cilantro lime chicken recipe. what's up it's thomas delauer today i'mgoing to show you a slow cooker recipe for your heart. you've got a long day kids are in schoolgotta pick them up you don't have time to get home you allset with your homework and still there but we do have a couple hours in themorning where you set size and agrees throw in a slow cooker has hot freshdinner ready to rock and roll when you get all the kids so i'm gonnastart off with some organic chicken this is organic chicken breast i slicedup and i had not accommodated this or made this to accommodate myself in thenext few days because i'm a big fan of
making foods that you have leftovers seedon't have to cook all the time and so the other cities we've got we've gotsome fresh line for organic lines that's why you can see they may not perfectshape they may not be perfect color becausethey're not getting modified a little healthy lives a nice fresh fine to makeup i'm going to put in there and then also got nice friends you know all youput in there and probably be a and d stem that it's not super spicy and ifyou got a little bit in the house you may not want to have that extraspice and suddenly got some salt some ever so help seasoning and secretingredient little bit of stevia make it
just a little bit speak native make oklastly we got our salon so the cool thing about slow recipes is this isabsolutely painless you literally just throw the ingredientsin the slugger you said and forget so in thisparticular case i'm going to take my chicken breast on the start - literallydumping all the press you can do this with you can do thisread or write i'm using chicken because it really seems to absorb that flavorreally well and line is tremendously high vitamin c's really get that and italso helps break , to tenderize it is interest passive back you've probablyseen the people like trucks that means a
lot literally create a sitter so i'm goingto grab a chooser here and i'm going to get the juice about three lines in thiscase actually for good measure and cut one more on so it's going to choose for lives alright i guess a lot of juice ok it's not like climate so i'm justgonna drizzle list over the chicken i like that the next thing i'm going to do is i'mgoing to cut up the cilantro and try to
find a job so much that it doesn't needto be are really tight but it doesn't meet find out we're doing that a lot outin the so i skipped the salon for the child onto a plate and now that thechicken special there now the whole thing is add an awesomeflavors just about painting and that spice can actually stimulate metabolismto get going a little bit more cuties that you're going to earn a little bitmore fat spice use a phrase that your body when you do they ugc can do it takes away a lot of that ii i'm doing that because we're not is over
i don't want to have to buy seeds but ifyou're into more of a spicy killed you can definitely leave the seeds andmaybe nice and spicy i'm not going to finelychopped is too much because i don't want too much of the spice in the recipe soi'm just going to kind of find cut it about this little bit more fun and doabout one centimeter square yourself nice one right on i'm just going to use a littlebit of tomato save for being slow i don't have a5-inch office is here tomatoes are really one of my favoritefavorite fruit
i used to hate tomatoes when i wasgrowing up in sanding and then as i got older i sort of felt a storm when ilearned how much like you just kind of like a really good for the heart they say if you look at tomato it sortof looks like a cart outside until it's good heart i for our guys that are watching it'salso good for prostate so help keep process oh well into your ears peppersand onions what i got from trader joe's we findthese organic veggies you're at or near grocery stores go downfrozen i hope your friend is not lots of
good stuff there so these are organic farmers and bellpeppers and it's got some red yellow and green bell peppers if you want to go fresh totally yeahthis just makes it really quick easy and easy to get organic we're almost done now we're going to addsome seasoning and some salt are emulating it's all and then those of youthat know me well know that i always using this is all this pink himalayansalt is great for keeping your sodium levels a little bit lower your wishes
so in lance also got a tiny bit lesssodium in traditional is also provide and i go to change some salt here andthen of course we've got some pepper you covered your face i'm just going to sprinkle on i'd likeeveryone and this is our child the light seasoning from rags and thereason i like this because seek lol is extremely good for the ira and i what isthat master plan you helped stimulate metabolism to keepgoing to blow that up because it's got a nice nice taste to it and now the secretingredient is stevia extract some mysterious works really well slopedterms of tenderizing plus isn't that a
little bit of flavor why you're dealing with this a lot ofchicken just don't need much of it i'm gonna probably put it in total abouttablespoon in there is pretty powerful stuff so we're almost done lastly we're goingto do stir it up just a little bit to makesure it's nice to get in there and that those juices all around don't be nice to just sit on top of thechicken is going to create something that sound juices
so we take a little bit later you findat a lot more juice and started out so look at it is well mixed well and it's all stirred up and we areready to turn this sucker so let's see what sort of pop the top onthere nice and tight and you can do this one of two ways coming on lower you can cut it on highso we're going to leave this for a few hours i'm going to check on just alittle bit in the meantime gotta go run someerrands i'll be back in a few hours i got to see that
so i'm back from running my errands anddinner is ready so so simple it's been about four fourand a half hours sector has been in boom get some sort of long-term line two that was absolutely effortless and if myguess is right it's chicken is just going to fall apart for that there arewe even have to touch it falls apart specimens here this goes great with alittle bit of guacamole you can make some homemade guacamole organic avocadosand you'll see the best for that as well as low but also goes great with someincluding free tortillas or maybe just over taco salad
so many things that you can use thischicken for me lo carving it tonight i'm just going to put a little bit ofmeat and cheese on top of this quality at night so guys stay tuned for more of theseeasy slope of the recipes thanks for watching i'll see you guys inthe next video i'm going to go get him have a good night i
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