- i'm gonna start witha piece of camel meat, and there's also pieces of camel fat. (upbeat music) good morning everyone, it's mark wiens with migrationology.com in muscat, oman. had an amazing sleep last night and woke up this morningat about 6:00 a.m. it was already bright and sunny outside. we only have two full days in muscat,
and mustafa, who watches our videos, he has kindly offered to take us around. so, we are gonna behanging out with mustafa, and he's coming to pick us up soon. stay tuned for day number one in muscat. thank you very much. okay we met up with mustafa. - hi there. - [mark] he's brought me this snack.
- [mustafa] it is (speaksin foreign language). - (speaks in foreign language). it's a type of bread withcheese in the middle. and so, i think we're gonnago have some tea first, and eat this along with some tea. we're gonna stop atthis place at dream tea, to get a cup of tea real fast. i got a cup of chair karak, and this is milk tea.
umm. oh you can really tastethe cardamone in there. oh, the cardamone is nice. and then, i gotta try thispiece of the cheese bread. oh, yeah. that's wonderful. that's like a... it's kind of like cream cheese. i like that. that's really good.
that makes a good breakfast. the bread and cheeses are salty, to go along with thesweet, milky, creamy tea. (electronic music) we just pulled up to the fish market. and it's about 8:00 a.m. it is blazing hot already in muscat. and immediately, you cansmell the fish in the air, one of my favorite smells.
that fist so so good, eh. - [mustafa] of course,now it is that season for the yam. - [mar] ah, okay. pretty calm, and relaxing fish market, but it's friendly. there are some amazing looking fish. and there's a lot of tuna. there are some different types of mullet.
is it mullet? - [market vendor] milk fish. - [mark] milk fish? - [market vendor] yeah. - [mark] ah, okay. very big. - [market vendor] (speaksin foreign language). - i think those are either swordfish or dolphin fish. i'm not totally sure, but they are huge,
and yeah they're about two meters long. whoa. (market vendors talking loudly) i just love walking around fish markets. and definitely one of the biggest reasons is because i love to eatfish and seafood so much, that's my favorite genre of things to eat. but also, i just love looking at fish, the different types of fish,the different colors of fish.
also, dry fish is verycommon in omani cuisine. those are huge. - [market vendor] it's barracuda. - barracuda, yes. they are very big. those are some huge barracuda. i just want to mention thatthey are in the process of building a new fish market. so, we went to the old fish market.
but if you come to muscat,maybe in the coming years, they might have a new fish market opened right next to the old fish market. (traditional pop music) we are just walking alongthe harbor now in muscat. the fish market is right over on that side where we just were. but it's amazing how clear the water is. and i'm loving this view of the city.
and then, behind, you have the gorgeous, just very rugged, jagged desert mountains. the clear, turquoise water. yeah, and it's so nice and peaceful. and we are coming upnow on the muttrah souk, which is a big market place. you can by everything at muttrah souk, including clothes, and spices, and food. - yes.
- household items. - yes, yeah - just about everything youcan find in this market. - back in the day, it used tobe more of a wholesale market. it had people from israel forexample, they come over here, shop for their shops over there, and then they go backand send it for them. - [mark] okay. we walk past this shopand i could just smell
the aroma of all the spices,especially the cumin i think. in the back of the shopis where i can smell all of the spices. - also spices yes. - wow. curry masala, allsorts of different masalas. (traditional music) - [mustafa] so, oman isfamous about its lemon here. - [mark] oh. what is it used for?
- [mustafa] for like curry and masala-- - [mark] okay. in the food? - [mustafa] in the food, yeah. - okay. we are now walkingthrough the gold silk area where there are lotsand lots of gold stores and jewelry stores. this is my first time to visit oman. but i have been to zanzibara couple of times in my life.
and also spent some time onthe east coast of africa. and zanzibar used to be a part of oman. it used to be ruled by oman, and you can see theresemblance and the similarity. this market, some parts of this market actually have the exact same feel as parts of stone town in zanzibar. okay. so for special occasions,wedding, and so on, at night,
you were this one with a silver belt. - [mark] ah, okay. - and this is usually made form silver. - [mark] uh hmm. - yeah. - [mark] so, you would stillwear that on special occasions? i have kind of a small head. can i pass for being omani.(laughing) - [mustafa] you'll apply forthe nationality tomorrow.
- [mark] and what isthis type of hat called? - koma. - [mark] koma? - yeah, koma. (speaks in foreign language). - mustafa has bought me and fitted me in a traditional omani cap,and a traditional omani hat. and this is... these are only worn in oman.
- yeah, in the arab countries. - in arab countries? - so, also, it's very common to see on the east coast of africa as well. thank you very much, mustafa. - welcome. - thank you. - oh, this is an amazing hat. you guys gotta let me know how i look
in the comment section below. but i am loving this look. now, i can blend it. - [mustafa] yeah, you can. - blend in like i'm omani now. (laughing) - except for the spoon in the t-shirt. this guy's got a spoon in the t-shirt. what does he mean?
we just took a quick drive over to one of the old areas of muscat. located in this areais the sultan's palace, which we are walking to right now. and also, there are a lotof government ministries located in this area as well. - [mustafa] this one is a local foreman. and this one represents the sultan. - and you can't go into the palace.
but you admire it from the outside. what's especially fascinating are the gold and i think, they're turquoise, or like a type of blue columns which go up the face of the palace. and also, what i reallylike are the seals, the oman seals, whichare golden on the gate. standing there, and then,what we're gonna do. - [woman] we're gonna do.
- we're gonna all. we have just pulled upthe bait al zubair museum. and i don't think they allowany photography inside, so, i'm just gonna walk around. and then, i will sharewith you all what's inside after we walk around. it's really an omani cultural museum. inside, there was a bigcollection of traditional omani dress, as well as,there was a big collection
of swords and weapons. and then, this wholecomplex, you can walk around. there's a coffee shop. there's kind of a library area. and then, there's a model of a traditional omani home as well. i think it's probablyabout 45 degrees right now. and it's also pretty humid. so, this is some intense heat.
i am just dripping in sweat. and yeah, this is someintense heat right now. it is so outside, that justwalking for like 15 minutes, it feels like your face is just peeling. the skin is peeling away from your face. and it feels like yourbody is just melting. so, you cannot go long without water. (exhaling) (electronic pop music)
oh. (waves crashing) oh. maybe we should drive in a little bit. yeah, you might want todrive up a little bit. we just drove. it's a little bit outside of muscat, to a beach called qantab beach. and mustafa drove allthe way onto the beach, so we are getting a firsthand glimpse of the sea.
it's incredibly beautifulbecause you have have the really jagged, brown,bone dry mountain rocks. but then, the water isso incredibly turquoise, and blue green, crystal, sparkling water. we have just pulled up for lunch today. and we are gonna go to arestaurant called baid al luban, which is a very wellknown omani restaurant. one of the unique thingsabout this restaurant is that it's an old former hostile.
and so, it's located right next to the main harbor in muscat. and so people would park their boats. and then, if they needed a place to stay, they would rent a bed in this hostile. but it has been since renovatedinto a very nice restaurant serving omani food. and a number of yourecommended this restaurant. so, we are happy to beeating here for lunch today.
and mustafa has ordered justa variety of different dishes. i'm starting off withthis frankincense water. yeah, you can reallytasted the frankincense. it tastes kind of like woody, like evergreen tree. yeah. it's really good. so, we're starting with a soup,but it's actually a curry. it's an omani restaurant,but they sort of do some modern twists to omani food.
so, they serve this curry like a soup, and there's rice in it, and fish. oh, yeah, you can reallytaste the dry lemon, or dry lime, which is in here. oh yeah. it's kind of like a dried fish stew. and i'm gonna go in for some of the... it's also lots of onions in this as well. it's a type of ghee.
some kind of animal oil fat, which you're supposedto pour onto the rice. okay, that's probably good. onions. yeah, lots of onions in here. and i'm gonna make sureto get some of that rice with that oil on it. it's salty dried fish. but it's really tender.
and then, those onions are so tender, that they just dissolve in your mouth. has a depth of a smokey flavor to it. - [mustafa] this is harees. - [mark] harees. - [mustafa] it is mashedwheat with chicken. and the sauce is a torsha. torsha is like a raisin sauce. - [mark] is that oliveoil in the middle there?
- [mustafa] no, it's ghee. - [mark] oh, it's ghee, okay. it looks like olive oil. okay, so there's ghee in the middle there. and this kind of a puree, butstringy from that chicken. and then you gotta get some of that-- - [mustafa] yeah, dip it. - that sauce as well. it's almost like mashed potatoes.
if you didn't know it was wheat, you might think it was mashed potatoes. and then, you have theselittle stringy pieces of chicken within it. it's salty, but then the sauce is sweet, and kind of fruity. and that contrasts the saltiness. wow, that's delicious. okay, there's some coarseblack pepper in there,
but i think there'salso cardamone in there. yeah, i think i can taste some cardamone. the next other dish,and this one of the most import omani dishes. it's called shuwa. and this is lamb this time, which it's normally cooked underground, until it's fall apart tender, with a variety of different spices
and always eaten with rice. so, i'm gonna... oh yeah, that feels very tender. i'll put some of this on to my plate. you can see littleflakes of chili in there. there are some chickpeasas well in the rice. uh hmm. tender lamb, and then, it has a really nice...
i think i can tastesome cinnamon in there. lots of black pepper. and just a little bit of chili. yeah, that is a delicious dish. and this is one of thenational dishes of oman. this one is a tomato onion salad with some, the main side here is dried fish. i'll just take some ofthis to put it on my plate.
and there's also, i think this is spinach on the bottom here as well. really nicely, lemony, and then, the fish, it's like salty, fish jerky. ah, that's really good,because it's salty, but really, really lemony,and really fresh tasting. and then, we got one moresalad dish over here, which is called sahanet kasha. there's some dried fish on top,
but the whole thing. this is kind of an arty version of it. and there's onions andtomatoes in there as well. okay, i think this is thelast dish that we ordered. that has kind of a... that one is not too salty. it sort of has a bitter fish taste to it. really good as well though. and it's very refreshing.
it has lots of tomatoes, lots of onions, so, it's kind of crisp, and really juicy. what really strikes meas a dish that i haven't tried something likeit, is the mashed wheat with the shredded chicken in it. but it's really good andit's really different from any other dish that i've had. and then, definitely, the shuwa, which is that slow cookedlamb with the rice.
and then, i added ona little bit of yogurt and tomato sauce. is also, extremely good. and what i really like about it, is you can really taste the black pepper. there's a lot of black pepper in it. and it's a few simple, maybesome nutmeg or cinnamon in there as well. but it's the black pepperthat really comes in nicely.
yeah. - (speaks in foreign language). - we finished that meal. we were all pretty full. that was a really good meal. and so, mustafa and i arenow having some coffee. does this one you think have rosewater? - yeah, it does. it has rose water and saffron.
- oh, and saffron too. thank you. the coffee, it's not strong coffee. it's quite light. but you can taste the fragrance, and in this one, there is both saffron, and also rose water. so, it has a little bit of aspice, aroma fragrance to it, beyond the coffee flavor.
yeah, it's like a... it's weak enough whereyou can just keep on drinking this all day long. but it's a very soothing coffee. what was your favorite dish of the meal? the dried fish? - the dried fish, yeah. that was mine. - that one was good.
we are gonna head back to the hotel to rest for a little while. because it is a very hot afternoon. so, it's common to takea break in the afternoon. it's about 6:00 p.m. now,we just spent two hours resting at the hotel,trying to wait out the blazing sunshine, and weare now heading out again. we drove over to qurum, which is, the main beaches right in central muscat,
just near to downtown area. and the sun is going down,it's the evening now. that really makes all the difference. and you can just walk along this coast, enjoy the great views of the sea, and also the rocky coastline. driving to an area called al seeb. - the chicken, squid, shrimps. - [mark] it all sounds good.
- [mustafa] (speaks in foreign language). - [cook] (speaks in foreign language). - there is not a lot ofstreet food in muscat, but one of the most wellknown, and one of the best places to eat street food is in al seeb, which is right near the ocean. and we have stopped byto order to mishkak. which are an assortmentof different skewers. we've got some shrimp, some chicken,
some liver, some mutton, and some squid. there are few things better in the world than grilled meat on skewer. i think the skewers of meat are marinated, and they are like partially cooked. and then, when you order them,he puts them onto the grill, and he really fans that fireto get the flames going, and so, they're gonna have, i'm sure, i am positive, and anticipatingthat they're gonna have
an extremely smokey flavor to them. (unwrapping foil) - [mustafa] yeah, very nice. - and i noticed that thereare a couple of butcheries right across the road, so i think there is a lotof fresh meat in this area. and we're actuallyright next to the beach. although, it's night, soyou can't see the beach. the beach is right behindthis little structure.
and you can just smell the meat grilling in this entire area. and they have two different sauces. they have a spicy sauceand a tamarind sauce which should probably be kind of sweeter and maybe, sour as well. a skewer that i want to trythe most right now first, is liver, and this mutton liver. i'm gonna dip.
dip into that spicy sauce. wow. that is like charred to perfection. it's spicy and sour. and then, that liver is so tender, but it's like crispified,because it's been grilled on such a high heat, yet he flamed. i think there might be apiece of fat in there too. you can taste some wonderfulgrilled fat juices. mutton liver, fantastic.
okay, i'm gonna try thatsweet tamarind sauce next. oh, the tamarind sauceis more sour than sweet. it's really good, umm. it's almost like a sour jam. okay, next up. let me go for the squid. both of the sauces are extraordinary. the tamarind sauce is also really good, because it's more on thesour side, than sweet side. but this spicy sauce,
i do have a bit of anaddiction to spiciness. okay, that is good. did i just fling some sauce at you? - [camera person] i think so. - umm. squid is a little bit chewy, but while you chew it, itjust keeps on giving flavor. okay, the mutton skewer next. and i'm gonna go with tamarind this time.
the mutton is amazing. i think it's marinatedor grilled in some cumin. that's such a wonderful combination. mutton and cumin. any type of meat on skewer,grilled over charcoal is one of my favorite things in the world. and i am just dripping now in sweat. not only is it like maybeabove about 40 degrees, but it's also extremely humid.
we're right next to the beach, and this is the definitionof a meat sauna. you can just, the airis just humid with meat. and also, you can standhere and eat your mishkak, but a lot of people just order,just pull up in their cars, and then order, andthen just sit in the a/c as well to avoid the meatsweats like have right now. thank you, mustafa. that was awesome man. - alright.
- [mark] yeah, mixed. - [mark] oh yes, this is a good place. (restaurant patrons talking loudly) - if we did, you don't have this this restaurant isfamous for serving camel. you kind of walk up to,there's a buffet line, where they have the dishes prepared. they have a number ofdifferent types of rice. you choose your rice, and theyhave two main camel dishes.
one of them is chunks ofcamel, which is fried. and then, one of them islike a stew or a curry camel. and so, we got a mix of both, and they put it all into a bowl. and then, they gave us a platter of rice. and then, we also got a halfa chicken thrown on top. and this is fantastic. they put out a piece of plastic, and then put your food down,
and it's got some yogurtto go with it as well. alright. - [mustafa] whatever you prefer, yeah. - [mark] however you want? - [mustafa] yeah, however you want. - [mark] okay. oh, you make a-- - [mustafa] no, you don't make a bowl. but in omani, you use your hand, so you hold it like this,then you can either go for it
like this, or you can push it with your finger to your mouth, yeah. i'm gonna start witha piece of camel meat, before mixing with any riceor any yogurt or sauce, i'm just gonna try one piece of camel. a nugget of camel. oh, that's amazing. oh, that is insanely good. it's so tender.
it does taste verysimilar to beef, actually. but a little more meatytasting, gamey tasting. but not really, it'sactually surprisingly really, really tender. i wasn't expecting it to be that tender. this is the camel hump. so, that's just a pure chunk of white fat. oh, wow. that just melts in your mouth.
it does have a meaty taste to it. but it's not like a gelatinous fat. it just melts in your mouth. but it's almost like squid. it has a little bit ofa chewy texture to it. yogurt to my rice. and also, this is a type of chatni. like a tomato, it's like a tomato chatni. put on to my rice here,
and then also, i'm gonna goin for some of the onions and salad onions. and i think this is rocket. go in for some of that, that camel is just insane. i'm gonna mix all of that together. that is insanely delicious. and the combination of the camel, with the rice, the tomato chatni,
the cooling yogurt,that's ridiculous good. next up, i'm gonna try the chicken. and this is chicken that has been steamed. wow. i barely even pulled, andjust a whole chunk of chicken just came off. it's so soft. oh, wow, that feels tender. and for this bite, i'm gonnaattempt to eat omani style.
and what they do, is youkind of make it into a... you kind of grab a whole fist full. and then, you kind of get itinto the center of your hand. and i will do my best to not spill. okay, a little messy. wow, the chicken is soft though. the chicken just sort ofdissolves in your mouth. and i think i got a raisinin that bite as well. - [camera person] markyou have rice on your--
- [mark] grab a piece of camel. - [mustafa] almost. - almost. okay. i need some practice atthat method of eating. but it tastes incredible. i'm absolutely loving this meal. the camel is delicious. and even the rice is really good. there are two different types of rice..
the redder rice, or oranger rice, has a little bit of spice to it. and it also has kind of a clove fragrance. you can see some cloves in there. and then, it just complimentsthe camel so nicely. the whole combination. but that camel is stunner. that was just an absolute stunning meal. the camel was so tender, and so flavorful,
that my mouth still, like, after finishing themeal, my mouth is still overflowing with camel flavors. yeah, this was an incrediblefirst day in muscat. from here, just gonnahead back to the hotel. i wanna say a special thank you to mustafa for bringing us around, and for showing us someincredible sites around muscat, as well as some incredible food,
particularly this last meal, was just my kind of a meal. stay tuned for tomorrow. we will have a full day in muscat again. actually, we'll be traveling to nizwa. and so, stay tuned for the next video. please remember to givetoday's video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. and leave a comment below.
and make sure you subscribefor lots more food and travel videos. and i will see you on the next video. good night from muscat. and i'll see you on the next video. (beep) - [woman] it's real? - it's real gold. - it's real?
want to buy me one?(laughing) - [mustafa] yeah, now is the time. it won't have diamond, only gold. now, if you did, you don't have this - [camera person] take one (laughs). after take 10. - for dinner tonight, weare at a restaurant called not quite. for dinner tonight, weare at a restaurant called
and this... okay, i better not say thename of the restaurant. - [camera person] yogurt on your lip. - and i got yogurt on my lip. it is easy to pick out my shoes.
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