, she hasa lot more experiences, but to bring it to language,it’s shorter.
just likewhen you watch a movie. very nice and lovelyand all that, but if you tell your friend,you make it short. you can’t just sit thereand tell everything from beginning to the endlike the dialogue between the characters in the movieor that it lasts two hours. you cannot do that, right? so you just tell short. it’s like that.
when you have visions, you can’t really bring it outinto this language. the maximumshe could say is that, “oh, it’s very colorful,it’s very bright.†but how bright,you would not imagine. how colorful, you could not. because the language is not visibleenough for us to understand. that’s why i told you guys,don’t tell experiences. i am here, (so it’s) okay,
but don’t go boast aroundto the street vendor or your plumbers or yourswimming pool cleaner and all that. besides, the experienceyou have inside, you can never really prescribe itinto the world’s language. however eloquent you are,you cannot. it’s just so different. just nothing like in this worldthat you can imagine at all. that’s why, just keep itto yourself and enjoy. but she’s very excitedbecause she hasn’t had
such an experience like thisbefore, of course. even if you had experiences before,it’s nothing like this time, nothing. if you do have experiences,then you would know the difference. but if you don’t, then you don’t knowthe difference, of course. at home, here,it’s the same, go see master, hoping for some blessing. blessing you do have. but vision, sometimesyou just have to work for it.
in the future, don’t saytoo many experiences. okay? it’s fine here. it’s good that you share with them. but don’t just share with everybody. she talks a lot here about her experiences herebecause she’s so excited. this is new, you see? it’s new for her, and it’s so vivid, and every dayeverybody loves her.
all the heavenly beings comeand bless her and she loves it. so, too excited, you know? make sureyou still love your husband. polivik, slovenia. hi, master. hi. i just wanted to tell you thatthe other brother opened a new loving hutin slovenia in maribor. it’s the second largest city.
and we’re hoping to open also onein ljubljana, a restaurant. good. (yes.) it’s going well? yes,if you have a good location. it depends on location. okay. (yes.) good location,maybe not everything. (yes.) last time,there were some uk people. they opened a restaurant before,and they said it’s not a good location. yeah, from ruth.
ruth from uk. and she said a few years ago, she complained to me thatit’s not good location, it doesn’t work well and all that. and now it’s working, too busy,they couldn’t even come. see what i mean? so, just you go by your intuition. good location sometimescosts a lot of money, too. if you think it’s good,then you do that.
if you can afford it. if not, just open a small oneand slowly expand. so that you don’t feeltoo much pressure with the capital, gain or lose. all right. do what you can only. don’t try to do more than you can. like this,you feel safer and less stress. i want you to open restaurants
also if you want to offeralternative living, healthy living for them,and for the planet, of course. but i don’t want you to stress so muchthat you will die from it. or sacrifice too much thatyou go bankrupt. all right? anything else? (no.) okay. pretty good. i’m glad. your country is small, but you’realready going strong with loving hut. okay. that’s it.
no more questions. are you crying? no, huh? yes? crying? are you crying? your eyes are swollenbecause of crying? no? yes? today you cry a lot. it’s good for you. never mind.
just one of those experiences. yes. are you still a greatest comedianin america? well i have copied a lot from you. i like to tell jokes,and i like to have a lot of fun. a lot of humor. jokes are fun. (yes.) make people laughand that relaxes them. and i really like your jokes and…(you like my jokes?)
i like that. i get many of your jokes,and i frame them my way. yeah? sure, sure. understand. you’re welcome. it’s no copyright. some of my jokes are original from me. some i read it somewhereor some others printed out for me. and they’re quite different.
they touch peoplein a different way. (yeah.) your jokes arelike the buddhist stories, and they just permeate people’sheart in so many different ways. oh, you think so? and i’m known for some of your jokes. oh, yeah? oh, really?(yes.) how about my commission? we can work on that. master,what i wanted to say really is,
i never have taken a mic and just givena heartfelt thanks to... when i look at you,and i looked tonight, you’re in your sickness,and you’re answering questions, and the way you can reach with thewisdom and solve the problems, it’s just second to none. it’s just the heavenly wisdomthat you have. and i learned so much of your insidein seeing the way you are, and i just want to say,i really thank you and i love you. i’ve had many, many,
many spiritual blessings and visions andthings that i don’t get into telling about. and i’ve seen a lot, i’ve heard a lot, and i’ve seenhow you actually opened me up. i was trapped, or entrapped, with a religion that i couldhave never gotten out of, and you opened up to me,and i’m here. good for you. thank you very much, master. you’re welcome, my love.
i’m glad you enjoy. i’m glad you found yourself. you deserve it. we all have this birthright. just some people deny it. it’s a pity though becausei don’t understand why, either. i don’t knowwhat for we should live, except to havesome spiritual practice. i don’t know what else,how else should we live.
i don’t know how elseother people live outside. when i see them just still trappedlike you were before, i feel so sorry. but i can’t rush thingsand i can’t force people. but i feel really, really sorry. just like some peopleare starving outside and you bring the food, andthey just don’t care about it. they don’t believe it,and they starve to death. it’s similar like that.
and i have a lot of painbecause of that. but i’m glad, one came,better than nothing. this kind of spiritual practice,just like from times immemorial, not many people follow. if they did, then probablyall our ancestors are already free and their descendants are free, there’s no need for jesus to even come, no need for muhammad prophetto even come, buddha to come.
it’s all free becauseif one generation is all free, then the next also. then this world already would havebecome heaven a long time ago. but unfortunately, it’s like that. after, now,you’re already opened up, and you look back at other peopleand you don’t believe – how would they not see it? how would they even stay in there, and then don’t even knowanything better,
don’t believe anything better,and couldn’t get out? fixed in there and fixed really tight,like in a box. if you look at it now, you’d thinkhow do people stay there? right? how do people believe in thatand continue doing that daily? but, you know, well,you are what you deserve. we can’t worry about everybody, no? we cannot. so, just feel lucky that you are out.
hallelujah. oh, well. what else can i do for you? how many people upstairs? it’s pretty full. pretty full? (yes.) oh, well, how do i do? what do i do? i’m thinking.
i heard that somebody’sbaking cakes today? i hope you bake cakes for everybody. i thought maybe… i didn’t demand thoughbecause i was also very tired. i couldn’t think of anything. in a way, today is the last day, and i’m supposed to be very happy, but i’m not really very happy.
master. yeah. what is it, thomas? finally, i want to share one good newsfrom costa rica because... what do you know about there? why costa rica? because i read they want to closeall the zoos of the country, and starting from next year.(wow!) so it will be more than four hundredanimals that will be (free.) free,
and all the zoo placeswill be transformed into gardens. wow! wonderful news! it’s from costa rica. yes, wonderful! and freddy, you know nothingabout your country. (and freddy.) why do i need a french guy to tell meabout your country’s good news? but it’s true.
very good. very good! excellent! another news is, in america,the national institute of health released more thanthree hundred chimpanzees, the monkeys. (yes?) because now they realizethey are not useful for experiments, they understand it’s not usefulfor the study of behavior (no!) no more. and at the time i read this news, i saw one pictureof one monkey, chimpanzee,
and i felt really like a brother. (yeah.) felt like, oh, and i cried a lot because...(yeah, understand.) i don’t want to make you sadabout animals because i know you’re sensitive also.(yeah, it’s okay.) but i really looked at him like a brother.(yeah, like you’re happy for him.) i feel, “oh, my god,you’re free now. (yeah.) you’re free. go out.â€(understand. i know your feeling.) and then some of them spent likethirty or forty years there.
jesus, like a prisonerand doing nothing wrong! (yes.) terrible! the cow is from the fifth level. he sacrifices himself to come inand look like an animal like that, just to helpsome of these cases. or in a former life, we didn’t have machinesto plow the field, the cows, the ox came down to help. but what do we do?
she gives milk to our children, he plows the field for us, and then we just kill him, to eat whenever. this is not an act of gratitude. we humans,we know the moral standard. if somebody did something kind to us,we’re indebted to him or her. we say, “thank you,thank you so much.†and how would we treata benefactor like a cow
in such a cruel way from the daythey’re born until the day they die? you don’t see manyof the documentaries, how they treat the cowsbefore they’re slaughtered even. it’s terrible. i don’t see anything more horriblethan some of the humans’ behavior. very, very sad. in india, the cowsjust roam around freely, and so people just take milk from herbecause most of the cows, they have more than enoughfor the calf anyway.
so they take some and leave somefor the calf all the time. then it’s okay. and the cow is also willingto give, not like not. just that the way we treat the cow from the birth to the deathin many of the countries, so-called civilized countries,is not civilized. in fact, i would say barbarous. if you excuse my honesty, honest speech, it’s like that.
really barbarous,the way we treat animals. even in this physical body,when i was young, when i was very young,when i was a child, i already knew something was wrongwith milk or honey. my mother,she loved to have honey. they believe in ã‚u lạc (vietnam) that this honey is good for you. of course, it is, in some ways. the buddha also allowed honeysometimes as medicine.
but when i was younguntil now, i don’t like honey. sometime when i was olderand i tried it somewhere, but i never really liked it. i felt ekelhaft (“disgusted†in german). i felt yucky. taking the whateverfrom a mouth of an animal, to begin with. i felt unclean. and not to talk about thatwe take things from them.
even if they have spare to give or some people raise beesfor profit for honey, even then, i feel yucky to take it. it’s like you takesomebody else’s saliva and eat it. number one. number two, milk,i never liked as a kid. my mother had my sister when i was nineor ten years old only. at that time, the war was overand we came down to the city,
and so she had to go workall day to sell cloth, material, in the shop. so she could not stay with my sister. so, she decided to give her cow milk. so, every day i made the milk for her,warm enough for her to take. and one of my cousins, she loves whatever’s left overfrom the milk. she always went there and waiting, in case some leftover milkfrom my sister.
then i also gave it to herbecause i don’t even want it. when i was a kid,i already felt it’s not clean. from the inside of an animal! would you like to take something fromsomebody else’s stomach and eat it? imagine that. that’s what i imagined. that’s why i didn’t like milk, i did not like honey, or anything that’s from animals before.
but unfortunately,my family were meat eaters. but even then,whatever i could avoid, i avoided. i didn’t take milk. i didn’t take honey. and all the way up to my adulthood. i never ate any cheese until when… germany. and then,one of those german friends, they invited meto eat some cheese with them.
that’s the first time i ever knew cheese. in ã‚u lạc (vietnam),i didn’t eat them. and then, of course,they put it already on the bread. and they all ate togetherand said, “eat it.†at first, i didn’t know it was from the milk,so i ate it. later, i knew it’s from the milk,i didn’t like it. it’s also from the stomachof something else, from animals. and i felt yuck.
i felt, “no, it’s not clean!†even when i grew up,i didn’t drink milk. and even now,i hardly eat (vegan) yogurt. i don’t. because even though it’s soya yogurt, i also don’t eat unless i really need it. like if too much antibiotics, then they tell you to eat a cup of yogurtto put back the bacteria, whatever, then i eat it,but not with gusto. because i feel…
i see the inside, there areliving beings in there, the enzymes, the bacteria –the good bacteria, still bacteria. and i feel very, “oh, god,â€i close my eyes and nose, and make it quick and drink. and even before that,when i was still vegetarian… because in india,people are vegetarian. they have the milk and it’s like that. even then,sometimes in the ashram, they served yogurtfrom the milk, from cow milk,
but all by hand and not cruelly made,in the ashram. but i still, i detected this animal qualityand i couldn’t eat. i couldn’t. so, even if i ate them,some before, not like, “oh, i enjoy it very much and i...†you know what i mean? this is the problem. even as a young child already, i had intuition thatthese things are not for me.
but after a while,in the society, and then i went to england or germany,and then people ate, and then it became liketaking it for granted that it’s normal. but whenever i think about it… if i think that it’s fromthe animal’s stomach, that’s it. i either vomit or i stop the appetiteright there. that is one thing. even when i was in new yorkin a temple as a nun, buddhist nun, at one time, i could not even eatvegetables because i felt it’s so unclean.
oh, my god! i ate only once a day. at that time, as a nun,i was strictly a nun. because nuns and monksin buddhism are supposed to eat only once a day,so i ate only once a day. even then, sometimes i had tolock my mind and think of other things instead of the vegetablethat i was eating. it’s just vegetable, pure vegan. but still i felt it was uncleanat that stage.
i felt it was very unclean. but somehow i ate it, just likewhen i eat a vegan yogurt now still. i hardly can eat it, unless i need it for some reasonwhen my stomach is bad or something. then i just eat it, only rarely. and with this feeling of disgust. i eat it with disgust. and that is the same feeling i had wheni was in new york eating vegetables. and even nowadays,
even (when) i eat those loving foods,sometimes i also feel very bad. i don’t want to. but i just eat becausethe collective karma (retribution) is still on me and makes me eat that,so i have to. just like in the company of friends,i would eat yogurt with them, with disgust. in india,they worship the cow anyway. even if they take milkfrom them, they thank them. and they touch their bodiesand put (their hand)on their forehead. that means respect.
how do the indian people know? the cows really camefrom fifth level. i guess some of the gurustold them before. that’s why many indians,most indians respect cows. but nowadays, of course,you don’t see it that much anymore, but i saw it with my eyes. that people really come, touch the cow,and put their hand on their forehead. that means it’s a sign of respect.
just like indians,they touch the feet of the guru, and then they put it on their head. or they put their headat the feet of the guru just to show respect. they show similar respectto the cows in india. even they milk them,but they show respect, too. they thank them. not the waymany other countries do. lock them up all their lives,they could not even move.
and some as young as a calf already, they lock them inso that the calf doesn’t move. so that when they slaughter them,the meat is tender and white. how cruel can it be? imagine you are locked up like thatwhen you are a child, away from your mother,the moment you were born. and we call ourselves “civilized society.†it’s barbarous. excuse me. i have no other words to describe it.
not only we’re cruel to each other,we’re cruel to animals as well. this is not right at all. so some of you asked me,“oh, the planet is saved now, we’re safe. what are we going to do next?†what a silly question! i don’t have a silly answer for you. you think your job is done?(no.) just because you stillhave the planet to sit your butt on? no!
look around you. the planet is not okay. the humans are not okay. we call the tiger a “ferocious animal,â€â€œvicious beast.†they call these meat-eater animals“ferocious,†“vicious.†call them “beast.†and what do we call ourselves? what? civilized.
we did worse things to animals. the animals, they only killwhen they’re hungry and they eat. then they’re satisfied, they stop. we kill for fun. we go hunting and we kill them. we eat more than we need. the animals in the jungle,like the tiger, the lion, they have no other choice. they have to eat the meat.
that is their food. and that’s their job to eliminatethe weak and the sick, old animals to keep the genes strong and powerful. so that they, the wild animalscan survive in the wild, being strong and robust. the job of the animals who eat otheranimals are to eliminate the weak ones. that’s why they always chase the lonely,the lagging behind, or the lame or something like that. they don’t go head-onwith the strong and robust animals.
animals,they have more intelligence, more respect for the law of the universe. they only do their job,and they kill only when they’re hungry. we kill for any reason. for profit, for gain, for oil,for fun, for whatever. and of course, for food also, but we eatmore than necessary. even to kill animals for food,the africans, we call them “tribal,â€and “how uncivilized,
third world,underdeveloped country.†when they kill an animal,they thank them. they apologize. first, they ask for permission. if they don’t say it out loud,they say it in their heart. the tribal people still do that. they say,“i have to, for my family.†and thank for their sacrifice. that’s the minimum politeness.
to treat somebodywho’s going to benefit your health. or to rescue your lifeif you need that meat to survive. he’s saving your life. so how can you treat them so cruellyfrom the beginning of their birth to the end of their life, in such a manner that no helleven can understand. so, if even not for meor for quan yin method, if you are vegetarian,that’s the right way. that’s the only way to live,
without feeling guilty in your heart. don’t you think so? (yes.) you look in the mirror every day, you know you didn’t harmany living beings, you didn’t cause any sufferingto keep yourself alive. so you look into mirror every day,you feel you’re okay. you have no partaking in this cruelty, in this bloody business,whatsoever. at least you can walk talland look into your mirror and feeling,
“you’re okay, mate.†and you’re okay, mates. and good newsfrom france. (yeah?) the french governmentdecided to create a public research platformto study the plant proteins, in order to push plant proteins in foodand other uses like glues, paints, and cosmetics. but the main part isfor food. like... (food.) they understand like,for instance, soya, they do tofu.
(for vegan, yes.) yes, and now they want to push other, the corn and so on, like(okay.) i don’t know the name. (to make more vegan available.)more vegan. yes, because they knowwe have a lot land, (yes.) and we can grow plants and so on. (yeah! grow things instead.) and this recent news now,this was created in july. yeah, wonderful!
bravo, france! one more news, the french government wants to allowpeople to set up tents and yurts, the mongolian,in any land. if someone owns land,they can. before, it was…have a tent or a ger there. yes, exactly. they can build there,but it’s for maybe for autumn. they want to have like a law(a law.) to make it official,
and people who own... own land can have? own land. they can set up (can camp.)this kind of mobile house. oh, wonderful. oh, wonderful. so you can be in franceor in europe, and set up a ger, the mongolian house. very good indeed! wow!
they aren’t against this kind anymore? just have to keep it clean, tidy,and hygienically agreeable. because the french people,they also like beauty. they don’t like messyand unhygienic environment, that’s all. sometimes, the people who live insome places or in tents, in camps, they should take care of the hygiene and their environmental issues so that the governments are not forcedto kick them out, as well.
also very sorry about that, but there are also problemsif you live in a camp area together and not hygienically taking care,and then the children will get sick. and then,it will spread in the country, and that’s also a problem. so the governmentalso has their problems, also their logic, so if people campand all these things, or anywhere, should also be careful.
very good idea! my god, the french peoplebecome more enlightened now. i’m very happy about that. so you are a specialistin good news stuff? thank you. that’s good. makes me a little happier. i follow the news every day. sometimes some terrible news,but also some good news.
it’s always mixed. anything else? i wanted to share something. yeah, share. sharing is a good virtue. i wanted to share an ideafor loving hut restaurant owners. i happen to know a little companywho is specializing in creating applications for iphonesand android phones for restaurant ownersto target their local areas.
for example, i’m an ownerof the restaurant, and i ask themto create this application for me. and i pay a one-off fee, and i can target specific postcodes and everybody in this postcode who happens to havean iphone or android phone, they receive actually live advertisingon their screen. (wow.) and let’s say,“a nutritious, delicious, loving, vegan restaurantat this beach front invites you to come,
with ten percent discount this week.†and if this person is interested,they download this application and is your customer forever. you don’t need to pay anymore, but by the push of a button, you can send themnotifications every week. “we have this…†and you can targetas many postcodes as you want. (pretty cool.)
it’s kind of like advanced technology,but you can harness it. and it’s not so expensive. it’s like to set it up, it’s likeseven hundred dollars. that’s not expensive? no, what i mean is,then it’s yours and then... (it’s forever. okay.) and then,it’s some maintenance fee, but then, i thought maybe some ownersof loving hut are interested. (yeah, can afford it.)
you can do togetherlike a group and (yeah.) may negotiate a deal,make it like half price or something. okay. yes. and another thing as well, like facebook is a huge platform,social platform. you can create a private group. well, let’s say all of us,all initiates can join and owners join, and in this way, we cancommunicate very quickly. for example, like marbella,they experience like they’re understaffed.
they need new, more people,so you can just post, make a post there and everybody gets intheir email inbox notification (they have time,they can come quick.) that, for example, they are looking, so a person on the other side of the world,initiate, maybe single, not tied up, they can come and join. or, for example, someone wants some equipment,and they’re looking for something, or someone wantsto get rid of some equipment,
or share some recipe,and in this way, we can have very, very quickcommunication between us. so cool. yes. maybe, i don’t knowif maybe office or whoever can help and just maybespread the message around the centers? so okay, “this group has been created,please join in.†and we all joined, and we all can just communicatelike instantly and be kind of up-to-date (okay.) of what’s going onaround the world.
maybe you can write this ideaon our website and people look at it. i can create it, no problem. but everybody has to be aware,they have to send their request to join in and get accepted. but it’s not for advertising purposes. it’s just for us to kind of have this networkof communication. i think it would be greatto kind of like maybe to send it to all the centers,so they can spread the message. then why don’t you send it?
yes. okay, i’ll do that. anybody else? at last, in the last minute,we have some good news. pretty good. you’re all okay then? ready to leave? happy ever after? where are you from? i’m from slovenia.
slovenia also,i haven’t seen you before. i’ve seen you. you have seen me before?(yes.) where? in the center in ljubljana. yeah? (yes.) probably too many people,i forgot or you grew differently. i only remember this guyand this guy and this guy. that’s it. nothing else? you want to talk?
oh, i’m afraid now. please, make it short. i just want to send you greetingsfrom barbara zgajner tavs, a member of the parliament in slovenia. yes. what does she want to say? she was just really happy to know you and wants to introduce more positivenews in the positive slovenia. (wonderful!) that’s the name of our parliament group,positive slovenia.
so i just want to send what she saidto me just before going to her holiday, that she would like to meet you again. tell her i say hallo.and my love, too. okay? (yes.) that i have notforgotten the meeting, and she’s a very enlightenedparliament member. and i’m glad your countryhas some like that. your country is very nice. i don’t know why i stay here. because we already havethe center and comfortable
and right in the middleof europe, so we just use it. how about slovenia? anybody likes? very small, slovenia. probably no problemif we go there. right? i’m famouswith your government already, right? some of. i guess okay, but wherever,we have to have a big land. this is too small actually,too small.
you have anything biggerthan this in slovenia? there is a group of the peoplewho have sant mat meditation. (yes, yes.) and they arelooking for the right house. (also?)they need also thirty hectares. yes. and so…(they got it already?) no, they are… (they’re looking?) they asked me if we know… if you know any thirty hectares? and if we can do ittogether even, they asked.
but anyhow,one of my colleagues, she had 27 hectares, but i think she’s in latin america now. she just disappearedfrom internet, no email, nothing, but we are searching for this land now. well, you can look for anywhere else,you don’t have to… you know, in slovenia, there was this reform after the war thatevery citizen gets something,
a little bit small,so they don’t have a big land. yeah, yeah, yeah, i saw that. yes. so, this is a problem. small country, small plot.(yes.) yeah, it’s okay, too. why not? twenty-seven, it’s rare. yes, that’s very rare. so, why don’t you hire a private detectivelooking for her in america?
it’s not that easy, huh? well, too bad, then. if you find one, let us know. maybe we’ll consider. maybe. the sant mat people,do they need so big a land there? what for? that many people?(they have, they have.) a lot in slovenia? they have strong promotion.
so people are coming and going, but the problem thereis government again. what about government? no, i mean their hierarchy insidethe meditation group. there is some hierarchy. there is some special woman who some people like,some people don’t like. i don’t know why there is this(don’t like what?) human factor. there’s also one woman
that people don’t like andshe’s a strong woman there? (yes.) she’s supposedto be the leader of the group? (yes. yes.) well, nobody canlike everybody all the time. (yes.) it’s like a president, only half a country votesfor him, it’s still okay. here also,somebody doesn’t like me, he doesn’t like me,he doesn’t like me, he doesn’t like me, she doesn’t like me,she doesn’t like me…
maybe half like, half not like.(i don’t think so.) don’t think so? you like me, yeah? yes. we love you. that’s why you keep coming. so, that’s it, huh, group?
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