check this out it’s trevor james i’m in shanghai, china and we’re going for a full on street food exploration of this city i’m so pumped let’s go check it out shanghai is now one of the world’s most modern and upscale cities in the world over the course of a few decades the stereotype of bicycle packed streets is now one filled with porches and highrises
i came here to eat and as a city famous for importing other cuisines from across china locals take pride in the few dishes that they do specialize in i started out by having a solo foodrangin’ day in search of a few of those specialties and then the next day i met up with a local friend for feasting 什么饼釜é¢ï¼ÿwhat’s the pastry in there? 这个啚ï¼ÿthis? ä½ åƒä¸€ä¸‹å°±çÿ¥é“了if you eat it you’ll know 是葱饼å—ï¼ÿis it made with onions?
这个是葱饼this one has green onions 这个是什么ï¼ÿwhat about this one? 这个是甜的this one is sweet 这个是甜的å—ï¼ÿoh this one is sweet? 对yeah 然åžè¿™ä¸ªå‘¢ï¼ÿwhat about this one? 这个咸的it’s salty 咸的<那我å¯ä»¥åƒä¸€ä¸ªç”œçš„å—ï¼ÿoh salty, can i have a sweet one please 这个甜的有什么馅ï¼ÿwhat’s the filling in the sweet one?
ç³–çš„it’s sugar lucky catch! 这个是糖的this is made with sugar ç³–çš„it’s made with sugar 甜的it’s sweet 是红糖å—ï¼ÿis it made with brown sugar? 白糖it’s white sugar è°¢è°¢ä½ thank you 那个是馅的that one is salty
有ç›it has salt 那我å°ä¸€ä¸‹then i gotta try it out 好åƒå¾ˆæ£’çš„it’s delicious and awesome 香啚<ä¸å›½çš„å°åƒå•šï¼œæœ‰åit’s so fragrant, a specialty from china, so famous 很有åoh it’s famous ä½ ä»¬å›½å®¶è‚¯å®šæ²¡æœ‰your country definitely doesn’t have this 没有nope 这个是我们业海的特色this is our shanghai specialty 很甜的it’s so sweet
ä½ ä»¬å–œæ¬¢åƒé¢åœ…什么咖啡的you guys eat those bread and coffee things 我们åªè¦è¿™ä¸ªçš„we eat this å™¢ï¼œæˆ‘ä»¬å–œæ¬¢å’–å•¡ï¼œä½ ä»¬å–œæ¬¢è¿™ä¸ªoh, we like coffee, you guys like this 很好åƒçš„it’s really good ä½ æ¥è‡ªå“ªä¸ªå›½å®¶ï¼ÿwhere are you from? åš æ‹¿å¤§canada è°¢è°¢ä½ thanks oh it’s like a little pocket of sugar the inside is really nice and flaky and soft
and the outside is crunchy that’s what it’s all about i needed something else to eat for breakfast so i walked down the street and i found a famous china snack the jianbing aka the chinese crepe it’s made with sticky dough and topped with a raw egg thats spread overtop then add some coriander and scallions
a few chopped mustard pickles and then the real magic a special bean paste and a touch of chilies and a final addition of a crispy cracker then boom, this beauty is ready to devour 太好了awesome we’re going to try it out look at this look at this crispy jianbing
that’s what its all about and the jiang is so fragrant we’re just going to go right in for that we’re going to go right in for the kill here that is the perfect flavour delivery in the morning oh yeah 那个有一点辣it’s a little spicy ä½ è¦è¾£å˜›?you like it spicy? 我爱辣i love it spicy
that’s so good the bean paste is really nice it’s quite salty that cracker is really crispy same with this outer skin that’s a true classic chinese breakfast here in shanghai and since it was friday i made my way over to the friday weekly muslim market a thriving hotspot of food and culture from the uighur people of china’s far west xinjiang province
this was like meat heaven 这个是羚肉是å—ï¼ÿ全羚so this is a whole roast lamb? 是yes ä½ ä»¬ç”¨ä»€ä¹ˆé¦™æ–™ï¼ÿwhat ingredients do you use? å“ï¼ÿhuh? 用什么香料what sort of ingredients? 好åƒçš„we use good ingredients 很香的it smells so nice 我å¯ä»¥åƒå¤šå°‘é’±ï¼ÿcan i please try some, how much should i eat?
瞰在å¯ä»¥åƒä¸€ç‚¹å—ï¼ÿ20å—å¯ä»¥å—ï¼ÿhow about 20 rmb ($3.00)? 20å—ä¸å¯ä»¥ï¼œ30å—以业20 isn’t enough, but 30 rmb ($4.50) is good 30å—好好ok 30 sounds good 我åƒ30å—i’ll have 30 worth wow this looks so good 40å—è¡œå—ï¼ÿhow about 40 ($6.00)wow this looks so good 40å—è¡œå—ï¼ÿhow about 40 ($6.00) 这个30å—ï¼ÿthis is 30? 40å—it’s 40
40å—ï¼ÿ40? è¿™é‡œæœ‰æ ‡ä»·çš„the price is here 40<å¯ä»¥40, sounds good 这个是什么味é“çš„ï¼ÿwhat’s the main flavour of the lamb? 咸的it’s salty 好åƒçš„good flavour it’s salty he wouldn’t tell me what spices are on there so we’re just going right in for the taste test
oh that looks so tender chopsticks with lamb let’s just go in that is super tender it’s like light cumin it’s like a light sprinkle of cumin ç»™ä½ ä¸€ä¸ªå°å°you have to try these 我è¦åž»å°ä¸€å°ï¼œçœ‹èµ·æ¥å¾ˆå¥½åƒçš„i’ll go over there and buy some, they look good æ¥ï¼œæ‹¿ä¸šhave one here
噢<çœÿçš„å—ï¼ÿreally? çœÿçš„å—ï¼ÿreally? æ¥è¿™ä¸ªå¤§çš„take a big one å¯ä»¥å—ï¼ÿreally? å¯ä»¥yeah ä¸å¥½æ„æ€ï¼œæˆ‘å°ä¸€å°oh i’ll just take a little try 这个是羚肉馅ï¼ÿthis is lamb filling? we have a lamb jiaozi a huge jiaozi
å†æ¥ä¸€ä¸ªtake another one ä¸ç”¨ä¸ç”¨ï¼œæˆ‘垻买no no, i’ll go buy some ä¸ç”¨ï¼œå†æ¥ä¸€ä¸ªdon’t do that, just have another one here çœÿçš„yeah really ä¸ç”¨ä¸ç”¨no no 没事<å†æ¥ä¸€ä¸ªno problem, take another 谢谢thank you it fell apart that is deep, strong mutton flavour
这个羚肉的味é“很é‡the lamb flavour is so strong 对对对yeah it is 很é‡ï¼œå¾ˆå¥½åƒçš„it’s so heavy and after that marvellous lamb dumpling i explored a few other stalls and i found a puffy and juicy xinjiang style fried beef bao that was ultra oily it was definitely one of the oiliest baos that i have ever tried 牛肉煞圅beef fried bao 一个多少钱ï¼ÿhow much for one?
2.5å—it’s 2.5 rmb ($0.37) 那我åƒä¸€ä¸ªgreat then i’ll buy one please 好的<åƒä¸€ä¸ªå°å°great, try one out 牛肉煞圅the beef bao 太好了yeah awesome ä½ ä»¬ç‰¹è‰²çš„é¦…your specialty filling 很好åƒçš„ï¼œä½ åƒä¸€ä¸ªå°å°it’s really good, try it out oh it’s hot! we’re going to go right in
did you see that? did you see the squirt? that is super oily i didn’t get much of the filling though, let’s go deeper look at that beef filling oh yeah, that is layered the core is completely juicy heaven the outer crust is so crispy and the middle is like a fluffy gooey dough layer
look at it it’s so juicy next level pocket of glee right here and after exploring a little more i made my way to try the famous shanghai sesame butter noodles these were off the hook delicious i can smell the sesame that sesame smell ä½ æœ‰éº»é…±é¢ï¼ÿyou have the sesame paste noodles? 特色的麻酱é¢the special sesame paste noodles?
一碗麻酱é¢è¿˜æœ‰ç‰›è‚‰æ±¤one bowl of those and also a bowl of beef curry soup please 20å—it’s 20 rmb ($3.00) 谢谢thanks nowhere to sit this is busy ç»™ä½ å¯ä»¥å—ï¼ÿcan i give this to you? å¬è¯´ä½ 们的麻酱é¢å¾ˆç‰¹è‰²çš„i hear the noodles here are the best 这个是èšéº»é…±å—ï¼ÿthis is the sesame paste? 还有牛肉汤and a bowl of beef curry soup
然åžè¿™ä¸ªæ˜¯ä»€ä¹ˆï¼ÿwhat about this 这个是辣肉辣椒烧的肉this is pork stewed in chilies 辣椒ï¼ÿ辣肉spicy pork look at this! look at that presentation it’s really nice and folded over 我肯定è¦ç‚¹é‚£ä¸ªi’ll definitely have to order that we’re going to add the larou oh it’s covered in all that chili oil
larou adding to the majiang sesame paste noodles this is very delightful to the eyes 这个是咖喱的味é“<对å—ï¼ÿand this is like a light chinese curry flavour? 对对yeah 咖喱的味é“curry flavour 放一点咖喱汤put a little curry soup in there æ…拜一下you gotta mix it up 我å°ä¸€ä¸‹let’s try it out 那个特别香that is super flavour packed
that is delicious that sesame paste is really strong and buttery and thick 这个辣肉有一点辣<很好åƒçš„this pork definitely spicy ä½ èƒ½åƒè¾£å—ï¼ÿdo you like spicy? those are extraordinary some of the best noodles i’ve ever had this is noodle heaven i’m in noodle heaven right now
and for the final meal of the day before meeting up with my local friend the next day i went to a classic time honoured restaurant that’s been open and serving hungry customers their signature shengjianbao for over 80 years the deep fried bao are cooked shanghai style with shrimp and minced pork thats just slightly sweet 这釜的ç”ÿ煞圅å¯ä»¥å—ï¼ÿthe shengjianbao is alright here? å¯ä»¥yeah they are good ä½ åƒè¿‡å—ï¼ÿyou’ve had them before? åƒè¿‡yeah
好åƒå—ï¼ÿhow are they? 这个是è€åº—<有å气的this is a really old and famous joint 有å气的super famous 很长的垆å²?a long history? 它å«å¤§å£¶æ˜¥it’s called “dahuchun†大壶春“dahuchun†åƒçš„è¯ä¸€å®šè¦åˆ°è¿™é‡œåƒif you eat shengjianbao, you have to eat them here 在业海肯定è¦æ¥è¿™é‡œ?you gotta come here? 我们家在这釜还在这釜买yeah we all buy them
买了带回家釜we bring them back home 买了带回家?bring them home? that what is all about! look at these so we have some authentic shengjianbao here in shanghai stuffed with pork look at the bottom it’s got that brown crispy layer almost like a stamp from a seal wow!
that meat is actually a little sweet and i can taste there’s like this crispy almost burnt like, but good burnt like flavour to this outer bun shell you can taste the wokhei the charry-ness of the wok of that pan that they grill them in it’s beautiful 羞味的a beautiful flavour
这个外é¢çš„皮很脆脆的the outer skin is so crispy 脆脆的yeah it’s so crispy 还有一点锅气的味é“and there is a “wokhei†black flavour to it 对对对yeah 那个锅很黑的the flavour from the black pan 我们这个肉馅是咸ä¸å¸¦ç‚¹ç”œyeah the flavour is mainly salty with a slight touch of sweetness 带甜<对对对<一点点甜a touch of sweetness, that’s right! 一点点甜just a little sweet 业海最有å的<很好åƒçš„they must be so famous in shanghai
这个最好的业海number1 number1these are number 1 in shanghai! 好great 很好so good 业海è¯å«æœ‰åçš„they are so famous in shanghai åçš„famous 业海è¯å«æœ‰åçš„in shanghai language we say “ming de†这个是业海最地é“çš„å°åƒthis is the most authentic spot 最地é“çš„!the most authentic! and after a relaxing evening walking around downtown
i met up with my local friend xiaoyun the next day she offered to take me out for a full day of eating there’s nothing better 很多早é¤!there’s a lot of breakfast! 对啚yeah 看起æ¥éƒ½å¥½åƒçš„it all looks so good 仚天我们è¦åž»åƒçš„å¯èƒ½æ¯”这个更好but i want to bring you to eat better stuff let’s go take a look 仚天我们è¦åƒè¿™ä¸ªå«å››å¤§é‡‘刚today we are going to eat the 4 “king kongâ€
四大金刚?the 4 king kongs? 对<业海éžå¸¸æœ‰åçš„æ—©é¤yeah, some very famous shanghai breakfasts 就是这家店<枒很长的é˜ÿall right here at this famous breakfast joint 对great 有什么特色的what’s the specialty? 有豆浆<油æ¡ï¼œå¤§é¥¼è¿˜æœ‰ç³é¥there’s famous soybean milk, fried dough sticks, rice cakes, and rice wraps 都在这?all here? 对<都å¯ä»¥åƒåˆ°yeah you can try it all here i’m excited
仚天我们è¦åƒçš„是四大金刚we’re going to try the 4 king kongs åš ä¸€ä¸ªç±³é¥é¥¼ï¼œå°±æ˜¯äº”ç§and add a special rice cake, you can have 5 五ç§å—ï¼ÿ5 types? ä½ å¯ä»¥åƒçš„yeah you can eat it all 我很æœÿ待<很多i’m excited 很大的油æ¡wow look at that huge fried dough stick 超大it’s huge 很大的油æ¡that’s a big dough stick 我è¦å››å¤§é‡‘刚全都è¦ï¼œç„¶åžä¸¤ä¸ªç±³é¥é¥¼we will have all 4 specialties, and 2 rice cakes
然åžè±†æµ†è¦å’¸çš„and one sweet soy milk and one salty 很大it’s huge 很大的油æ¡a big youtiao stick huge youtiao and then there are some rice flour pancakes underneath and then we have some bings under here too 看起æ¥å¾ˆå¤šå¥½åƒçš„just look at all this food 超丰盛it’s very sumptuous 然åžæœ‰æ²¹æ¡å¤§é¥¼we have dough sticks and cakes
然åžå‘¢å°±æ˜¯è±†æµ†ï¼œæœ‰ç”œçš„咜咸的and soy milk, both one salty and one sweet 这个豆浆看起æ¥è·ÿ别的ä¸ä¸€æ ·this soybean milk is different from the normal ones ä»–ä»¬åš ä»€ä¹ˆä¸œè¥¿åœ¨é‡œé¢what do they put inside here? 釜é¢æœ‰ä½ 看油æ¡ï¼œè™¾çš®this one has dough sticks, shrimp shells, seaweed 这个就是甜的this one is sweet 这个就是甜的豆浆so this one is sweet 这个就是ç»å¸¸ä¼šå–到的this is the one you usually see 甜的豆浆a sweet soy milk 还有这个是?what about this?
ç³é¥å›¢its a glutinous rice wrap 这个是ç³é¥å›¢a rice wrap 糯米的团made with glutinous rice 对糯米团<外é¢æ˜¯ç³¯ç±³ä¸é—´æ˜¯æ²¹æ¡è¿˜æœ‰åš 咸的蛋黄yes, you can see the outside is rice and the inside is a dough stick and duck egg yolk å’¸é¸è›‹åœ¨é‡œé¢ï¼ÿthere’s a boiled duck egg yolk inside? å’¸é¸è›‹çš„蛋黄在釜é¢yeah, just the yolk 蛋黄在釜é¢it’s right inside 对<然åžè¿˜æœ‰è‚‰æ¾yeah, and some shredded dried pork 肉æ¾oh pork
当然他们家比较有å的就是这个<米é¥å›¢and another famous snack here is the rice cake ç±³é¥å›¢ï¼œè¿˜æœ‰å¾ˆå¤§çš„æ²¹æ¡a rice cake, and huge dough sticks! 超大!extremely big! 那我们å°ä¸€å°ok let’s start let's try it out oh, that is good 什么味é“?what’s the flavour? 海带的味é“还有虾的味é“it tastes like seaweed and shrimp 虾皮的味é“the shrimp shell flavour
还有一点咸and a little salty 用ä¸å›½çš„è¯è¯´æ˜¯æ¯”较鲜<鲜yeah we would call this a delicacy in chinese 咸的a delicacy 我们一起分开let’s split it up 好ok ä½ å¯ä»¥å…ˆæ²¾ï¼œæ²¾ç€å°ä¸€ä¸‹you can first dip it 那个是甜的豆浆that’s the sweet one 甜的豆浆the sweet soybean milk å¯ä»¥æššè¿™ä¸ªç±³é¥é¥¼åœ…到这个油æ¡é‡œé¢åƒyou can wrap this rice cake around the dough stick
æˆ‘ç»™ä½ åœ…è¿™ä¸ªå§here, you can have this one 放这个oh wrap it around 然åžå®ƒè¿™ä¸ªyou can see 大家都这么åƒçš„everyone eats it like that ä½ çœ‹é˜¿å§¨ä¹ÿæ˜¯è¿™æ ·åƒçš„even the aunty over here is eating it like that 阿姨ä¹ÿæ˜¯è¿™æ ·åƒçš„the aunty is eating it like that too look at that å¯ä»¥å—ï¼ÿcan i do that? ä½ éšæ„do whatever you like?
just put some right in there yeah it’s good right this is a really nice breakfast and we still have lots more to eat it’s like a sticky rice wrap with a youtiao on the inside and a salted duck egg 有一点干it’s a little dry it’s pretty good
but i gotta say this 这个是我最喜欢的this is my favourite 那个蛋黄the duck egg 我å¯ä»¥æš 一点åƒi’ll try it out is it good? 有一点硬<微硬it’s a little hard too è°¢è°¢ä½ ä»¬thank you 太好åƒäº†that was delicious 这釜是个èœå¸‚场<算是èœå¸‚场this is a local vegetable market
ç‰ä¸€ä¼šå„¿æˆ‘è¦åž»åƒçš„东西å«å•æœ¡in a bit we are going to go eat another thing called dandang å•æœ¡ï¼ÿdandang? 没有å¬è¿‡è¿™ä¸ªåå—å§have you heard of it before? 没å¬è¿‡never heard of it 我ä¹ÿ很æœÿ待<一起垻喔i’m excited to take you 我们到的这家店呢专门åƒå«å•æœ¡we are at this local spot that sells the dandang å•æœ¡dandang å’œè…乳肉and pork cooked in pickled tofu è…乳肉furu pork
用è…ä¹³åšå‡ºæ¥çš„it’s made with pickled tofu è…ä¹³åšå‡ºæ¥çš„?made with pickled tofu? 那个豆è…ä¹³right from the tofu 对对对yeah yeah yeah 阿姨<è¦ä¸€ä¸ªç¬¬ä¸€ä¸ªéª¨å¤´æ±¤å•æœ¡èœé¥aunty, can we please have one pork bone soup with a dandang ball å¯ä»¥å¯ä»¥ï¼œç‰ä¸€ä¸‹å在这釜we’ll just sit here is that ok? å•æœ¡ï¼œå…ˆæˆ‘点å§ï¼œç„¶åžåš 一份è…乳肉one dandang, and another pickled tofu pork 这个是é¢ç²‰åšçš„ï¼ÿthis is made with wheat? é¢ç‹it’s made with gluten
é¢ç‹åšçš„oh it’s gluten é¢ç‹å¡žè‚‰ï¼œé‡œé¢æœ‰è‚‰å–”it’s gluten stuffed with pork 釜é¢æœ‰è‚‰there’s meat inside look at that,look at that its like a little jelly ball of joy let's get a little chili on here 这个会很辣喔!this will be really spicy! 她说很辣喔she said it will be spicy 我爱辣i love spicy
他爱辣he loves spicy 这个是眪骨头汤this is a pork bone soup 骨头汤bone soup it’s like a pork bone soup and there is this gooey wheat flour ball and there is meat inside let's try that out 有肉å—ï¼ÿis there meat? è¾£å—ï¼ÿis it spicy?
it’s really gooey 釜é¢æœ‰å¾ˆå¤šè‚‰there’s lots of meat inside 有很特色的å£æ„ÿthere’s a really special mouthfeel oh thank you! 很紧致it’s very delicate 本æ¥çœ‹èµ·æ¥æ¯”较肥<但是放嘴釜一点ä¹ÿä¸è…»it looks really fatty but it’s not greasy at all 它用红粉<有得å–çš„they use red coloured powder to make it 有那个蒸的å–的粉they go and buy the red powder 腜制一下就衜了and then marinate the pork in it
就是豆è…乳那个红粉å—ï¼ÿthe same powder from making pickled tofu? 豆è…ä¹³ä¹ÿå¯ä»¥yeah it tastes like home cooked food it’s very simple but very delicious and home style ä½ è¦è‚¥è¿˜æ˜¯ç˜¦ï¼ÿdo you want the lean or fatty meat? 瘦<我è¦ç˜¦i’ll take the lean æˆ‘ç»™ä½ ç˜¦ï¼œæˆ‘åƒè‚¥take the lean meat 肥的有胶åžÿ蛋白the fatty has collagen å¯ä»¥ç¾žå®¹you can beautify
that’s pure fat! ä½ ä¼šå˜å¾—趚æ¥è¶šå¸…气了之åžyou’ll get more and more handsome 我åƒé‚£ä¸ªè‚‰çš„时候<我看那个肉很红色的when i ate this and saw the red colour 然åžå¾ˆæœÿå¾…æ˜¯ä»€ä¹ˆæ ·çš„å‘³é“i was really looking forward to the flavour 我åƒè¿™ä¸ªçš„时候觉得就是有一点甜有一点咸<è·ÿ家釜的味é“ä¸€æ ·it’s just slightly salty and sweet, like home cooked food. 那个红色没有é‡çš„味é“the red colour has no particular flavour 对对yeah yeah 我以为是很é‡çš„味é“<但是就是很香很简å•çš„味é“i thought it would be strong, but it’s quite light and simple 这个是业海的胡åœï¼ÿso these are the hutong alleys of shanghai?
å¼„å ‚yeah, the alleys 对<就是比较有ç”ÿ活气æ¯yeah, you can feel the daily life here 很多衣æœthere’s lots of clothes 都å¯ä»¥æœ‚在外é¢yep, they all hang them outside å¾ˆä¼ ç»ÿçš„æ ·åit seems very traditional and for the final meal of the night xiaoyun brought me to try one of china’s summer time favourite meals - crayfish soaked and boiled in 13 spices crayfish are becoming hugely popular in china
literally translated from chinese they are called little lobsters and in one setting people will usually eat around 3 kilos å三个香料ï¼ÿthese are made with 13 flavours? å三ç§ä¸è¯é…制耜æˆçš„一ç§é¦™æ–™yeah 13 chinese medicines make up one spice mix 最é‡è¦çš„香料是什么ï¼ÿwhat’s the key flavour? 辣椒å—ï¼ÿchilies? ä¸æ˜¯è¾£æ¤’not chilies
就是ä¸è¯çš„<ä¸è‰è¯it’s chinese medicine ä¸å›½çš„è¯chinese medicine? ä¸å›½çš„è¯ï¼œå¯¹å¯¹å¯¹yeah, chinese medicine çœÿçš„å—ï¼ÿ这个æ„æ€å—ï¼ÿreally? that’s the meaning? 那我们业æ¥åƒä¸€ç‚¹then we’ll go upstairs and eat å¯ä»¥çš„ok 它居然有这个榴螲龙虾there’s durian crayfish here! ä½ èƒ½æƒ³è±¡å—ï¼ÿcan you imagine that? 榴螲龙虾ï¼ÿdurian crayfish?
那个瞰在的榴螲都ä¸æ˜¯å¾ˆå¥½ï¼œæˆ‘们都没åšäº†right now the durian isn’t too good, we’re not making that 没有åšäº†we’re not making it now 对<就是榴螲有点嫩嘛yeah, right now we can’t get any good durian 这个是那个香辣èÿ¹these are the spicy and fragrant crabs 香辣èÿ¹oh spicy and fragrant oh my 一点咖喱的味é“it smells a little bit like curry that looks good! 打开之åžï¼œæœ‰ç‚¹çƒ«after you open it, oh it’s hot
这个地方是它的腮<这个是ä¸èƒ½åƒçš„ï¼œå› ä¸ºæ¯”è¾ƒå‡‰æ€§this spot is its cheek, you can’t eat that, it stinks 这个地方是它的腮<这个是ä¸èƒ½åƒçš„ï¼œå› ä¸ºæ¯”è¾ƒå‡‰æ€§this spot is its cheek, you can’t eat that, it stinksthat’s the lung that’s the lung is that right? let’s go that huang it’s all about the guts it’s so creamy creamy?
it’s creamy creamy are you sure? yeah it’s creamy and it’s oily and creamy and spicy there’s not much meat in there only a little a little meat but that flavour is good really spicy and fragrant
you can taste all the spices in there this is the xiaolongxia 对<这个是å三香的å§ï¼œå三香these are the 13 spice crayfish 13 spices and these, what are these 年糕glutinous rice flour cakes it’s spicy it’s super spicy the spices are like granular
哇<比我们ä¸åˆåƒçš„还辣wow you can eat spicier than chinese 有åœç„¶çš„味é“you can taste the cumin that’s ultra spicy 噢,ä½ æ²¡æœ‰å¦ä¼šoh you haven’t studied well ok<ok<对了对了ok you got it ok<ok<对了对了ok you got itoh yeah æˆ‘æššä¸€ä¸ªå®œæ•´çš„ç»™ä½ i’ll give you a whole one oh that’s good ä½ çœ‹look at that
tender, really tender 宜整的虾肉a whole one 宜整的虾肉a whole onelook at that,that's the pure meat there look at that,that's the pure meat there that's the pure xiao long xia rou 这个有多一点åœç„¶çš„味é“<然åžè¿™ä¸ªæœ‰å¤šä¸€ç‚¹é¦™è¾£çš„味é“this one has more cumin flavour, and this one has more smooth spice åƒä½ 说的有多一点咖喱的味é“yeah you said it has a nice curry flavour 这个çœÿ的是很辣很辣and yeah this one is really spicy so i just gotta give a huge thank you to xiaoyun for that wonderful day
it was a really good day in shanghai we just had a great feast so please click that subscribe button down below leave a thumbs up and let us know what you thought about this video leave a comment ok, lets keep exploring we got the niu rou, what’s it called?
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