[intro music] >>sweet willy: hey chefs! how's it going?welcome to sweet willy's kitchen. you know when your football team starts theseason 0-2, there's only one thing to make things better and that's pizza. we already did the traditional pizzas a fewepisodes back on sweet willy's kitchen. but one of the comments came from a friend ofmine from chicago that said "how about chicago deep dish?" so that's what we're going todo today. we're going to do a different type of sauceand we are going to have a little different method than the traditional flat pizzas. sothat's what we are going to do so stay tuned.
hey, and we're back. so here's the few differentthings we're going to be doing when we do the deep dish. deep dish is, as opposed to your traditionalnew york style pizza, deep dish is, hence the name, it's deeper. it's usually that thick. there are a lot ofthings you can put on it. what i like to do is, i like a robust flavor and thick in texture.what we are going to be using is a sauce that is a little bit more of a texture. so we are going to start off with the peeledtomatoes not the crushed tomatoes that are very fine. we are going with something muchthicker. why? because it's my sauce. (laughs)
we are going to give this a shot here. we are just going to use one can because weonly need one can for the sauce. so what we are going to do is start off hereand drain the tomatoes. we are going to shake them off. that it. those are peeled tomatoes. wash our hands first, but you get to playwith them. they will squirt on you. so what we are going to do is hand crush them to getsomething a little chunkier. it's that kind of mash. see these pieces here? like that. for my sauce we are going to use four clovesof garlic and we are going to use a chop like
so. cut these up. something like that. second element we are going to do is, so weare going to use four cloves of garlic, second thing is what we are going to do is we aregoing to use a sweet onion a vidalia onion. years ago when i first started doing thisi made my marinara with onion and garlic. so that has changed over the years so i'mgoing back to my roots. it's about a third of that onion we are goingto use. we took an onion this size and cut a third of it. what we will do is we willuse, take the skin off, and we will go from
there. now i usually have a chopper for this butit's in the dishwasher. so we will use a nice rough chop to startoff with. there you go. that's what we've got. so weare going to chop it up to those pieces. there's your garlic. i would say a good half a cup. a half-cupof chopped onions. i would say roughly an eighth of a cup of chopped garlic. we wentwith four cloves so those are your units. four cloves of garlic and a half a cup ofchopped onions. okay, we are back at the stove. we've gotour saucepan, a relatively small saucepan.
it is one and a half quart saucepan. and weare going to use roughly, we will cover the bottom with olive oil. we are going to start with medium heat andthen what we will do is, cold oil and cold pan, so we are going to put the garlic andonions right now in the pan. that way they won't smoke up too much. just let them come up to temperature. make sure, if not see how the garlic and onionsare covered in olive oil. we aren't using too high a heat. the smell of garlic and onions! hey! lookwho's over here.
uncle muzzie! hey this guy over here is going to make chicagodeep-dish pizza! that's right uncle muzzie we are going todo chicago deep dish and we're going to make a big chunky marinara. hey! all right! so here we go. you can hear it. let's giveit about another minute. i'm going to put the tomatoes in like so. get that incorporated. mash everything down. now you're probably wondering what we aregoing to do with the juice after we drained
the tomatoes. here is its. you think we are going to letthat go to waste? no. we're going to pour that in. we're also going to add some oregano. if you recall from the last episode i thinkwe only used a teaspoon, we are going to use a little more we are going to use a tablespoon. put that in there. we are only going to usea teaspoon of salt. you can always add salt. there is enough flavor already in there withthe garlic, onions and oregano. salt will just help enhance it a little bit.
everything looks like it's up to temperatureso what we are going to do is we are going to pour this in there. because it's already hot it's going to startto simmer. it's going to take about thirty minutes. weare going to let this cook, we are going to bring this up to a boil and then once it startsto boil then we are going to take it down to a simmer and cover it for about thirtyminutes and that should do it. so it's boiling. we've got a nice boil going. we've got to stir this up. we don't want itto over boil. so stir it up. look at that marinara. oh yea.
the sauce has been cooking for about thirtyminutes so let me show you what it looks like right now. so what we have here is a nice chunky sauce.if you don't like it like that what you would do is you would start by mincing up your vegetablesa little bit more to a little finer mince. for the sake of this we are going to go withsomething like so. so that's how we are going to do that. that's ready to be used. what we are goingto do is we are going to roll out some dough. we're going to use a regular pie pan. i knowguys, please. i know we use something a little deeper but this is what we have. so it's aregular nine-inch pie tin.
what we are going do is we are going to usea little canola oil on this. the oven is set at 450 degrees. so we are going to some canola oil, pour thatin there and get that on the sides. you can see it's nice and oiled up and she'sready to go. we got the pizza dough from our local supermarket.they do a nice job it's nice and fresh. for those of you who have seen the videos knowthis is what we use. i know there's probably a recipe for the doughbut for the sake of this, we will see how this works out. if it doesn't work out we will do the research.
we will roll this out relatively just liketraditional new york style. if you think about it the only difference is that the crust mightbe a little thicker instead of using a flat pan we use a cake pan or a sided pan. there'snothing wrong with that. if you are going to be doing a deep dish that's made for puttinggood toppings on. here's our dough. i've got it relatively thin.i hope you watch me do a couple passes of it. here's our pan. we are going to lay this overhere nice and loose. so we can do the sides. hopefully the oil will help it not stick. drape it. it takes some time to do. just likeyou'd make a nice deep-dish apple pie or something
like that. let the dough fall where it may. here we go. here is our pan. it looks likeit's ready to go. now when we fill this up we will trim thesides off. for the sake of this we will let it go. topping or fillings. really it's more nottoppings it's fillings. that's the difference between chicago and new york is what you puton is a filling not a topping. we are going to use a sliced mozzarella thati got at the deli counter. i'm going to lay these pieces in here. you've got to get someuniformity in here.
they work theirs from the cheese down or upthat is. they put cheese first then sauce. what's nice is the heat from the oven willfill that up nicely. the cheese will melt and form a nice barrier. push to the sides. there we go. put one in the middle these are the fillings here. we're going tohave two fillings. i went with pepperoni, which from what i gathered is the most popularpizza toppings and then what i did is i took sausage, link sausage. italian sausage andi took the casings out. we are going to take little bits and we are going to put them down.
what we are going to do is we are going toseparate these two. we are going to put them all down the side here because somebody inthis house likes pepperoni and i'm going with sausage. so we will find a divided line hereand we are going to put some pepperoni here. put pepperoni on one side. what we will dois we will separate them. give that a little coverage so we will have a little line sowhen the cheese melts it will separate the pepperoni from the sausage. not everybodylikes sausage. i do though. so here is the pork. here is the sausage.we took it out of the skin. we are going to take little bits and we are going to put italong that divided line. i can already taste it.
life is good even if your favorite footballteam is 0-2. you guys try to figure out what team that is, my favorite football team. sayyou're sorry or whatever. so without further ado let's introduce thesauce that we have here. we've got that nice chunky sauce. you know what i think we aregoing to do is i think i'm going to thin it a little bit. not a lot just enough to makeit interesting. so it covers a little better. i think i may have gone a little too chunky.what do you guys think? a little too chunky? i'm going to put the motorboat to this thing. there we go. not too bad.
what do you think, a little better? i thinkso. i'm going to pour this over. so profesh. i'm going to pour this over here. all right! let that settle on top. that looks good. now we got a line of demarcation here. i shouldhave done that first. (laughs) we've got a dividing line of where the pepperoniis and where the sausage is and i'm going to guesstimate over here. yea, that's wherethe line is. that's where that dividing line is. so we are going to go over here and weare going to put two toothpicks so we have
that line that's here. what i'll do is i'llstick a piece of pepperoni over here so we know that side's the pepperoni and that sideis the sausage. so we've got that and let's trim this offhere. looks like you would an apple pie. i knowguys, i'm going to make apple pie. i know. i'm going to make the apple pie. i don't know guys. i know it's a great pie.there we go. i'm going to put a little grated parmesanon the top. a little grated parmesan on the top. now let's put this in the oven at 450 forthirty minutes. we'll see you in thirty minutes.
and we are out of the oven. so thirty minuteshave passes and we have taken this bad boy straight out of the oven. look at that. i think what we are going to do is, we'vegot to let this cool off it's real loose right now. so once things get down to temperature itwill solidify and we can actually eat it. all right guys, so we've waited for about20 minutes. you can hold it now without burning your hands.i think it's starting to set up a bit. we are going to try our best to get this thingout of here in one piece. i took a knife and i ran it along the sideshere to free it up. everything looks pretty
good. i gave it a little jump here so we areokay. the trick is to get this thing out of here in literally one piece. i've seen a fewvideos and what they do, the professionals and they're real good, they have this thingthat clamps in here and they flip and...so i'm going to try. (laughs) wish me luck here folks. we are going to gounder here and hope for the best. bingo! we got it! (laughs) i should have done it over here. we were ableto get under here and flip and get it into place. so here it is.
here we go! chicago deep-dish pizza. i want to thank everybody for subscribing.for those of you who have subscribed, i guess you guys already know we've hit five thousandsubscribers. i want to thank you all. once again, thanks for watching. we'll seeyou real soon. bye bye.
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