hi. i'm jamie eason, and today i'min the bodybuilding.com kitchen. and i'm gonna show you how imake a really simple recipe i like to call fish in foil. i call it that because prettymuch you can make it with any kind of fish you'd like. today i'm gonna use tilapia. i like tilapia becauseat 4 ounces it's only like 100 calories,it's got 1 gram of fat,
and it's 23 grams of protein. so with fish the one thing youjust wanna be sure of is watch the cholesterol andwatch too much sodium. first thing i'm gonna do ispreheat my oven to about 375 degrees. i've already done that so iwanna show you the other things you're gonna needlike a cookie sheet. i like to use this one with theedges just because we're gonna put some fish in foil and wejust wanna make sure that if
anything leaks out itdoesn't get in our oven. so of course we need our foiland then i just have all my little spices, my fish, andthe veggies i wanna use with my fish. i've picked asparagus today. asparagus is awesome. it's a natural diuretic so forthose of you really wanting to lean out and maybe try toreduce, you know, the water, this is an awesome option.
so i'm gonna get these going. so we'll just givethem a good rinse. got my colander here. okay. i think that's good. i can actually leave thosewhile i start on my lemons. let them drain a little bit. so here's my lemons. just gonna slice off the ends.
there's usually morerind, you know, in the ends. none of the good stuff. and then just gonna cutthese in some pretty big wedges. depends on how manypieces of fish you're making. sometimes i cut up like,you know, only one or two. sometimes i'll cut up, youknow, ten lemons depending on how many pieces so--soi'm gonna set that aside, and then we'll startputting it all together. this is pretty simple.
i'm gonna get thefoil ready for my fish. you need a piecemaybe about this big. so i'm gonna tear off one. and i've got five pieces of fishso i'm just gonna go ahead and get all my foil pieces ready. i think that's the easiest. three, four, and one more. alright. i can set that aside.
now all you have to do is getyour piece of fish--now you can spray this with non-stick sprayif you want to, but i really don't think you need to do that. so i know some peoplewanna avoid that stuff. it's important to knowwith those, that check the ingredients because you'llnotice there's still butter and there's still oil in them, andthe serving size suggests that it's like this littlemillisecond of a spray but who really does that?
so you're actually adding butterand fat to your dish so be careful with thatnon-stick spray. so i've started with my piece offish, and next thing i want to do is actually add some lemon. you can cheat and just get thesqueeze kind or you can do the slices. i'm gonna do both 'cause ithink it makes it quicker. so i'm gonna squeezesome lemon on top. as much as you want.
and then get a seasoning. whatever kind of fishseasoning you like. old bay is good. there's redfishseasoning out there. that's one of myother favorites. you just wanna sprinkle iton top as heavy as you like. you can do a lotor a little bit. i like quite a bitso--but watch out for sodium. don't add too, too much.
then i'm gonna add alittle bit of pepper. then i'm gonna add some actuallemon slices so i'll put those on top. that one's not as cute soi'm gonna get a different one. and then we just wanna add ourveggies on top so i'm gonna grab my asparagus. and to prep asparagus--this endis really, really hard to chew so if you just bend it, itnaturally snaps off in a certain area.
see, it doesn't really do itthere but over here, it just breaks right off. so i'm just gonna break itand put it across the top. you can do as many as you want. think of this aslike a serving size. for me, one of my favoritethings about fish is i like to eat, and i like to eat a lotand with it only being a hundred calories, i can eatactually two servings of these. so that's it.
that's all you have to do. you can squeeze more lemon. we'll do it just for--justfor fun on our veggies. and then you'regonna wanna close it. to do that you just bring thesides together, fold it over, leave a little bit of air inthere 'cause it actually steams inside, and then just kinda foldup the sides, and put it on your pan. so we'll do it one more time.
gonna add your piece of fish,squeeze a little lemon, add our seasoning, some pepper, few pieces of lemon, andthen our asparagus. i'm gonna do fivepieces on this one. and again, i'mgonna add my lemon. i'm just gonna finish these upand then we'll get them in the oven. i prepared all mypackets of fish. they're ready to go in the oven.
again, i preheated it at 375,and i'm gonna put them in for about 14 or 15 minutes. set the timer. and in about 15 minutes, ourfish will be ready to serve. okay.the timer went off. let's check on our fish. let's see. it's pretty hot. it's looking pretty good.
yep. it's nice and opaque. there's no clear--noclear parts in it. looks pretty good. i'm gonna try it actually. tastes good. i think it's all done. it's the easiest fish dish youcan possibly make, and the best part is that it keeps all thejuices contained in the packet.
the veggies you cankinda taste in the fish. the lemon, ofcourse, in the fish. and then you can eat right outof the packet, you can serve it on a plate, but if you eat itright out of the packet, you just crumble it upand throw it away. i'm gonna plate this up. remember that fish is anexcellent source of lean protein and for this dish you can usepretty much any type of fish you'd like.
so let's get thisone on the plate. and again, you can alwaysget a larger portion of fish. that's one of the reasonswhy i love fish so much. so i'll do that one and i'lldo the one i opened earlier. lots of asparagus. for this recipe, you can checkout the links below and for more of my recipes and articlescheck out bodybuilding.com.
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