peruvian cuisine is one of the most diversein the world. distinct influences come from its three main geographical zones – thecoast, the jungle and the andean highlands and various immigrant cultures. what you findis a melting pot of flavors receiving international recognition. peruvians are proud of theircuisine and for good reason. in this video we try to explore as many different kindsof peruvian foods as possible. with only three weeks in lima we had our work cut-out forus given the diversity of things to try. what exactly did we sample? well, we ate churros,picarones, turron, ceviche, tejas, cremoladas, tamales, pan con chicharron, alfajores, cuy,king kong, mazamorra marada, pisco sour, inca kola, doã±a pepa, kamote, sublime, chichamorada and besos de moza just to name a few.
the following is a compilation of individualtaste tests making up this peruvian food guide. so today we are on a food mission. we arelooking for a place called manolo and we're going to be eating some churros. let's goeat. so getting there is half the journey. nowthe other half is going to be eating it. and here we are - manolo's! so we went all out here and got one of each.so this is the one with chocolate, vanilla and dulce de leche. talk about a trio. i know.just for me. so in case you've never tried churro beforeit is just a deep-fried dough with like a hole in the middle so i guess you can fillit up with something really sweet and tasty.
so the one i'm having right now has dulcede leche. mmmm. oh my gosh, that's warm and gooey andsweet. so do you think it is fresh out of the oven? oh, it definitely is. wow! decisions, decisions, decisions. the decisionsi have to make in life. okay, i'll go with chocolate. mmmmm. his eyes are closed. that's a good sign. you'retotally right about it being freshly made. i can taste the warm gooeyness of that chocolateinside. you're not getting a bite of that. last but not least, vanilla! mmmm. it is like a vanilla pudding or like the fillingyou get inside the boston cream donuts. mmmm.
i still think i like this one better though- dulce de leche. it's my number one. so that was a very delicious snack and itwasn't very expensive at all. i lost my receipt but i think i paid somewhere near twelve soleswhich would be around four dollars for those three very tasty, very sweet churros. highlyrecommended. so seriously, it is probably a good idea thatwe're walking home right now. i honestly could have had about five more of those dulce deleche churros. and we've got more food videos coming soon. so it is lunchtime here in lima and todaywe are at a local restaurant in miraflores.
it is called el punto azul and we are goingto be trying the peruvian national dish ceviche. and judging by how packed this place is ihave really high expectations. we had to come and sit up on the second floor. our food has arrived. i couldn't be more excited.what do we have? yeah. that was certainly worth the wait. so right now we have cevicheover here and it comes with onions, sweet potatoes and also giant yellow corn. and look over to this side and we have somethingcalled causa. which is made with yellow sweet potato and there is some kind of seafood inthe middle. you know what - that almost looks too cuteto eat. it is shaped just like a fish.
so the big question. what is ceviche? it isactually a seafood dish. it is raw fish and it is cured with lemon juice and it is alsoserved with a few spices and some onions. so i'm taking my first bite. mmmm. that is so good. i think it is better thansushi honestly. that is amazing. second bite. nice and lemony citrusy. so good. and nowi usually have to tell you this but please leave some for me too. so for my first bite i'm going to try minewith some aji. oh, go easy on that. how is it? it's just so amazing. for me itis like enhanced sashimi. just all of the preparation they put into that sour sauceis just so good.
one thing i've absolutely been loving sincewe've come to lima is this giant sized corn. these kernels are massive. check it out. thoseare big. okay, so our next dish is causa. let's digin. i almost feel guilty eating this it is sobeautifully presented. look at that. sorry, little fish. sorry. that is seriously good. i can taste a lotof different ingredients there. so the big mystery over here is we're tryingto decide what is actually in this dish. okay. and what do you think? so causa, it is madewith yellow mashed potatoes. i asked for the one that comes with seafood and it also lookslike it has some avocado and mayonnaise. so
it is really tasty. oh, yeah. oh, yeah. and for our drink we're having something thatis called chicha morada. and it is a juice made from purple corn. very tasty. highlyrecommended. this is the best i've ever had. like they've put some extra spices and ingredients.it has got a real kick to it. i don't know what is in it but. it is really sweet andreally refreshing. especially on a hot day like today. well now that we've finished all of the fishwe're left with nothing but lemon juice. but the good news it tastes delicious. it's amazing.you know what it kind of tastes a bit like
tom yum. tom yum soup from thailand. thissauce down here. i have no idea what we were thinking orderinga third plate of food. like this is just ridiculous. we're already full. what have we got? i thinkwe went a little overboard. this is basically breaded and deep-fried seafood, so there isa little mix of everything. we have some pieces of fish. some shrimp. and other things thati just don't recognize so we'll have to go for it. take a bite and taste it i guess. and what are those? they look like giant potatowedges? well, this is called yucca. and it is kind of like a root or a potato. it isvery fiberous and you eat it like french fries basically. this is a fried yucca. it looksstarchy. yeah.
i really like these. so someone still had room for dessert. honestly,i don't know what the heck i was thinking. this is one of the biggest meals i've hadin a long time. but when they brought that dessert tray over with all of those differentpostres i just could not contain myself. this looks amazing. we don't even know technicallywhat it is called but it has got dulce de leche. it has got nuts and it has got chocolate,so it is going to be really good i'm sure. and a slight correction over here. that wascoconut not nuts. oh my gosh that is so good. so so decadent. i'm sure it has got a zillioncalories. so total cost. that meal came to 118 soleswhich would be roughly around forty dollars
and that included drinks. we got three dishesand one dessert to share so it was a lot of food. we are beyond stuffed and everythingwas delicious. well, hello! today we are doing a peruviantaste test. and we're going to be trying a few different chocolates, snacks, chips andjust things we've found in a supermarket. we basically raided the aisles at wong's whichis the biggest supermarket here in peru and picked up random stuff that looked peruvian,look authentic. so we're going to be sampling that and giving you our thoughts. so first up i'm trying something called chiflesand it looks like it is going to be sliced bananas or sliced plantain and chip form.so let's open that. use those big muscles
of yours. oh, yeah. that was relatively easy.that is what it looks like. a salty banana chip. it makes a nice snack. i think if you'reat a bar waiting for your beer to get there you can be snacking on these and some peanuts.pretty good. thumbs up for chifles. alright, i'm trying chin chin. chiny freakin'chin. so i have no idea what these are. i'm guessing cookies. and it looks like they mayhave some sparkles on them, so let's open it up. let's open it up. yep, i was rightand they are shaped liked. i mean it is round shaped. it looks like a cookie. time to tryit. mmmm. would you like a cup of tea with that? i could use some. you know what, sincecoming to peru i've been quite dehydrated. it is really humid here, so i could use anysource of water. but yeah, these are good.
definitely sweet and you taste the chocolateand you really taste the sprinkles. it is not an overpowering taste though so a nicelittle cookie to have maybe as an afternoon snack. approved. so next up i'm trying andean native potatochips. so according to the back these are going to be multi-colored potato chips. soi'm expecting purple potato chips here. i bet they are going to be dark purple. thatwould be my guess- dark purple almost black. okay, there is two different kinds in thebag. i'm going to show you. look at this? so there is like red and white potato chips.it looks kind of like sweet potato and then purple and white potato chips. i was totallywrong i was thinking a really dark kind of
black potato chip. they almost look like they'vebeen dyed with a few droplets of color but this is all natural people. these are realpotatoes. okay, the purple one tastes like a regular potato chip. the flavour doesn't.or the colour doesn't change the flavor rather. next up, inca kola. and i must say you'renot going to find too many colas around the world that are yellow in color. so let's crackthis open here. so this is what the incas used to drink right sam? oh yeah, of course.you know when they were bottling their beverages back in the day mass producing them. of coursethat is what they had. alright. you know what, this is not my first time to try this andi have to say that most colas around the world, like i mean by specialty colas that are uniqueto certain countries, i tend not to like.
but i really like this inca kola. the reasonbeing is that it is not too fizzy or carbonated and when you drink it, it is really reallyrefreshing on a hot day. and most days in lima are hot this time of year. so does ittaste like fanta, ginger ale or any other kind of drink you've had before. no, honestlyit doesn't. it really has its own unique flavour and so i can't even really compare it to something.maybe sort of like a light cream soda but that is about all i can compare it to. so next up i found a candy that is calledperita, which means little pear. and even the shape of the candy like it looks likea little pear and it is coloured like yellow and red. it is cute like a little pear. littlemulti-coloured pear. there must be like a
hundred candies in here. show me. i don'tthink we can finish all of this. oh, gosh. we're going to have to share with our relatives.okay, i'm going to try my little pear. i think it looks like hard candy. i thought it mightbe a little gummy at first but. let's see that. very cute. red on one side. yellow onthe other. the perfect time to model my manicure. you did just get a manicure. why don't youtell us about that while you're eating it. mmmm. this tastes like banana. the yellowside is banana for sure. interesting. what does it say? it says it is flavored like pearsguys. this tastes like banana in my mouth. maybe our taste buds are little off. now howabout that manicure you just had? pink. cua cua! quack, quack, quack! so i think thiswafer or chocolate bar here is named after
the sound of the duck. and you can see a prettycool duck. i think it is like you know skateboarding here. it's acting all hipster. so let's seehow this tastes. let's see how this tastes. yeah, it is definitely a wafer. so let's tryit. mmmm. yeah, that is your standard chocolate covered wafer. and compared to a lot of otherwafers i've tried this has a pretty decent layer of chocolate. so if you're looking foryour chocolate fix this is the wafer for you. okay, so this is my next treat. it is calleddoãƒâ±a pepa. and i'm guessing it is a cookie. i don't know. i just bought it. let's unveilthe product. ooh la lah. or maybe it is chocolate? woah. i'm dropping all of the sprinkles onthe floor. what are those? are those sprinkles? yeah. okay, let's take a bite. i think itis a cookie. mmmm, okay. there we go. so it
is a cookie. it has chocolate in the middle.the whole cookie is then bathed in chocolate and it has got sprinkles all over the extrerior.and it tastes. and it is really sugary. but i like the crunch of the sprinkles. it's afun treat. and here i've got my camote chips which aresweet potato chips. that's what you've told me. yes. i wouldn't lie. and this is the wongbrand. so you said these. this is one of the biggest supermarkets in peru? in lima? so,oh yeah, i can totally tell these are sweet potato chips. check these out. you can totallytell they are sweet potatoes. wow, those are very very crunchy chips. um, i think typicallywhen you eat sweet potatoes you sort of associate them with being rather sweet. these are notsweet. they're salty. so it is kind of an
alternative to a potato chip. i think it isa little bit of an acquired taste. i wouldn't say it is my favourite right now but. haveanother bite, maybe it will be. yeah, not bad. there he has acquired the taste. hahaha.oh, my! alright, so next up is something called inkacorn and it is ginormous corn all the way from cusco. and this bag is cheese flavored.so let's dig in. so is that queso? yeah, sam has been working on his spanish eh. yeah,i've expanded my vocabulary from like five to ten words. okay. look at that. look atthe size of the kernels. gosh, those are huge. let's put it up by your finger nail so wecan get a. oh, it is bigger than your finger nail. bigger than your thumbnail. that's crazy.i have to sneeze. go ahead. i'm okay, i'm
okay. it is just the cheese powder on thecorn. it's that strong? woah. clogged up your nostrils for a second. just for a second.okay. have you ever had corn nuts in canada? have you ever tried that snack? i've had that.it smells like from the distance i'm at. it smells a lot like corn nuts. oh, yeah. soi think i might like those. i think you need to chew these rather carefully. like they'requite hard. i almost feel like you could break a tooth. you can hear the crunch? can youhear the crunch? oh yeah. yeah, they are a nice little snack. i've actually seen thatbeing served at the bar or like at a restaurant before you get your main meal they bring youa little bowl and it is called canchita. it is just the giant corn kernels. so, yeah.
so next up this is our assorted potato chipbag and we've got all kinds. we've got regular, we've got sweet potato. we've got somethingcalled yucca and we have - what is the other one? i think beetroot. maybe beetroot. let'sopen this up. it should be an assortment of colors. if you can look into here. have alook. yeah, you can see all of the different colours. look at that. so i'm going to tryto find. i already did a sweet potato. i'm going to try to find one of the purple ones.oh, i've got one. so here is the purple one. would this be the beetroot one? maybe. maybe.let's try it. really salty. okay, yeah. that definitely has a bit of kick to it. it's justdifferent from regular potato chips. it's like really hard to explain. it tastes somuch similar to sort of a regular potato chip
but it just got like that little tangy taste.i don't really know what it is to be perfectly honest. next one. alright, let's try one more.okay, i'm not sure what this is. i would guess regular potato. you know what i think thatmight be the yucca one. yeah. yeah. it has a more of a fibrous taste. it's pretty goodthough. i like that one more. time for the chocolate bar. this one is calledsublime. and it is white chocolate. i've only ever had the regular milk chocolate so thisshould be interesting. and i know the regular milk chocolate comes with nuts. like peanuts.so i imagine this one will too. you can see the logo. dadadah. you can see the chunksof peanut. mmmm. that's good. it's not like high quality chocolate but for a regular milkchocolate bar ido enjoy sublime.
so next up we have chicha which is purplecorn. and this is one of our favourite refreshing drinks to have here in lima. and so now we'regoing to try it in candy form. crack that open. and do you know something i've beennoticing about peruvian snacks and candy that i really like. and that is that the bags areeasy to open. it doesn't. like some bags from since we've been back in canada. it's likea. you have to get scissors just to get them open. these just boom open in one shot whichis awesome. alright, so these are the candies. they are called chica morada. yep. okay, let'stry the chicha morada. yeah, they are quite small. alright, so it is kind of shaped likea halls or something. like one of those cough candies and a yeah, it is purple. just likethe purple corn it is made out of. that's
really good. it tastes very similar to thedrink so i really like the drink, so i really like this. it is sweet. it has a little bitof a. it has a corn taste. it also has a bit of a spiciness taste. i'm not sure what kindof ingredients they put in to give that kind of kick but i really like it. mmmmm. so next we've got sublime or sublime. andi'm going to try to read these ingredients. chocolate con leche con mani which means milkchocolate with peanuts. alright, let's open this up. so yeah, it's a kind of a thick chocolate.you can see it. chunky chocolate bar. chunky chocolate bar. let's try that. mmmm. thatis pretty decent chocolate. i mean, i can't compare it to and say it is as good as europeanchocolate but it surprisingly better than
i thought. and i haven't had chocolate inquite a while, so yeah i'm enjoying this. another bite. mmm. i love those peanuts. so next up we've got besos de moza which apparentlyaccording to translation is kisses from a girl or kisses from a mistress. and you knowwhat, these look so similar to something we've had before in israel called krembo. so a shoutoutto our friends in isreal. all our isreali friends who like krembos. we're going to seeif this is like a krembo or not. it looks exactly like one. alright, now it is timeto try this bad boy. so should i attack it from the top or from the bottom? i think itis supposed to be from the top if i remember correctly. mmmmm. yeah, look at that marshmallow.mmmm. i think this is the treat i've enjoyed
the most so far. this is really sweet. andyeah it is a right up there with a krembo. i wouldn't say it is better but it is rightup there. now find the cookie. alright, so that means i need to attack from the bottom.there isn't much of a cookie. it's a real real tiny layer. look at that. it's not crunchyat all. wow, that is pretty good. yum. probably my favourite snack of all the ones i've triedtoday. we can tell by the crumbs on your lips. audrey. yes. which one was your favourite?alright, so this was my favourite. dona pepa. and that was the cookie with the sprinklesall over. i just thought it was a really fun snack. really colorful. really tasty. i likesweet stuff. look at you going in for another bite. hahaha. i actually am. i'm like eyingit. let's just have another small bite. it's
really good. that was my favorite. and i actuallydidn't have a least favorite. like i thought all of the treats were pretty tasty. yeah,i think that is a wrap. so what were your favorites and least favorite?so alright, i had two favorites. one of them being inca kola. that is just a cola i reallylike. it is super refreshing. it is delicious. and on a hot day you can't beat it. and theother one i really like was the besos de moza because i love krembos and i love those too.that marshmallow and chocolate combo is a winning winning winning combo. now, in termsof what i didn't like the sweet potato chips were a little bit dissapointing. i was kindof hoping for something a little sweeter. they were salty and to be perfectly honesti prefer regular potato chips, so that is
something i could probably you know not necessarilyhave again. and look who we have - a third person to tastetest. it's maki. maki the pooch. maki the pooch. yes, you get back to scratching. youget back to scratching. alright, and that's a wrap. that's our peruviansnack food taste test. and please let us know in the comments if you've tried any of thesefoods. what was your opinion? was there anything we left out. was there something we couldhave added into the mix. please let us know in the comments section below. toodles. well, hello there! so this afternoon we are at parque kennedyand we are here for some dessert. we've been
eating like pigs all day long but there isstill a bit of room left for a little something sweet, so we're going to try picarones. look at this - i already have a bee followingme because of the honey. isn't that amazing? woah. and we thought about getting two orders.haha. this will be plenty. alright, so here we have our dessert. theseare picarones and they are like fried rings. fried dough made with sweet potato and pumpkinand they have a sweet honey drizzled all over. and they're uniquely peruvian cuisine. oh,yes. so i'm just going to go for it and take abite. dig right in. mmmmm. these are so fresh. wow. really fluffyand airy. can you taste that honey? oh, yeah.
i sure can. and like they are so light i'vealready finished half of one. i understand why they give you five. you can just devourthem in a few minutes. and we've got a guest who is interested as well. hi, kitty. hello,mr. meowzers. so as i mentioned previously, this is a uniquelyperuvian dish. and as such there isn't an english equivalent. i suppose we could callit a peruvian doughnut with honey. and so that is what we're going with. and this ismy first bite. my first time to ever try this so i am really excited. i am sopping it upin honey. woo hoo!. honey syrup. let's try this. oh my gosh. that is so good. you know whatit reminds me of? it kind of reminds me of
a oversaturated waffle with maple syrup orhoney. it's like where you pour like three times as much as you actually need on thewaffle and then you eat it. this is what it tastes like right here. mmmm. i don't mess around when i eat food. whatcan i say. so this tasty dessert only cost us five soles.that would be one sole for each donut that we've already eaten. that is pretty affordable actually with theexchange rate it would be about a dollar seventy-five and you do get a lot of food for that. so if you're looking to pair this sweet treatwith a little beverage you can get something
called chicha which is a purple corn juicethat goes perfectly with it. so there are five of these but only two ofus. so who gets that third one? we split it down the middle sam. oh, i don't agree withthat. sleepy kitty. meow. meow. meow. meow. there are hundreds of cats in this park. lookhere is another one. meow. meow. that was a delicious sweet treat and we'regoing to be back at this park again very soon to film some more street food. so we are back at our favourite park onceagain. this is parque kennedy and we are here for dessert. what else. so today we are goingto be sampling something that is called turrãƒâ³n.
so part of reason we like coming here areall of the cats. there must be hundreds of them and they are so friendly. they just wantto be scratched and petted. look there is another one coming up right behind you. oh,hello. hello, cat. look at you. you're a sweet one. you're still a kitten. oh, it is sittingon me. i've made a new friend. hi, cat. hello, cat. so what have you got over here? okay, so weended up getting two different things. this is called turrone. and over here, oh my goodness,it already got stuck to my leg. this giant thing over here is called torreja. so they look kind of different but they areboth actually made with the same ingredients.
so all this is is deep-fried flower and thenthey drizzle honey over top. sounds good enough to me? yeah. let's try it. the first bite.the first bite. big moment here. here we go. it looks sticky. i think you bit off a littlemore than you can chew there. this is interesting. it's getting stuck to my teeth. a little difficultto talk right now but the honey kind of has an orange flavor to it. and also it is a lotstickier than honey. i wonder if it is more of a marmalade. kind of an orange marmalade.do you think, maybe? maybe. they told me honey but i don't know. no honey for the bunny.mmmm. it is nice. really crsipy. the dough itself is really not really very flavorfulbecause i mean it is just flour but the honey that is what you can taste. the orange flavouredhoney. want to have some?
alright, it is my turn. oh, you can take abigger bite than that. i don't want to get all of that sticky stuff all over my face.we don't have any napkins out here. this probably looks more like french frieswith like ketchup drizzled all over them but in fact this is the second dessert we're goingto be trying. and i've noticed since we've come to lima that cakes and other things tendto have these little doughy bits. crunchy doughy bits and so let's try it here. likei don't see myself breaking it off with my hand. i'm just going to take a bite. mmmm. that is good. you know what, i think i actuallyprefer this one to the big pizza shaped one i had.
similar flavour to the previous one. moreor less the same thing. just kind of slightly different. you know what? it kind of tasteslike fruit loops. when you really chew on it for a while it is like really sugary fruitloops. maybe that is why we like it so much. we grew up eating fruit loops. fruit loopsguys. fruit loops. peruvian fruit loops. so how much did today's dessert cost? well,this was probably our cheapest street food / dessert that we've had since we've cometo peru. this one came to three soles each. so that is a dollar for each of those deliciouslittle snacks we had. so you know, if you're on a budget you can really load up on those. so we're just going to go for a little walkaround the park and then we're going to head
home for more food. whal else. all we do iseat. meow, meow, meow. oh, look at that. meow,meow, meow little kitty. you're a cute one aren't you. oh, it is purring. i can feelit purring. hi kitty. hi kitty. so today we're going to be trying somethingcalled alfajores. and this is something you can find throughout south america but it variesfrom country to country. so today we're having peruvian alfajores, so i'm going to open thebox for a big reveal. and we've ordered a few different varieties. wow, that looks awesome.we're very used to the argentinian ones. yeah. so what i've found particularly fascinatingupon researching alfajores is that it has arabic origins. then it made its way to spainand now it has become immensely popular all
over south america. right, so this is the original which i'm goingto be trying first. so it is basically two layers of a crumbly cookie. let's zoom inon that. it has. you can zoom in. it has manjar blanco in the middle which is kind of likedulce de leche. it is a milk caramel. it is very sweet. and then it has like a white powderysugar like icing sugar on top. it looks like a very generous amount of the dulce de leche.so this is a miniature version of the original alfajor and it is what i'm trying first. bitesized. mmmm. those are really nice. up to standard? mmmm.nice and sugary. i think it would be nice
for breakfast or for a little snack. heck,maybe even dinner. i could see you eating that for dinner. you like your sweets. itis really nice. alright, i'm also going to have the originalone. and alfajores kind of have a special place in my heart because during our weddingone of the things we made together as a family with audrey's family is a huge batch of alfajoreswhich we ate of course and shared to our guests. so high expectations here and it does havesome positive memories for me as well. mmmm. one big bite. that's pretty good. okay, so i'm interested in having this onenext because it looks like chocolate. let's hold that up. i'll zoom in. oh yeah, it'sgot a chocolate layer.
okay. i'm trying to figure out what the fillingis. do you think it might be a dark fruit of some sort kind? maybe like a plum. nota plum but a date. a date filling? i think. no, it's chocolate-y. i think maybe they tookthe manjar blanco that we had for the other one and just added some chocolate and mixedit together. that would be my guess. and the cookie is chocolate. how does it compare tothe original? i think i prefer the original personally. but this is nice as well, it isvery tasty. and mysterious. so you got a little excited about the nextone. well, we were shooting a photo for our cover photo image of this video and i justgot a little carried away. i was just planning on having my teeth on it but my brain. mysubconscious brain took over and basically
forced me to have a bite. okay, first 'unofficial bite' over here. yeah,that is really nice. it kinds of reminds me of the original alfajor but the big differencehere is that it has a crunchier exterior and if you see over on this side it is coveredin what appears to be walnuts. how about the cookie dough? does it also havenuts? is it crunchy? yeah, it is definitely crunchier than the original one which is morelike a thin cookie. alright, and then we are down to one. theone and only lonely one. so it is my turn. i believe this one has honey. that is whati was told. it looks sticky. it looks big. oh, my gosh. look at that. okay, it is likea triple one. so triple layered alfahor. dude,
it is spilling all over the place. let's get a really good zoom in on that. likethat is just...woah. that is some serious, serious topping overflow there. and the taste?well, that is not your average honey that is for sure. it's really thick and sticky.i've had it in a few other peruvian desserts but i still don't know what it is made outof. yeah, it has a stronger flavor than regular honey. would you care to have a bite and tell meyour thoughts? maybe you can decipher the great mystery. alright, the things that audrey makes me do.the things i do in front of the camera. oh
my gosh. i'm just kidding. this is awesome.first bite here. woah, i probably should have had a smallerbite. yeah, that kind of reminds me of the turron sauce honey. i have a feeling thatmaybe it mixed with some kind of date or possibly a kind of marmalade because yeah it just doesn'thave a pure honey taste in my opinion. so we picked up this little goodie box fromla casa del alfajor which translates to the house of the alfajor. and a yeah, it was agreat little goodie box but i guess what sort of surprised me was that i ended up likingthe original the most. how about you? same. loved the original. so i guess the take home message for todayis don't mess with that awesome classic good
flavor. so this afternoon we're at a place calledcremoladas curich. yep, got the name right and we're trying a kind of like icy cold dessertcalled cremolada. and basically this is shaved ice, finely shaved ice and then it is toppedwith like a juice or a syrup that has like a tropical fruit flavor. so i've chosen chichamorada which is a purple corn. and sam over here has chosen lucuma. so we'regoing to being try these. very local flavours. oh, yeah. very much so. just mixing it around. ice cold. purple goodness.ready for my first bite. this is purple corn. mmmm. it tastes. it doesn't taste like corn.it tastes more like syrup. purple syrup? i
mean, like what would you call this back athome? it that like a kind of a slushie. a slushie! there you go. it's a slushie. soi'm having a purple corn slushie. do you actually like it? so, so? yeah, i mean it is ice. flavoredice. it's okay. what can i say. so i've got something called lãƒâºcuma. andit is a local fruit which i've kind of fallen in love with since being in peru. i mean youcan't really describe what a fruit tastes like. a mango tastes like a mango, a peachtastes like a peach, and a lucuma tastes like a lucuma. so let's try it here. it is definitely sweet. it has that sweettropical taste, so i can say that. this one
seems really thick. i really like that. ihave a feeling that mine is quite a bit thicker than yours. if you just look down at it hereyou can see that it is really thick. and you can really taste the fruit. it has definitelybeen sweeten but it is not overpowering. the fruit tastes really comes out so i'm actuallyreally enjoying this right now. so it is nothing out of the ordinary but ifyou're in lima on a really hot day this is definitely a very refreshing little slushiedrink and in terms of costs. those buses! in terms of costs it was five soles and seventycents which is less than two dollars. so not a bad deal. it is actually kind of getting chilly hereso i'm cold eating this. i can't believe you're
wearing a sweater. i'm wearing a t-shirt andshorts and i think this is perfect weather. so it is time to get back home before audreysuffers from hypothermia. you know it is only like twenty-five degrees outside or something.pish posh. it must be like eighteen and i'm freezing. so this afternoon we are at the love parkhere in lima and we're going to be doing yet another taste test. we're trying somethingthat is called tejas and chocotejas. this is a dessert that comes from ica and thereare two different varieties. so first up we're going to be trying tejas,which is a sweet. the exterior is covered in white sugar and then the inside has somethinginside called manjar blanco which is similar
to dulce de leche which is like a milky caramel.it is really sweet. some of them are filled with nuts, filled with different fruits, sowe're going to try one. so i'm first up here with the pecan tejas.you can see over here. pecanas. i think according to you this should be white. it should be.oh, wow it is. it should be coated in white sugar. wow! it's almost got that sliminess.oh my gosh, i'm getting my hands all sticky. i think that is because i put it in the fridge.it really shouldn't be slimey. okay. oh my gosh. that is so sweet. tasty. show us whatit looks like? it is just loaded with sugar. it's almost like eating icing with caramelinside and nuts of course. pecans. mmmm. i really like this.
so next up i'm trying a chocotejas, so unlikesam's which was coated in a white sugar the chocotejas is actually coated in chocolatelike the name suggests. and this one is lemon flavoured. and you know what? it is a differentshape. yeah, it is more like. it looks like more of a square. let's take a bite. mmmmmm. i was expecting it to be really sourbecause of the lemon but it is really not. it is still really sweet, so you have themanjar blanco, which is the caramel. i'm just going to zoom in on that. and then you cankind of see the lemon. it is like the lemon skin and they've turned it into a kind ofmarmalade. and yeah, it is not sour at all. this is great.
i like it. so next up i'm having chocolate tejas conleche con mani. and mani means peanuts, so i'm excited about this one. just judging bytouching it right now this one is even slimier than the one before. okay, it was in the fridge.whoops. just trying to break that off so i don't have any paper on it. and again thisshape is different from the two we've tried previously. so i like my peanuts so i havehigh expectations. oh man, that is like a snicker's bar on steroids.that is like so so tasty. really good quality chocolate and just a massive generous amountof caramel. and then you've got the great big peanuts that i'm biting into too, so imean this for me is about as close as it gets
to being a perfect chocolate bar. and last but not least we have one calledchocotejas pasas borrachas. and pasas borachas means drunk raisins so i'm assuming they'vebeen soaked in some kind of alcohol. we like our drunk food. so let's unveil. we sure dolike our drunk food. there we have it. okay, it is chocolate covered. i haven't found anyraisins yet. no drunkenness? no, raisins. oh, okay at the bottom. show me. i think thereis some kind of raisin paste. oh, no there is a raisin. show me. where? oh, we foundit. we discovered the raisin. there we go. so you've got to take a bite with the raisinnow. come on, do it properly. oh, that's a drunk raisin for sure. that's been soakedin alcohol for a long time. like drunk drunk?
partying all night long raisin? i would sayso, yeah. it's really good. i think this is actually my favorite one so far. alright, to wrap things up. what i reallyliked about those was that each and every one was really unique and different. not onlyin shape but in taste and texture. some of them reminded me of fudge whereas others remindedme more of eating like a chocolate turtle. and in terms of pricing each of those costs3 soles and 50 cents, so perhaps a little pricy in terms of a small treat but it wasgourmet chocolate with the best of ingredients. now to take footage of the guy on the tightrope. so we thought we were going to be ending thatvideo with the food but we've got some paragliding
to show you. so we are back at manolo, a restaurant thatwe've already been to a couple of times before. and the reason we are here is because theother day we were walking by and we saw that they have the biggest sandwich in the world.it is literally like this high and we're going to eat it. oh, yes. gracais. whoops. you cankeep filming. you are supposed to be talking. gracias. one of the more embarrassing things to admitabout our travels is that when we find a place we really really like we tend to come backagain and again. and sometimes we feel a little bit guilty because we think we should be tryingmore spots but this manolo place is so awesome
we're back here yet again. this is for certain the biggest sandwich we'veever had. i think there might be six layers of bread here. can you count that for us. well, some are double layers so we actuallyhave 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 slices of bread. so the thing is how do we actually attackthis sandwich. like this thing is a behemoth. i'm starting in the middle where the avocadois located because that is what i like in a sandwich. so i don't think i've ever eaten a sandwichwith a fork ana knife before but this is so
massive and so messy that it seems like theonly way. you're already spilling it. it's good. oh, yeah. so i'm attempting to pick this sandwich upand maybe take a bite out of it. i don't even know how i'm going to attack it here. um.alright. i guess i'll just dig in. i've got it all over my face. but you knowwhat. i went right for the egg and the avocado and that is amazing. mmmm. so can you tell us what kind of ingredientswe had in this monster sandwich? well, it is a really eclectic blend. likethere is avocado, there is chicken breast, there is hotdog and i think i tasted a littlebit of sweet potato. then you've got all of
the other kinds of regular things you'd findin a sandwich like tomatoes, lettuce and what not. but it is just a super loaded sandwich.if there is only one thing i could change i think i would go with whole grain breadinstead of white. this piece of pie kind of reminds me of theemerald city in the wizard of oz. i am wondering if mr. oz lives right on top here. and this is what i really came for - lemonmeringue pie. it is the biggest slice i have ever seen in my entire life. and lemon meringuepie is my favorite so i'm pretty excited about this dish. ho ho ho. i'm going to dig in. oh, this is impossible.this is impossible. got enough meringue on
your spoon? i think so. ready. oh my gosh. pie-tastic? fluffy. it'slike biting into a sugar cloud. it's amazing. i'm just about to destroy the wizard of oz'shome. he's way up top in his tower here. and i am very sorry, i just knocked it down. you're right, that is the lightest, fluffiestmeringue of all -time which just dissolves as soon as you put it right into your mouth.it is amazing. so that was a rather affordable meal. thesandwich which was called the pijama sandwich was 18 soles. that is six dollars. and thelemon meringue pie was 12 soles which worked out to be four dollars. so we ate a lot, weshared it and it was a really affordable meal.
so good morning from lima. we've been showingyou guys a lot of street food, a lot of traditional meals but today we're bringing you into thehome to show you what a peruvian breakfast looks like. and that is what i got right here. today weare sampling two traditional breakfasts. we're going to be having tamales (which is whatyou see over here) and we're also having something called pan con chicharrãƒâ³n, so let's justdig in because i'm starving. this is my favourite food item tamale. andit is time for the big unveil. so here we have the dish and i am so excitedto dig in. so in case you're not too familiar with tamales it is actually a starchy corndough which is wrapped in a plantain leaf
and then it is either steamed or boiled. youcan get it with different kinds of meats so we ordered chicken and pork today and by thelooks of it this is the chicken and it also has got some black olives in there. so i'mgoing to dig right in. alright, i'm zooming right in for the foodmoney shot here. this is breaking apart, man. it is still warm from the market. this isamazing. freshly made. your uncle just picked that up didn't he? hurray, for coco! and the thing is i love these so much thati can finish a whole one by myself. sometimes they get even bigger ones that are like asize like a big block or a big square. i can just devour that. i know, i've seen you doit. there is the olive. let's get a close
up shot of that. okay, or not. next bite canwe get a little close up of your fork. ooh, la lah. so yeah, this is a really nice savory andstarchy dish. it is a really nice way to start the day because it is a very hearty breakfast,it fills you up for the rest of the day and it just tastes so good. man, i'm going tohave one more bite. i'll be lucky if i get one bite of that. yeah. it's all mine. mmmm.you going to have one more bite for the fans? i'm good. hahaha. so sam what are you having for breakfast today?for my peruvian breakfast, i am having pan con chicharron. and if that is not a handfulenough of a word this looks like a pretty
big sandwich. look at what we've got here.so, i'm going to open it up for you guys here. what it appears to have is onions and a generousportion on the other side of the patty of sweet potatoes which are called kamote. andi have to say about the sweet potatoes here in peru, they are especially sweet and goodquality. mmm. and what about the meat? so the meat is pork and it is called chicharrãƒâ³nbecause it is really nice and crispy. ooh, lah lah. it sounds like the perfect sandwichto me. alright, my favorite part of every food video- the first bite. mmmm, yeah. that meat is amazing and when you pair it with the sweetpotato that is an all-time winning combo. i love this. i could eat this for breakfast,lunch, dinner, snack, whatever. mmmm.
and this looked too good so i wanted to tryit as well because i'm hungry that way. is that your way of basically kicking me offas a presenter. more or less, right? mmmm. that is a winning combination. this may bemy new favorite breakfast item actually. wow! it just knocked off the other item, the tamales? give me a second to finish chewing. alright,so what i like about this one is that you have the savoury pork - the chicharron - thenyou've got the sweet potatoes but also the onions in the sandwich have been soaked inlemon so there is a nice sourness to it. so you have all of these flavours mixing togetherand it is just like a party in my mouth. and the quality of the bun is really good too.so yeah, you put those nice ingredients. that
sour, sugary ingredients with a nice qualitybun. it is so good. oh man, i know. and that is supposed to be mine. so um, you're onlygetting one more bite. it better be a big one then. make it worthwhile. that's what is left. we've had a very patient third member in thisfood video. dog maki. and i like to refer to this cute little dog as the goose of silly.it has so much energy and when we bring it to the table to give it a little bit - isit chicharron? -he is going to be over the moon excited. let's go get him. he's got quitethe appetite. let's go get him. maki. maki. maki. come on.
oh, you cute little pouch poo. sam, only onepiece. one more. you don't want to make him sick. he's got really good catching abilities.watch this. look at that. no, maki this one is mine. is he in his franticpoodle mode? no, baby. you can't sorry. no, baby. you can't have any. it is not good for you.it's a tough life isn't it maki? it's a tough life. it's a tough life. what do we have here? well, it's time foranother taste test. and the dog maki seems rather interested. so i've got a bit of a raspy voice going onbut that is not going to stop me from trying
some sweets. so today for our taste test we'vehaving some called king kong. i've never had this before but just by readingthe box it looks like it is cookies filled with manjar de blanco which is like that brownmilk caramel, some kind of pineapple marmalade or pineapple sweet and then peanuts. so, amassive dessert. i think that is how it gets the name king kong. and we're going to betrying it. and the dog maki also wants some. you want some too maki? you want some too? so, i'm sure you can buy this homemade butwe've got the packaged variety over here. someone in the family already dug in. butthis is basically what it looks like. and we've got someone else in the family who wantssome more. yes, a big block of cake. that
is what it looks like. that is massive. let'shope we can get some before the dog takes it all. no, maki. alright, and this is a slice of the cake.and i have to say it is massive. let's get a closeup. absolutely, massive. that is whywe couldn't just take it out of the box and start gnawing on it. it was just like a bigbrick. so here is my slice of the brick. and you can see all of the different layers here.if you take a really good close-up look. so it looks like we have three different layers. so how do i even attempt this? i'm just goingto take maybe one big bite. woah. or the dog beats you to it.
wow. there is a lot of competing flavors goingon all at once. i do taste the pineapple, i taste something that is a little bit likedate sugar or cane sugar and also something that is a little bit like dulce de leche too.oh, you poor baby. you want some. well, too bad. just wait. owe. this is a seriously delicioustreat and i think that the dog is going to gnaw my arm off. alright, now it is my turn. let's see. okay,so that was the pineapple side. yes, maki. yes. yes, it smells good. doesn't it? okay, middle part. okay.i think i like the middle filling a little better - manjarblanco.
now let's see - the third one. i have no ideawhat the dark one is. it said something about peanuts but it doesn't look like peanuts tome but let's read the box again. so yeah, according to the box the darker oneshould be peanut because here we've got the pineapple, then we've got the manjarblancoand all that is left is the mani. so, yes. mysterious. so for you how does that compare to some ofthe other peruvian desserts we've been having? um, well honestly i think i would probablylike this a lot better if it were fresh and homemade. and without a dog trying to devourit. maki, maki could probably eat it regardless even if it were stale, wouldn't you baby?you'd eat anything wouldn't you? you'd eat
anything. but yeah, the cookie is a little harder soi'm not sure if that is because it is prepackaged or if that is just the way it is made. whetherit is supposed to be a harder crumbly cookie. um, but yeah i mean it is sweet. if you havea sweet tooth you'll probably enjoy it. it is not my favorite but it is not bad either,so maybe try some king kong when you're in peru. okay baby, we'll give you a little piece.let's give you a tiny one. okay, let's just give you a crumb maki. that is all i can breakoff. oh, maki approves. yes. oh, no! he's got lipstick on his face now.hahaha! oh, poor dog.
alright, for today's food video this is goingto be one of the more exotic things we've tried in peru - guinea pig. locally it isknown as cuy. and we've been showing you a lot of desserts and other types of thingsbut this is something that is widely eaten in peru and so when you're in a differentcountry and a different culture my strategy is always just to immerse myself and try everythingnew that i possibly can. so, with that in mind, i am going to be tryingguinea pig in the form of a pizza slice if you can believe it or not. so here is the big unveil. i'll hold that up here. and as you can seethis is a pretty minimalistic thin sliced
pizza except for the massive guinea pig meatballs. alright, it is time to dig right in. it istime for the first bite and i'm going for a slice of the meatball. definitely one of the more interesting pizza'si've ever had before. usually when i'm even on a meat lover pizza there isn't pieces ofmeat this big, so it is going to take me a second to chew it. you know what that is pretty good. i can tellthat this meat has been seasoned a lot. it tastes a little bit like an italian sausage.but it also has a very game-y flavor which reminds me a little bit of a wild rabbit.for example.
let's get another piece of the cuy. does ithave any bones? it doesn't, no. but it is very meaty. and what i mean by that is chewy.so, it's not the kind of thing. it's not the kind of pizza slice you can just devour whenyou're actually taking a bite out of the guinea pig. you've got to chew it really slowly. so yeah, that isn't bad. i would say it isa bit of an acquired taste. i wouldn't go out of my way to order it again. but i'vedefinitely had worse pizza than this. so this isn't too bad at all. so a little bit more information about eatingguinea pigs in peru. it is traditional andean food. typically, the guinea pig, the cuy,is skewered on a spit. and when it is served
on a plate typically it is its entire body.it has its head still intact. well, hello there! i am back with my raspyvoice and it is getting a little bit scary. but we're running out of time here in peru.it's actually our last day here in lima. so we've decided to do one more taste test. andwe're going to be trying three different desserts that were actually recommended by you ouryoutube viewers. so let's get started! right, so time for the big unveil. so firstup we're trying something called mazamorra morada. so as you can see it is a deep purplein color. and this is like a pudding or a really thick jello almost. and it is madefrom purple corn. it is a dessert. you can eat it hot or you can eat it cold. and itis actually a popular dish during the month
of october because that is when they celebratethe lord of miracles. and everyone dresses in purple and they also eat purple dessert. okay. so i'm not really sure how much of thisi'm actually going to be able to taste because i'm highly medicated right now. but let'ssee. okay. it has like a puree consistency. a little clumpy. not overly sweet and i wouldn'tsay it tastes like corn because a lot of sugar has been added to this. but it is pleasant.i do like it. that is the verdict. yeah, i think it is probably a lot nicer when it iswarm. like when they've just finished cooking it on the pot and it is still steaming. butit is nice. i think you can still eat it cold in the summertime. i don't mind it.
alright, my turn. yeah, that's not bad. it'sreally unique, isn't it? it's sort of like the chicha morada a little bit. it kind ofreminds me of that. the purple corn drink we've been having. um, yeah it is a smoothpudding. so here in peru they like to mix the mazamorramorada, the purple thing we just had with arroz con leche which is a rice pudding. thatlooks so good. we were going to try that combination right now. my mom makes an awesome rice pudding.yeah. yeah. so i'll add a bit of that. and now let's takesome of the purple stuff. okay, now i'm not sure if you're supposedto mix it together or just combine the two flavours in one spoon full. oh man, thereis like dog hair here. jeez! ewww! everywhere!
maki attack yet again. it is everywhere. man. okay, so here we go. well honestly, i think rice should be savoury.when i eat rice i always like it be salty and full of spices. so i don't love it asa dessert. so i can't say i'm a huge fan of this. i'm going to have another bite. wouldyou prefer it on its own? like the first dessert on its own? probably. it's alright. why don't you give it a tryand you tell us what you think? alright, i'm going to in for the mix here.i am mixing it up. i have no idea if i'm supposed to be doing that or not.
okay, and this is what it looks like whenit is all mixed up. i'm a huge fan of rice pudding. so for methat is a definite enhancement. that is like taking the first one and upgrading it by atleast 50%. okay, and last but not least we picked upa third dessert item at the supermarket. and this is called purãƒâ© de kamote and it isa puree made from sweet potato. that almost looks like a butterscotch pudding. i bet thatis going to be good. alright. let's see. it looks like baby food. i wonderif parents buy it for their children. yucky? oh, that is too much like baby food?how do you even know what baby food tastes like? when was the last time you tried babyfood? it is not exclusively sweet or savory.
so it is weird. is it a pudding? is it supposedto be eaten as a side order with your main dish. but it was in the dessert section. thatis the thing. i was expecting it to be sweeter. i can tell by your micro bites you're notexactly loving it. i'm not a huge fan but i'll let you give it a try next. you're right, that is not amazing stuff. tobe perfectly honest, i have no idea what you would use that for. like it is not sweet ortasty enough to be a dessert. i'm not sure how you would pair that with a main meal.i'm wondering if maybe we were supposed to mix it with rice pudding. you know what? maybewe bought baby food by accident. you never know? you never know? right. you just neverknow.
alright, so that wraps up our last taste testin peru. we're heading back to canada. it is hard to believe our 3.5 weeks here is alreadyover. and the verdict for this. well i really liked these two but the kamote was a thumbsdown. so we are in the kitchen today and we aregoing to be showing you our favorite peruvian cocktail. this is something we've been drinkingevery single week since we got here and it is pisco sour. that national drink. audrey's uncle coco has been making thesefor us at night and now we're going to attempt to make them ourselves. so of course, the main ingredient of thisis pisco itself. and pisco is a hard alcohol
that is made from distilled grapes. it has45% alcohol content which is pretty high. so i've been told that the recipe for piscosour is three, two, one. so that would be three shots of pisco, two shots of the syrupand one shot of lime juice. and aside from that we're also going to be adding one eggwhite to create the foam and also topping it off with a little bit of bitter. and i know some people like to serve it withoutthe ice but we're going to be adding some ice because that is the way my family doesit. so, that is how we roll. alright, i think we're done. it is time topour ourselves a glass. nice and frothy.
okay, so the final touch is adding a few dropsof bitter. let's do three. oh my, a little too much in that one. i have to say those turned out pretty well.i am now ready to drink my creation. that turned out really nice. it burns a littleas it goes down. but yeah, it is a nice mix of sourness because of the lemon. it is alsosweet because of the syrup we've added. a little bit of bitter on top. and it is superfrothy with the egg whites. nice and frothy. yes. alright, i've been waiting for this for awhile now. you know what, that's actually not that bad. we don't make mixed drinks veryoften but we did a reasonably decent job on
this one. i find this to be a very refreshing drink.this is the kind of thing that i love to have on a hot day. it is also a very social drinkwhich you can share with others. so that is it from our time in lima, peru. salut!
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