this is my local kimbap restaurant. we areat my local kimbap restaurant. this is a place where i eat several times a week. sometimesseveral times a day. it is a very small space, a very quaint room and they have excellentfood. here is the menu here at the kimbap restaurant.as you can see a lot of things are between 2000 and 4000 won. this here is our banchan. we've got kimchi,some egg rolls (kyeran) and i'm entirely sure what this is. i can see my rice being prepared here froma distance. this is awesome. here comes my kimchi fried rice and soup.
alright. here we are. we've got the chamchaejjigae, the spicy korean soup with tuna. over here is the kimchi fried rice which is typicallytopped with an fried egg on top. they brought us - they got it mixed up here. i'm havingthe rice and audrey is having the soup. is this what you order most of the time? oh,yeah. this is my favorite meal - it is called chamchaejjigae. it is kind of like a tuna stew and it is very spicy. it has onions and a littlebit of tofu and some veggies. it also comes with a side of rice. it is quite healthy.it is a very filling meal and it is only a little bit over $4 usd, so i'm happy withthe price. the nice thing about restaurants in koreais that when you finish your side dishes you
can always ask for more and it is all free.we've got two here to replenish. one of the reasons we like to come to thekimbap restaurant especially for me is that we do live a sort of a backpacking lifestyle.we like to save up for travel and by coming here we get to have delicious korean foodat a real cheap price. what are you having today? i'm having kimchibokumbap, which is kimchi fried rice. it is also a spicy dish and it is my favorite wayto eat kimchi. i really like it when it is fried. i already know it is going to be good. it is a very cold winter day today so forlunch we've decided to have some gamjatang, which is a hearty korean stew.
in korea you cut everything with scissors- forget knives - this is the way it is done. eat like the locals. the same with the kimchi.let's chop that up. it looks nice and fresh. here is the delicious stew and these are allof the different ingredients that we have for it. we've got some vegetables and lotsof potatoes here on the side. it is going to be lovely. i'd like to know what the whitestuff is. this is the kind of restaurant where you cometo fight off a hangover by eating haejeongguk. in our case, if you're freezing you come fora hearty stew like this one. bubbling goodness. what are you eating overthere? i'm just taking the meat off of the pork spine. how is the meat? is it tasty?oh, yes.
okay, it is time to dish it up. it is allcooked. you can see that the broth is a real thick and hearty looking with the differentsesame seeds and all kinds of different paste. gamjatang soup basically means that it haspotatoes but there is also lots of other things in there. we have pork spine, there are somerice cakes, sesame leaves, sesame seeds, mushrooms and there was a white paste which we haven'treally figured out what it was. we think it might be a sesame based paste. how would you describe the broth? it is alot spicier than i was expecting but it is very flavorful. it is really good. let's geta close-up shot. with the gamjatang you really have to make sure to stir it around so thatit doesn't stick to the bottom. we kind of
made that mistake earlier. i'll just add to the flavor. this is the meat after it has been de-boned.i like to dip it in the mustard sauce - it is really spicy and it almost reminds me ofwasabi a little but with a mustard-y flavor. it definitely does have a bite and a littlebit of a tang to it. show us how it is done. let's grab a little bit. that looks fatty.here is a normal piece - that one. here you go. you can just dip it and swirl it around.delicious! we're almost finished the meal and what isleft is basically just a thick collection of stew, meat and a few random potatoes andveggies.
as you can see here our feast is complete.the cost of this meal was 25,000 won - roughly 25 usd - a little bit less. overall, our feelingwas that although it was tasty and definitely delicious relatively compared to what we canget at other korean restaurants it was a little bit expensive. we probably won't try thisone again. today's valentines day in korea and insteadof stuffing ourselves with copious amounts of chocolate we've decided to come and havea korean traditional set lunch. so korea has a lot of lovey dovey holidaysfor couples and we've actually managed to miss most of them, so there was kiss day injune i believe and hug day in december and we were unaware of these, so we've got tomake up and celebrate valentines day this
year. so by korean set meal, what it is called locallyis hanjeongsik, and what that means is basically it's a set meal built around rice dishes (suchas the dolsot stone pot rice set). what we expect to have is a lot of different sidedishes and soups, so it's going to be a really big meal. mmmm....i'm starving so i'm lookingforward to this. yes, me too. first off, they brought us juk, which is kindof like a soup, so take a look in here. and this black. i wonder what it is made of? goodquestion. i'll take a sip and let you know. any guesses? i have no idea. hahahaha! isit good though? no, it's good - it's really nice.
oh, and there is jeon too. little jeon. gamhasamnida. neh background music so our feast has arrived. it's a pleasantsurprise. we really didn't know what we were going to get, so we'll give you a bit of atour here. over here we've got something called bulgogi, which is marinated beef strips. downhere it looks like we've got a normal salad. jeon, which is a korean style pancake, whichwe both love. this looks like a sort of mini kind of tonkatsu, mini cutlet and anotherkind of salad and chapchae.
we've just been brought one more dish here,which is called bosam, a kind of steamed meat. so the bulgogi is finished cooking now we'regoing to dish it up. let's get some veggies in there too. and the bulgogi is known forhaving a sweet sauce. what it is being marinated in is actually quite a sweet sauce. how doesthat look? that looks awesome. it's steamed up. time to try it. mmm...it's awesome. the meatis really tender. really nice....soft....mmmmmm. what do you got there? this is the most deliciouspa jeon i've had since i've been in korea. korean pancake? it's a little korean pancakewith lots of green onions and this one also has seafood. it looks like octopus maybe.and it's so good.
very crispy isn't it? mmmmmmhmmmm. flavorful? there are so many side dishes to choose fromthat it's a little difficult to decide what you're going to eat next. music playing in the background. so i really thought the meal was over afterthe first set of dishes came out but behold there is even more to eat. all kinds of goodness ranging from fish tosoup and here is the dolsot, the stone pot, rice. what we're going to be doing right now iswe're actually going to be scooping out the
rice from the stone pot and then adding waterto burnt sides of it. and what that does is it creates a rice soup. so audrey is scoopingit out. so at this point we scraped out all of therice from the main part. as you can see we've put it in the bowl and now we've just gotthe rice on the side. we're going to add some hot water and turn it into a soup. sizzling water boiling sound. cover it up. and we wait. water boiling sound. steaming
looks like we've put a little bit too muchwater in here. it's actually bubbling over. that's my rice just bubbling next to me onthe table. so here is my whole fish. i'm just tryingto get some meat off the bone, so i have to take out the spine. it's kind of difficult.a morcel. it is time for the official unveiling of thestone pot. da da dun da dun. so now we have a little rice soup. it's kind of a murky lookingsoup. audrey will try it. hopefully not burn myself.it does look very hot. mmmmm, it's very sweet. is it sweet? it's like a sweet tea with ricein it. it was a great meal. i'm personally stuffed.and there are still so many dishes i never
got around to trying. it was just very veryfilling. so much food. would you come back again? i would definitely come back here. definitely feel the same way as audrey. oneof the better value meals i've had in a long time. it's just awesome. eating noisestonight for dinner we're going to show you one of our favorite korean meals. it's actuallykorean chinese food. in every country chinese food is a little bit different and korea isno exception. this here is a typical korean-chinese restaurant.it's just a small little place. hahaha! we have someone who is very hungry.so the last time we had chinese food it was
in busan on our first trip together. and samate so much that one night that he couldn't even walk afterwards and we ended up not evenseeing the markets, not seeing the city. it was straight to bed for him.what you talking about! actually, sadly it's true.gamsahamnida! yum yum check this out. it's for one person.that's like a feast in a bowl. what is it? that's jjajamyeong. which is?it's noodles with a black bean paste and some onions. and this is an actual set we ordered.we got this whole massive feast. like these are huge bowls. and we got sweet and sourpork. now this is a value meal. for the two of us $13. yeah!i'm already digging in. you are. slurping
noises.stirring noises eating noiseswell, that's a long noodle! it sure is. oh, it's so good. one of our favoritefoods to have. so here we have this sweet and sour pork.it's breaded and deep fried and it's in a nice sweet sauce. and we also have a few veggieslike onions, carrots and maybe coleslaw. mmm....nice little surprise there. that's really good.it's quite sweet isn't it? mmmmm>...yeah in a chinese korean restaurant often the bestvalue meals are the sets. we ordered what was set a which included the two bowls ofjjajamyeong here and the tongsuyuk the sweet and sour pork. this meal will leave us stuffed.we can't even finish it all. oh yeah, that's
going to fill us up for sure.eating noises stirring noiseswhat are you doing? just mixing in the black bean paste. then i'm going to stuff my face.eating noises. hahahaha...you got enough?as usual in a korean - chinese restaurant you don't really get that many side dishes.we just have these lovely little radishes. that's the banchan. that's the korean sidedish. we've got so much to eat leftover. well, i couldn't quite finish mine. it wasjust too much food. sam did a little bit better. there is nothing left of mine. a true pig.but anyways, for someone visiting korea and looking for a cheap budget meal that is deliciouswe recommend korean-chinese food. it's awesome!
for lunch today we're having one of my favoritefoods in all of korea - hamuel pa jeon. jeon is a kind of korean pancake. it's actuallythe very first meal i ever had when i came to seoul many years ago, so this is an oldfamiliar favorite. so this is the kind of meal that you eat asan appetizer before a really big feast or you can have it as an anju, which means youeat it as a side dish when you're having drinks. background noise in the restaurant.so it appears we've got some kind of a rice tea or drink before our meals comes. we'rejust dishing it up. let's see what it tastes like.are you going to take a sip? yeah, it's a kind of refreshing hot rice drink. hot ricetea.
background noise in the restaurant.music playing in the background. so it looks like we have a little soup herewith some soy beans and healthy greens. let's get some broth in here.so in my hands here is something called makeoli. it's a korean rice wine and it is somethingthat can be made with both rice and wheat. fermented rice and wheat. it is traditionallya popular drink with korean farmers but now everyone loves it. so it comes in these cutelittle bowls. i'm going to show you what it pours like. it kind of has a white murky milkysubstance and it is the perfect drink pairing for what we've order - the korean pizza - pajeon. they go together. so makgeoli isn't too strong.it's typically 6 to 8 percent alcohol, so
it's a nice social drink where you can haveseveral cups. they've rolled the kimchi up nice and neatand cute. in fact, i think it's almost too cute to eat. can you imagine? kimchi too cuteto eat? okay, so here is. cheers. gumbai as they say in korea. that's nice. is it nice?yeah, it is. okay, time for a korean cheers. gumbai.oh wow, that's massive. gamsahamnida.speaking in korean here is our pa jeon and it is a generous lookingsize. it's massive. we've got the tongs and the sissors to cut it up.you have expert hands. background music playing.so it's just been lovingly cut up into nice
little bite sized bits. and we are going totry it. yes, i am. once i'm able to pick it up.i'm going to dip it into the sauce, which is soy sauce.i know i'm not supposed to be using my hands but i want to make this happen. there we go.mmmmmm that sauce is good.so pa jeon is the perfect meal to enjoy with a friend. it's often typically eaten duringbad weather days. for example when it is raining or when i'm hiking together. it's a very socialmeal. if you look down here you can see the pa is actually the green onion, the scallions.this here is what is called the pa and because we have seafood and other objects like this.this is actually hamul pa jeon. this is shrimp.
there is a whole bunch of different vegetablesand seafood. it's made with a salty pancake like dough.are you feeling a little buzzed from the makgeoli? no, i've hardly had any.okay, what is your verdict for this meal? i really like it. i thought it was a greatjeon. it was very tasty, the seafood was pretty fresh. do you want to know when somethinghas turned out to be a good meal? what? when you look down and there is not even a morselleft. i'll take the last one. there you go. hahahaha.some happy customers. well, i love this meal. we took care of thepa jeon here completely. and i probably knocked off 85 percent of the magkeoli. i've got anice little buzz going on right now. oh yeah!
i'm in a happy place. today we are visiting the shin old tea housewhere we will be enjoying a cup of traditional tea. right now we find ourselves in a very cozylittle tea house. it is very cute. they have low dim lighting and tapestries and pillowson the ground, so we've ordered ourselves some nice fruity teas. this tea house is located just off of insadong,which is known as sort of the cultural hub street of seoul. we've found this quaint littleplace. as we've placed our orders we have some delicious looking snacks. this lookslike rice cake and maybe another rice cake
covered in honey with little cereal chunkson top maybe. let's try this. crunchy huh? okay. it is likepuffed rice - like rice popcorn maybe. it has like honey on the outside and it is verysweet and airy. here is the ginger tea and the masilcha isthe plum tea. how is the plum tea? it is delicious. mine is so sweet it is almost like liquidhoney but it is not too overwhelming. it is really nice. there is plenty of flavor asidefrom it being sweet. what kind of tea did you get over there? igot ginger tea. the same thing - it is a nice sweet tea with a really strong ginger flavor.it is just a perfect way to warm-up on a winter day. oh, yeah.
i'm going to try one of these now. it is arice cake with a green swirl in it. i'm not sure what the green swirl is because i can'ttaste any difference. is it kind of plain tasting? it is just a regular rice cake. we're receiving heat from two different sources- an electric fan up above us and then we also have the ondul system on the floor. theheated floors by the heated pipes underneath. we're as toasty as you can get. i feel likei could take a nap in here. i probably could too. getting off of insadong's main strip is areally good idea because it is usually in the back alleys where you can find traditionalrestaurants, traditional tea houses and just
quieter places. it is much better value andalso has traditional homes as well which is the same as here. we are finished sadly our tea is gone. itis time to wrap things up and head back into insadong for a little shopping and maybe somecake. tonight we're going to be trying a new dishhere at our favorite restaurant. it is going to be our last time to eat here because i'mfinishing my teaching contract and going back to canada soon. anyways, we're going to betrying the signature dish of this restaurant and it is called dtalktoritang which is spicychicken vegetable stew. i've had this before and it is delicious. we've always come hereand had our dolsot bibimbap and sundubu jjigae
because we've loved it but this actually thesignature dish at this restaurant and we're going to be eating it tonight. yummy! how hungry are you? i'm hungry yeah! hungry!yeah! let's see your hungry face? i'm hungry! myhungry lion face? rawr. come on - i'm hungry! gamsahamnida (thank you in korean). there comes the stew. here is our hearty chicken stew and it isthe perfect winter dish and it has got lots of pieces of chicken, potatoes, onions, vegetablesand it looks really tasty and really filling. it is bubbly bubbly bubbly. let's dig in!
we have a nice piece of chicken breast overhere. i'm loading up myself. lots of potatoes and lots of chicken. this is the perfect dish now that the temperatureshave dropped below zero. it is just so filling and it gets you feeling all warm. the potatoesare nice and soft and the chicken has been boiling for a while so it is very tender.it falls right off the bone. yes, it is one of my favorite korean dishes so far. i wishi had discovered it sooner. too bad. tell us your thoughts? how much are you lovingthis dish? i'm loving but i think you're loving it even more. one of the interesting thingsabout this dish is that there are several different parts to the chicken here. thereare drumsticks and various parts without bones.
there is some work involved while eating.this is the bone section. dtalkdoritang is what this dish is calledand i'll break down the words we used. dalktorri - tang means stew. you can imagine this aschicken stew. i have a feeling it might be chicken mixed stew or chicken spicy stew.it also has potatoes and onions and different things in it. it is steaming as you speak. this dish comes in a several different sizes.the one we got here is actually a small. if you take a look at it it is not small. that'sa lot meat boiling there. it's a lot of meat and potatoes for two people. it also comesin medium and large size, so this dish we're ordering here is 19,000 korean won which is17-18 usd these days. all of this for that
price is really reasonable. the medium is24,000 won and the large is 29,000 won. i'm guessing the large could feed an entire familyand maybe even an entire extended family. it is just a lot of food and we're enjoyingit. we polished off the stew. this is what isleft of it and this actually the best part. the broth got really thick and it is flavorfuland saucy. you like your saucy foods don't you? what a feast. what a great way to end my timein korea. and i think you have a little sauce on your lips in the corner of your mouth abit. no? korean barbecue time!
surprise, surprise we're back at our favoritebarbecue. tonight we're having so-galbi. the differencebeing we're having beef instead of pork. this cut of beef is so much better. it is not nearlyas fatty. it is going to be delicious. unlike the samgyeopsal, this galbi is coatedin a sweet sauce. check it out. this being the sauce. one of our favorite aspects of this meal isthat it is a do it yourself barbecue. we are preparing it for ourselves. i am loving this meat. it is very soft andjuicy and i've gotten used to eating very fatty meats here in korea. this is like gold.what are you putting in it now? i'm putting
it in the ssamjang sauce. let's see your yummyface? i'm having a yummy good time. if you want to eat the meat like a koreani'm going to show you how. you've got the lettuce in one hand and you've got the meatand chopsticks. follow me. first you're going to dip it into the soy sauce and then a littlebit into the ssamjang - red pepper paste and a little soy bean paste. plop that into thelettuce. i'm going to get some leafy springs and put those in. we would normally have garlicbut we weren't given any today, so this is going to be good enough. we just forgot to cook it. i have all of thegarlic. oh you do - over there. roll it into a ball pop it in your mouth.
we finished cooking all of the meat so nowwe're just grilling the onions and the garlic a little bit. we take the meat off of thegrill because otherwise it just totally burns. this is about perfect. this is about as close as you can get to acaveman diet. the so called cave-man diet. it is just basically meat, veggies and a bitof soup. there are really no carbs here at all. this is the kyeran jjim - it is like an eggsouffle. beef and not smoke. bloopers! the difference being...haha
la la la happy saturday! yeah! we're going to our favoritekorean restaurant in my area. and it's just a little hole in the wall place. we're goingto show you what it is all about. yes, and this is a place we visit very often almostevery single weekend. the food is amazing. amazing and cheap. yep. that's why we likeit. ok, show us the way. come in. come in. so this is the basement. we have to go downstairs.steps. we're going right by a butcher shop here.and here it is. our favorite place. i'm not sure if it hasa name. can an sik dang.
so this is a korean sit-down restaurant, sowe get some pillows and here is our complimentary tea. oooh! and you can see it is a traditional table. i like this restaurant because first we getso many side dishes. the service is pretty fast and it doesn't take too long for herto cook the food. it's better than fast food in korea. yes! which is actually slow. so now it is your turn. tell us why do youlike this restaurant so much? well, i love it because it's a typical hole in the wallkorean style place. these always tend to be the best restaurants in this country. theplaces in the basement are places that aren't
chain restaurants. it's got a bit of characterto it. oppa gangnam style! hey sexy audrey! dooo dooo dooo dooo silly dancing style korean tv playing ooooh! you're really into your korean soapoperas. what's going to happen next? gamsahamnida
so this is just the side dishes. it's noteven the main course. here is our korean feast. we're having ourtwo favorites. we're having dolsot bibimbap, which is the mixed korean rice. you can lookat that. all the veggies, all of the yumminess. soon dubu jjiggae. soft tofu spicy soup. it'sspicy too! sam is stirring the dolsot bibimbap.cooking noises and this is what it looks like when it isdone. it's hot. is it hot?and action. how is it? bubaaaabuhhhh bibimbap. it's good. and our korean feast which we nearly devouredonly cost us just over $10 usd. not so bad.
good value. full belly means a happy boy. my happy dance...wooooo! that's not going to work. and that was lunch at our favourite place.yeah! blah, blah, blah, blah gamsamnida (thank you in korean). basically what shabu-shabu is a kind of hotpot korean style hot pot. what we do is we have different ingredients here. thin slicesof beef putting in, greens, different vegetables here already in the pot and we've got noodlesat one point and over here this is what we're
going to be putting in to make the rice atthe very end. it's a lot of different courses to this meal. basically, eventually we'regoing to get all of these different ingredients and meat into here and it is a spicy typeof hot pot. it's perfect for the winter season. we're going to put some of the vegetablesin the soup right now. snip snip. all the leafy goodness. that looks tasty. one of ourfavorite aspects of these communal korean meals is the do it yourself part. we're cookinga bit of the meal here. next up is the meat. plop it right into thepot and it cooks very fast. that is why you don't want to put it in at first. it's goodto cook to the vegetables first because of that reason.
apparently, the name shabu-shabu is derivedfrom an onomatopoeia meaning that the shabu shabu sound is supposed to indicate the swishingsound of the beef cooking in the hot pot sauce. shabu shabu! shabu-shabu! bubbly bubbly bubbly bubbly! now it is noodle time. oh my gosh okay! therewe go. disaster averted. yeah. that makes it a lot more thick with the noodles. i'm really enjoying the meal so far and myfavorite part is the thin strips of beef and you can dip that in a wasabi and soy saucemixture and it is really strong and really potent. it has made my eyes water a coupleof times. let's see you do the demo. let's
see a demo here. i'm not sure there is any beef left. i'vedevoured most of it. dip it into the wasabi. let's soak it and the camera is all foggedup now. here i am with the thin strip of beef andi'm going to be dunking it into the soy sauce wasabi combo. absolutely delicious. mashiketa(delicious in korean). a korean lady is over there making our bokumbap- our fried rice - and she is using some of the leftover ingredients from the shabu-shabuas well as mixing it into the pot. here comes our fried-rice bokumbap. look atthat! the best part is that if you leave it for a while it gets crispy on the bottom,so you get a nice crispy golden rice. hold
on - it is really hot! tasty? oh yeah. this meal cost man gu cheon won which is 19,000won which is less than 19 usd. it's a pretty good price. it is the meal that keeps on giving.you get the soup, the vegetables, the beef, the noodles and the rice at the end. you alsoget complementary coffee. what is not to like? it's a lot of food for free.
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