mm, mm, eating. new orleans is a gourmand's dream.oh, and i'm so hungr-... hi. james from engvid. i'm hungry, and i'mthinking about eating, and i'm sure you do, too. after all, eating is a natural thing.but in your experience of what you've been taught, i'm sure you've been told words like:"delicious", "eating", and that's about it. hey, the world's a big place and a rich place,so why don't we give you a rich vocabulary and give you, you know, some native-speakerspeak on eating. are you ready? let's go to the board. so, i'm looking at a book. i'll say... oh,what's this? "time to pig out, mr. e? it's
not time to scarf down pizza and beer. we've gotwork to do." i'm sure you're going: "scarf? why 'scarf'?" we'll find out. on the board,we have: "how to talk about eating". simple enough. chew, swallow. no, not so simple. like,in every country, there's a way to speak about things, and i want to give you a good...good introduction to our eating lexicon, which is dictionary. we're going to go from a littleto a lot. and i'll give you the words that we might use, and explain each one, and you'llnotice there are some pictures here, so i will give you the number with each picture.some won't have pictures, but hey, that's life. suck it up, baby. so the first one: "nibble". iwant you to imagine a mouse.
[nibbles] do mice eat a lot? no. they eat a little bit, just a little food.okay? now, "nibble" can be a noun as in the amount of food you eat, or verb, and it meansto eat just a little bit. okay? and that's our first one. "nibble". think of a mouse.a mouse nibbles its food; has a little bit of food. "graze" is number two. "grazing" is funny.you kind of eat a lot, but you don't. huh? well, when you graze, think of cows. yousee the cow: "moo", it's moving through, [eating noises];moves over here,
[eating noises] moves over here. it eats a littlebit of everything, or as i like to say, when i go to people'shouses and i don't know if the food is good, i just graze. i try a little, [eating noises],and i move on. try a little, i move on. i might stay in a place where i like that. okay?cows graze. funny enough, men don't really graze. women graze more than men.they do it because they eat, they go: "i'm having fun, i'm enjoying myself. i'mgoing to try this, this, this, this, this." men just want to, boom, gulp it down. so, to grazeis to move and eat a little bit of food at a time. we usually do this at buffets or with foodswe're not sure of, like, i'm just going to
graze a bit. okay? you see the cow? that'sbessie, graze. so, when you see people eating a little bit of food, and moving around, andkeep coming back to the same food - they're grazing. not really eating. numero uno. uno? did i say "uno"? see, idon't speak spanish. that's why i shouldn't. number three: "bite". you know a bite as, here?yeah. easy. right. oh, sorry, i should say "graze" is a verb before i forget, there. "graze",a verb. "bite", a bite. now, notice a bite is singular in this case. "a bite" is interestingbecause it's a medium amount of food, and it's a noun. when you go for a bite, you wantsome food. when we talk about "nibble", i said cheese, i should have actually said:"think nibbling as on peanuts, chips maybe,
a cookie or two". i just want to nibble; nota lot of food. remember the noun? when you go for a bite to eat, you wantsomething like a hot dog. you go: "okay, i get it." no, no, you don't get it.i want just a hot dog, or i want a slice of pizza,or i want a hamburger, but i don't want a salad, i don't want dessert,i just want something more than a nibble, more than chips, but not a full meal. i'mnot... i don't have the time or i'm not that hungry. so when you go for a bite, some peoplemight go... they won't even go for a doughnut, like a doughnut would be something to nibble onor just eat, but a bite would be a hamburger, hot dog, something like that. big, but not toobig, because it's a medium amount of food.
all right? so, i'm going to go for a bite.and look here, there's a mouth. there you go. "bite". don't forget to get a bite.okay? i might even say as an idiom: "i'm going out for a bite. do you want something?"if you go: "yeah, give me a salad, plus this", i go: "dude, i'm going for a bite. you want a meal,go by yourself. that's way too much food." number four: "munch". "munch"? well, "munch".it sounds like something, right? think of a coke can, when you crush it, [crunchingsound] it makes a sound. "crunch", "munch". "m" stands for "middle". munching is likenibble, but you have a bit more food. so, nibbling is a small amount of food for a mouse.when you're munching on something... here's the thing about munching: first, it's notgoing to be one little thing. it might be
a few carrots and some celery. but here'swhat's going to get to you [crunching noise]. you know: "man, i can hear that guy munchingfrom all the way over here." it's sound. munch and crunch, think crunch the can, munch withyour mouth - you hear the sound from over there. usually makes you upset. okay? so,when somebody's munching on something, you'll go: "what is he munching on?" how do you know?you can hear it. so, crunch the can, sound; munch with a mouth. and it won't be two or threepeanuts; it'll be more. okay? so, "munch" for medium and sound. "rumbling". at night, sometimes it's raining or in theday, and thunder and lightning-right?-comes down. so there's a big sound. have you ever satdown in a room from somebody, like e right
now, and you go [mumbles], and you're like:"is there somebody in there?" you say: "my stomach's rumbling because i'm very hungry."we're now moving from medium to more, like you're more than just hungry. you're not alittle hungry; you're almost getting very hungry. so your tummy starts to rumble oryour stomach. "tummy" is for children and ladies: "my tummy's rumbling". "stomach" is formen who are macho people. "stomach's rumbling." it means: i'm hungry, it's making sounds. okay?so, if you see this... here we go. "rumbling", think of thunder, that big noise.right? "rumbling". "scarf". look at e. e is eating a pizza anddrinking beer. the whole meal cost him $2. trust me, you don't want $2 pizza and beer.it'll make you sick, but it's very cheap.
it's inexpensive; not a lot of money. "scarfit down." imagine a scarf, you know, in the winter in canada, we wear scarves to keep ournecks warm. when you scarf something down, you take the food, [eating noises], and you justtake it right down, right down your throat. the throat and the neck are in the same area.it means sometimes you don't even swallow, or chew. where's my word "chew"? see? we munch.we look at scarfing, "scarfing", and these words here, no "chewing". chewing's with yourteeth. when you scarf down the pizza, usually you'll just: "[eating noises]". you go: "man, youdidn't even chew your food. you just swallowed, like a snake." [laughs] you're like: "yeah,i did." right? so, when you scarf it down, we sometimes don't even chew the food, andit's usually cheap. so, "scarfing"... hmm.
this is interesting. you can say: "i was scar-...i scarfed down the pizza." that's okay. it tells me you were very hungry, andyou ate or drank very quickly. if you say: "mr. e scarfed down thefood", i think he's an animal. it's not a compliment. you go: "he's scarfing downthat food." you're saying: he's acting in a way that might send him to the hospital.right? see? e, told ya, don't scarf that food. cheapbeer and pizza will get you in trouble. right? so no scarfing. scarfing is not good.okay? chew your food. remember "chew"? very good. all right. "scarf" and "devour". "devour" means to eatsomething completely. so that arrow was in
the wrong place, so when we go here, leavingnothing. "scarfing" and "devouring" are almost the same. do you want to know the big difference?yeah. when you devour something, you're saying two things: a) it is delicious, and b) isthat it's expensive. if somebody says to me: "hey, i devoured that cake." cake is sweetand nice, it's delicious. it makes sense why you would devour the cake. if you said youscarfed it, i would think you were eating it in a hurry. so,generally, you'll hear... here's a perfect example: "i went to a cheappizza place the other night and i, you know... i ate... i scarfed down a pizza andsome beer. it was like 10 bucks." you will never hear that same person say this: "i wentto a fancy italian restaurant the other day. the pasta
was divine. i devoured it." that's what they'llsay. they'll never say: "the pasta was divine. i scarfed it down." anybody hearing that whospeaks english is like: "[laughs]. what's wrong with that guy?" so am i saying moneymakes a difference? well, it's really about if it's expensive and it tastes really goodor it tastes good, we'll say "devoured". you devour your mother's food; you don't scarfit down. if you scarf it down it's because you have to run out of there, but you wouldnever say: "mom, i'm scarfing your dinner." it's not polite. but if you're in a pizzajoint, or eating a hamburger or a hot dog off the street: "i scarfed it down. i wasstarving." everybody understands. the other thing is "scarf" is usually used by youngerpeople, teenagers and that. okay? cool, so
we've got "scarf" and "devour" and we'reon the "a lot". we're eating a lot, now. "starving". you usually scarf food down anddevour it because you are starving. what does "starving" mean? you know "hungry": "i'm hungry","i'm a little hungry", "i'm very hungry". starving is this: "food, now!" no conversation.food, gone. that's why i scarfed it or i devoured it because i need food now. all right? so,you got "hungry" we already know, then we're going to give you a new one, "starving", whichmeans: "i'm so hungry, i don't want to talk, give me my damn food now." are we good? i thinkwe've almost done all of these. right, e? "time to pig out!" well, wait a second. ijust want to do something before we go there. okay? so it's not time to pig out now.chill with your cheap beer.
"gulp", "swallow", "spit". you'll notice ihave on the board, here, "eat" and "drink". i want to do "drink" a little later, but todaywe're going to finish off with there are some words that you can eat and drink, and we usethe same words or verbs with them. okay? by the way, this is called a venn diagram, and itshows you what is common. and these are common. a "gulp", if you have a drink of something,and you [gulps], that's a gulp. you can also gulp down your food. if you're gulping thefood, you're probably not chewing. you're probably, [gulps], gulping it down. you takeair in with the food you gulp. sometimes you [burps] when you're done, which is calleda "burp", because you gulped, took in too much air with the food. "swallow" is this,down my throat, [swallows]. you take medicine,
[swallows], you swallow, and that's to put itdown. and "spit" is this, [spits], spit out. give you a great example beforewe go to the next board. mr. e, one night we're out, we're partying. mr. efinished drinking and he couldn't find a place to pee, so he peed in a bottle, and put it in the fridge. i don't know why.i don't know why he did it. anyway, i woke up the next morning, went to the fridge, tookout the i thought water-[laughs] it was really pee-and i gulped it down. but before i couldswallow it, i knew it was pee, so i, [spits], spat or spit... "spat" is the pastof "spit". i was spitting it out. "e, what is wrong with you!?"
no, it's still not time to pig out.end of the story? i don't think so. all righty, then. we are going to go throughjust a couple of... well, i did eating and i gave you things like "chew", and "swallow",and whatnot. just for some fun, i mean, it's a little bit extra, just want to give youthrough some animal idioms for eating, because when we eat, we are animals after all, but weusually tend to use the animals to emphasize what we think. "emphasize" means make strongerof what's going on. so i gave you five of them just to play with for a little bit, andwe've got a bird, and we've got a dog. i stopped drawing because, really, i'm not good atit. but i got a dog... if you're going: "what is that? it looks like a turd." don't askme what a turd is, okay? yeah, that's a turd
with legs. the piglooks like my sis-... no, it doesn't look my sister. i love you.i'm not even going to say her name. a bird, a horse, and a wolf.a wolf is like a big dog, in case you don't know what it is, it's likea dog that's not been domesticated. that's not a wolf or... it, it's just... theidea is think of dog. all right. so let's start small. "eat like a bird". thisone is actually what we call an oxymoron. "oxymoron" means the two wordsreally don't really go together, because birds are supposed to, you know, eat like a bird. birds are small,not eat a lot. in reality, they eat a lot.
but when we say someone eats like a bird, wemean they don't really eat. maybe one cookie, one peanut. not very much. they eat like abird, that's why they're so slim. okay? the opposite of eating like a bird is to "pigout", dude. e's gone, but e was wanting to pig out. he wanted to eat, eat, eat, eat likea pig. pigs are known to eat anything, and eat a lot, and eat all the time. so if you're abird, you don't eat a lot of food. if you're a pig, you eat all the time. if you "make a pigof yourself", it means you are embarrassing yourself because you're eating so much thatnow people are looking at you and staring. they might even charge money to watch theanimal eat the food. so don't make a pig of yourself. okay? so, you know, two,three slices, okay; 10, 20, problem.
"dog's breakfast". if you have a dog, i don'tneed to explain; if you don't have a dog, i will. dogs are not known for being verytidy or neat eaters. you know, they don't cut their food and eat slowly; it's allover the place. so when somebody tells you: "it looks like a dog's breakfast", it'svery messy, very disorganized. okay? horse. when you "eat like a horse", it meansto eat a lot of food. it's similar to pigging out. there is a difference. when you eat likea bird or eat like a horse, they're exact opposites. you eat like a horse, you eat allthe time, you like to eat a lot. you're a very good eater, let's say. when you eat likea bird, you don't eat a lot of food all the time. okay? so those...that's what that means.
now, so we got these two as being opposite.right? "eat like a bird" and "eat like a horse". when i say "pig out" it's because you're eating...maybe one time you're eating like this. sorry, i forgot to put "dog's breakfast", becausethe breakfast belongs to the dog. sometimes i forget that. but yeah, "pigging out", you'regoing to say: "aren't they the same?" i go: "no." these two are like normal behaviours.you "eat like a bird", you don't eat a lot all the time. "eat like a horse", you eat alot all the time. when you "pig out", it's maybe a one-time thing. tonight i'm going topig out on spare ribs. i don't always eat a lot, but i'm going to eat... pig out now.when i "make a pig of myself", i'm making it embarrassing. i'm eating so much, there'srib juice, it's all on my face, on my hair.
it's embarrassing. "dog's breakfast" is whenit looks bad, like you put the food down, you're like: "ughl. that looks like a dog'sbreakfast." it's not good to look at. okay? "wolf down". see how we got dogs and wolf?i don't know why. "wolf down", remember we talked about swallowing and gulping? when youwolf it down, you don't chew, you're like [eating noises], you're wolfing it down, [growls],like a savage animal. [laughs] all right? so we got a cool, few animal idioms you canspring on your friends now. all right? -"i eat like a bird, that's why i look so good." -"i'malways working out, so i have to eat like a horse." okay? how about a quiz? because you know we havea big quiz, but i want you to do this quiz first and see what you've learned.all right?
so the first one wewant to do is this: "i was at an excellent italianrestaurant and i __________ the meal." did i mention: "excellent"also means "expensive"? hopefully that helps you. that's right, you got it: "i devoured"."devoured" it, yeah. "devoured the meal". okay?you devoured the meal. what about this one: "we were at a cheap pizza joint andi _______ _______ a whole pizza."
hmm. it's not winter, but i sure could usesomething if i was cold. i'll give you a hint. i knew you'd get it. "scarfed down". remember we talkedabout scarfing down pizza and beer from cheap places?because this one is no money; that's a lot of money.there's the difference, okay? two more to go, and if you can do this, i canjust imagine what you're going to do on the quiz. "i'm going out fora __________."
i don't know. you tell me. hmm, mm, mm, mm. what do you think? could it be "a bite"? remember? when you go for a bite...think "bite", "bit", a little bit of food. right? "i'm goingout for a bite. do you want something?" i'll get you some food, too. and finally: "i can hear you__________ over here!"
think coke can. hmm? go with your hunch. yeah. "i can hear you munchingover here!" remember? hunch, crunch, munch, making sound. so youcan hear [eating noises], it's not a dog's breakfast, but itsounds like a dog. so, how did you do? did you get 4 out of 4?if not, watch the video again. and if so, i challenge you to go to www.eng as in englishvid as in video.com (www.engvid.com),
where you can do the rest of the quiz, and takesome other quizzes while you're at it, and watch some other videos. by the way, asalways, thank you very much for coming back. don't forget to subscribe. okay? anyway, i'llsee you. i'm out. that was a lot to swallow. i don't think i can do anymore. but if you're starving for moreknowledge, you know where to go.
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