(music) gemma's bigger bolder bakingfruit sushi hi bold bakers! bigger bolder baking is notjust about baking with rich ingredients like chocolate and cream. it is my style of bakingand it can be applied to any ingredient even fruit. which i'm going to show you today withmy big & bold twist on fruit sushi. so let's get baking! the rice that we're using for our sushi rollsis actually sushi rice. if you can't find this, you do need to use a starchy rice. thisworks really well because it's sticky and it binds well. nowadays you can find sushirice in most super markets.
we're going to start out by rinsing our ricein some water. give your rice a little bath and then drain off the starchy water. to cook your sushi rice, it's actually reallyeasy. in a heavy bottom sauce pan we're going to add in our rice, add your water, sugarbecause we're making sweet rice and salt because all baking needs salt. and then give thisa stir. now we're going to put on a lid. turn on theheat and let this come to a simmer then turn down the heat and let it cook for 12-15 minutesuntil the rice is cooked and all of the water is absorbed. and do not stir this while it's cooking. it'sa big mistake people make when cooking rice.
you'll know your rice is perfectly cookedwhen all of the water is evaporated and it might stick to the pan a tiny bit but nottoo much. you see that? lovely. because we're making fruit sushi for dessert,we're going to add in coconut milk and vanilla extract to really elevate the flavor of ourrice. and then stir it well together. you need your rice to be nice and moist becauseto roll a sushi roll, you need it to be able to bind and hold together. if your rice ison the dryer side, your roll will be quite brittle and it will fall apart. to stop your rice from cooking in the pot,spread it out on a tray and it will cool down really fast.
while my rice is cooling, i'm going to getstarted on the fruit. because the rice is coconut flavored, i thought i'd pair it with tropicalfruits and some berries and they would work really well together. you can get really creativewith this and use any of your favorite type of fruit. to prepare your fruit for inside of the sushiroll, you want to cut them long and kind of thick. if you kind of think of sticks, thatis what you want. you don't want slices. because remember you have to roll this up and it allhas to stick together. then continue cutting sticks as best you canwith the rest of your fruit. i love kiwi. look at that beautiful color. and it goesreally well with my nails. yumm.
i know every fruit is a different shape andsize so just try and get as much of a stick shape as you can. now it's time to make our first roll. a sushi rice is a nice to have but it's nota must have. if you don't have one, don't worry about it. you can just use cling film. lay down your mat and lay your cling filmon top a little bit bigger than the mat so you have room to roll. now just take a handful or rice and start to spreadit onto your mat. what you want to do is create a nice layer of the rice not too thick ortoo thin because remember it's all going to
be rolled up so you're going to be eatingit all at once on top of itself. a good tip is have a little bowl of waternearby and you can dip your hands in it because the rice will start to stick to your handit's kind of hard to get off so keep your hands kind of moist. if there are any holes, just cover them upwith a bit of rice because we don't want that. what you want to create is a rectangle ofrice that's roughly the same thickness. this is looking great. now it's time to addon our fruit. for my first roll, i'm going to pair together strawberries and kiwi. layyour fruit 2/3 up your mat so it's not too close to the lip and it's not too close tothe center.this makes it much easier to roll.
the funny thing about filling sushi is lessis more. this is the fun part where we're going toroll it up. when rolling your sushi, take your time. if you don't have a mat, like isaid, don't worry. you can do this with your cling film. take your cling film and use itas a guide to roll up your roll. press your roll and make sure it's nice and tight togetherbecause when you cut it you want the fruit to be together. you don't want there to beany holes or anything. and then one last roll, we're going to roll it over onto the seam.lovely. looking good. we want to turn over the sushi and finish it with the seam on thebottom. and there you have it. beautiful! when i was telling you that you have to havesticky rice, this is why because it will hold
your roll together. if the rice is on thedryer side, it will fall apart and it won't be as pleasant to eat. i have to cut this roll because i really wantto see what it looks like on the inside. wow! look at that. gorgeous! when slicing a roll,make sure you use a carving knife rather than a chopping knife because you want to makesure that you keep it all together when you're cutting. this is so nice! the coconut and the strawberrywork really well together. to make a regular sushi roll really stand out, you can toss itin some toasted coconut for extra flavor and texture. i put pineapple and strawberry inthis one because i think it will go really well with the coconut. it's all of those lovelytropical flavors.
for our next roll, we're going really big& bold and create a mango wrapper for our sushi for this roll, you need very thin slices ofmango and i like to get those by peeling a mango with a potato peeler. try to get wideslices of mango. it makes it much easier to wrap your roll. to make this roll, overlapyour mango slices directly onto the cling film. make sure you overlap them well so theydon't break apart and there are any holes. and then just like before, lay down your rice.i'm guessing each roll probably takes around two and a half handfuls of rice but it reallydepends on your hands and how hungry you are. i'm going to fill this one with kiwi and raspberrybecause i think it will go really well with the mango on the outside. the color of thisroll is going to be fantastic!
i've heard from some of you that you wanthealthier options for dessert and i definitely think this recipe ticks that box. once your fruit is in there, then start rolling.now remember, take your time. there's no rush. keep it nice and tight. then use the clingfilm as your guide. look at that mango on the outside. it looks beautiful! you can see now why i was telling you to cutit really thinly because you need to almost mold it. if it's too thick, it will snap. gorgeous! look at that beautiful color. usea good serrated knife when slicing your sushi. look at that. this sushi looks really goodbut we can't stop here because i have lots
more to show you. in addition to the lovely rolls, we're alsogoing to make some little sushi bites. to make our little bites, we're going to scoopup some rice. and we're going to mold it in our hand enough for a good decent mouthful. then just place some thinly sliced fruit ontop. for a lovely extra effect, slice a blackberry in half. then place it on top of your sushi and it lookslike fish roe. i'm also going to make a pineapple one but you can make so many varieties. to serve with my sushi, i made a raspberrydipping sauce and i grated some cantaloupe to look like fresh ginger.
now you have a variety of fresh fruit sushirolls. and with so many different flavors, it's hard to choose my favorite. so i'll haveone of each! make sure you come back next week where i'llshow you my highly-requested dairy-free no machine ice cream. thank you so much for watching.don't forget to subscribe to my channel and i'll see you back here again next thursdayfor more bigger bolder baking.
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