- you specifically toldme not to double dip, but the power of the nutella compelled me. - i've never had nutella before. - i'm really excited about this, i don't know how i madeit this long in my life without it. - i don't even know what it is. i don't even know if it'slike made out of nuts. - people have said this is likegod's gift to man and women.
- i'm excited to seewhat the hype is about. - do people just do this? like, do people just belike, "i had a bad day, "i'm just going to eat nutella"? - a hundred calories pertablespoon, that's insane. - alright, i like this consistency, goo. oh yeah. - i like this, it's really really good. - i don't like theconsistency, it's really thick.
- this is so good. - that's like a lot of chocolate at once. - this is great. i don't like peanut butter, but this is like peanut butter'shot sister i wanna date. - i don't know. it's not horrible. i don't think it's thebest thing ever though. - i like it a lot, i'm scared of that now. - definitely have this,like, when a lady comes over,
like, "hey, i got some nutella". - i don't even knowwhat it is, it's magic. - and it's good for you too, right? no, ok, it's not good for you. - i see what the hype is about. - so this is nutella-banana mix. - i'm kinda grossed out bythis, i'm not gonna lie. - drop test. oh, there we go. - mm. alright, you got me.
- no, i don't like that. - it's delicious. - this is pretty muchlike nutella-banana shake. - the consistency of thisis like a giant booger. - i might even lick thebowl too, just because. - i feel like you canserve this to somebody, i feel like you can say, "hey, come over, here's like a (beep) bowl "that i put together for you".
but that's fine, becausethen you can just make more for yourself and eat it in secrecy. - this is like a "i just can'tright now" kind of sandwich. - you've throwing yourwaistline to the wind. - ah, amazing, i was reallyhoping i hated this one. - i can't talk rightnow, i just gotta eat. - i wish you could likefeel this, it's so crispy. - yeah, no, that's disgusting. - this is good lunchroom collateral,
you can like make your way to the top. - this tastes like if you took the s'more to like a really creativechef and he was like, "no, no, no, i fix it for you." - you know how many girls youcould make happy with this? you could have a party andjust make a bunch of these, if it's just all womenthere, they'll love it. everyone's like (eating noises). - that actually beat my expectations
which were already really high. - i get why people are likesuper excited about it. - i'm glad i lost my virginity today. - yeah, this sucks. - am i going to go outand buy like vats of it? probably not. - i am definitely converted. i'm a nutellito. - i feel like i'm in love.
- i don't know if i'm a nutella convert because i'm scared ofwhat my life will become. it's like the first time i went to vegas and i won a little bitof money, i was like, "i need to leave." - it's perfect, they shouldcall this "poo from baby angels" because it's just that heavenly.
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