it's almost christmas! a holiday that is very hard to celebrate in korea away from our families. the past seven years i've been living in korea i have made home-made eggnog now wait a second! some of you guys heard "eggnog" and were like "oh my god, that's disgusting!" i know, the name "eggnog" sounds totally disgusting. it is made with egg. wait, wait! don't go away! and nog? i don't know what the nog part is. but it's actually super delicious. do you like vanilla ice-cream? do you like custard? do you like milkshakes? do you like anything delicious like what butterbeer might taste like in your mind? yeah, then you're going to love eggnog.
you can drink it cold, you can drink it hot, you can add coffee to it, you can have it as a dessert you can spike it with rum or bourbon or cognac or whatever you want to do and it's a totally awesome delicious treat. to the kitchen! so the ingredients are divided into three sections: you're doing something on the stove, you're doing something with a whole lot of eggs and then you have ingredients that you're going to add like an hour after you chill the mixture. so i've got the milk, cloves, cinnamon and the vanilla inside of a pot on the stove, and i'm just going to have it on the lowest possible setting. you do not want this to boil. i started that first because it's going to take a while. we're going to be adding this to our egg mixture
in case you were wondering why i cracked all the eggs in such a gigantic bowl because eventually this will be going into here and back on the stove again, so you don't want to start it off in a big pot and then have to transfer it to another pot. we did that like every year, do you remember, ducky? -yep-we were like, why did i do...? this year i remembered! i remembered! -it only took you seven years.- i know. *sad sighing**simon laughing* christmas is ruined!
-i'm going to go make out with the cat now-please don't make out with the cat yet i just started *groaning* okay, what you're looking to do is combine the sugar and the egg yolks until it becomes something that's kind of ribbon-y. so if you take a look at this, like if i lift it up with the whisk see how it kind of falls in that kind of ribbon-y pattern? and if it falls onto it you can kind of see it for a bit? now you can see why i started the milk in advance because this takes about one christmas carol to whip actually. so if i had an electric beater this would be a lot faster, which i do not. this is totally ready to go, and what we're going to be doing is, once the milk is warm, we're going to
be tempering the eggs, and tempering the eggs is cooking them very *bleep* slowly. if you take that hot mixture and you dump it in here because you're impatient and you just go like "oh it'll be fine", you will just scramble your eggs, and there's no recovery. you will have scrambled eggs floating around, like chunks of egg! don't do it! you take your time! and now we wait for the next, however long's. - meemsie, me-me time.- no! please don't. please god no. it's so wonderful! he grooms me every day. ugh *bleep* ! - what happened there?- he sneezed on my face!
- hey, can i stick my face in that, like, pot of egg stuff right here and lick it? - mmm, no.- this stuff right here - didn't you tell there's a polish thing where you beat egg...- kogel mogel!! that sounds like a character from final fantasy. kogel mogel! - the kogel mogel has appeared!- kogel mogel! kogel mogel! - and you're sure that's not a final fantasy character?- kogel mogel! - did you make this up?- no. polish people, confirm for me. i can actually hear it trying to bubble. it's make like a glub-glub-glub sound.
i'm killing the heat. okay! now for the next slow and painful part, what we're going to do is add a tiny ladleful of this scolding hot milk to the egg and sugar mixture, while we ferociously beat the egg and sugar mixture. so if you put your hand on the bowl down here that you're beating here, you can feel it getting warmer. which is good, because you're trying to get this to like the same temperature so that the eggs don't scramble. that's the tempering part of this. this is pretty much the same temperature now. so now i'm just going to take... woah! that got really high up. i'm going to take the rest of this milk mixture and i'm just going to dump it in.
aww yeah! lots of good cinnamon left in here. beautiful! this smells so good! okay you're going to pop this whole thing back on the stove, you're going to put it on medium heat and you're going to try and bring it, not to a boil, but you're going to kind of cook it and let it thicken for about three minutes or so, and you want to kind of stir it constantly because it can burn quite quickly. and then we're almost done, people! pop this in the fridge to cool for about an hour or so.
so an hour's gone by and in that time period i used my leftover egg whites to whip up a light angel food cake in my rice cooker. so the eggnog is nice and cool and we're going to be pouring it into a really big container to strain out the cloves that are floating about, and we're going to be adding in four cups of cream, so you actually need a big enough container to mix this all up. please don't tip. yay, it's not tipping! oh yeah, look at all that cinnamon at the bottom there - look at that ingenuity!- go go go! no! it's your fault that this failed. you're like "look at that ingenuity" and i'm like "don't say that!"
it would have worked if you had said nothing! it doesn't matter, it still worked. - did it?- yes! it still worked! - are you sure you didn't dump all your shit in there?- i didn't! okay fine. - this is going to be the grossest eggnog ever.- it's not! there's nothing... look! - it's going to have like, floating pubes.- there is nothing... why would there be...?! what time is it right here? 2:50am. and yes i have pictures of my wife on my watch, shut up! i like you. okay! let's pour in the stuff
oh these are all dirty.*both laughing* these are all... i picked up one, and then i picked up the other it's christmas. okay! you're adding in the cream unceremoniously . it's in! now we're adding in the final touches with vanilla and nutmeg. this is really up to you regarding how you like this to taste. okay, come on in! come on into the zone, get on in here. oh yeah, look at that. alright, and here comes the decision with the rum. you should be using a golden or light rum, do not use
white rum! you can actually add this in now but i'm going to leave a little bit out on the side because i would like to have eggnog for breakfast with a shot of espresso inside of it instead. *humming announcement tune* - now are you going to label one as alcoholic and one as...- you can tell from the colour - can you?! because that looks pretty darn similar!-hmm that's it, that's homemade eggnog! it only took until 4 in the morning. and you can click on the link below and i'll take you to the blog post with the actual instructions on how to make this. hope you guys try this out! even if you don't try it out for christmas, try it out for any kind of holiday because eggnog is friken awesome. and let me know if you made it! merry christmas, and see you next year,
because it'll be 2016, get it? hey buddy.
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