music intro quick and tasty mexican steak tortilla my inspiration for this comes from seeing this on the street in south america walking past and smelling it going over whats happenign here having a little look and then putting my own interpretation on it as well and that is what its all about especially on this channel all you need is a nice onion right to make this sauce im going to start off dice out nicely
a little bit of oil you only want to sweat it enough frying and sweating are too different things when you fry it it goes really brown and nutty and when your sweating it it will go translucent and sweat yeah so that's what we are going for why not put a little bit of chorizo in there. the oils that come out of this are fantastic there really really powerful robust and they really give a nice dynamic to teh sauce as well yeah you can see all that lovely oil coming off that is scrumptious
now i'm going to put a bit of garlic in add a bit of background flavour just two we need one these boys now a chilli good smelling nice now we have got a bit of coriander here look at this nice and fresh pungent and it really lifts the dish with these leaves but if you use these little boys here everyone leaves them out look at them just think when its growing all the nutrients are coming there look at that all the water that's coming out of it it tastes fantastic lets get in into the pan
its raining coriander and that is the colour of mexico right there look at it so a lovely tin of chopped tomatoes throw them in fifteen twenty minutes and you've got yourself a nice spicey sauce this sauce is the jacobs you could use it with almost anything a bit of pasta a nice bit of chicken you can even put it on a nice bit of cheese dont forget to subscribe to jamies food tube channel okay they are all there click on it this is actually a button click on you can do that now with the tv just click on it im going now to bash my meat
now if you haven't got one of these rolling pins you can use a baseball bat or a cricket bat or a nuckle duster this cut of meat is called the skirt steak its easy to find it cooks really quickly and its delicious i need to tenderize it i want it to be really thin so that it cooks really quickly do you understand comprendea vouz here we go and its a good way to get rid of any built up anger that's inside ya because we all have it pretend its your boss or something like that you know
thats nice im liking that there you go right pretty much doubled in size really hasnt it now what i want to do is a bit of seasoning on there oh hold up a minute thats the salsa thats done let it call down a little bit we want to use that a little bit later on now a bit of salt and pepper
and then a nice bit of oil not too much rub it all on that is the sound you want to hear this is going to take literally 5 minutes yeah what i can do now i can put my chorizo on there i love it i think it's a great flavour now don't be afrad if your not on top of a roof top with one of these skewer pans you can use a rying pan or
a bbq it doesnt matter just make sure you turn off the old smoke alarm because it does go chicken oriental dont forget to put it back on though beautiful well have all the foxes out in a minute this is crackling yeah if you cant be bothered to make your own crackling and all that go to your local boozer
yeah they've got the old scratching dont they get a couple of packets of them abd ive just blitz them up now in mexico they call this chicharron yeah and its everywhere you see people walking down the street with it like that big massive slabs of crackling its fantastic so we've got some tomatoes just chop them up a little bit like that
we got our chicharron or our crackling yeah we've got our lovely chorizo thats ready to go now yeah look at that uh we just roll it ahh you should have had some of that goaly just mash it all up what i need now is a bit of onion get some of your salsa in there yeah come on look at this
and its all about mixing it up now a bit of coriander you can have fun with it look at this how good is that looking already a bit of lemon yeah ohh yeah thats fresh grab a tortilla throw it on fifteen seconds on each side twenty second on each side that's it where going to wrap it up now okay get a bit of crackling on there
get a bit of the old coriander in there a bit of yogurt in there this is where the dreams are made now that is definatley gonna get you a date oh yes i want to be this tortilla i want to be inside of it right now thats how good it is its smokey its beefy its got that onion
going hey what about me im down here its fantastic i love it if you want more of these lovely recipes don't forget to subscribe to jamie's food tube channel get another recipe up do it now its free
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