good morning! since we're hanging out in germany these dayswe thought we would show you what a german breakfast looks like. we've setup the tableand as you can see it consists of a lot of different breads - like we have a few bunshere - and also meats. germans like to have salami, ham and just different deli cuts forbreakfast. we also have a few different cheeses, smoked salmon and - of course- you can't forgetmuesli. it has been a very nice change in diet sincewe left asia. yeah, i'd say. it is quite the feast i must say as well. this is a completelydifferent type of meal from what we were having in asia. most of the time in asia we wouldhave meals and breakfasts consisting of rice,
noodle dishes and sometimes dim sum. thisis a much heartier type of meal. one of the big changes since leaving asiais that we're actually eating all of our breakfasts at home at the kitchen table. whereas in asiawe were often going to a little market or like little street stalls where they preparethe food in front of us. in a way it is kind of nice just rolling out of bed in your pajamasand being able to eat at home without having to get dressed. with your bed hair and everything. anyways, enough talking. it is time to digin. yes. that concludes breakfast. we certainly tookcare of things and now we just have empty plates in front of us. and a whole lot ofdish washing to do.
sausage man! my new best friend. you can't come to berlin and not have currywurst.actually, yesterday was the very first time i tried it and i instantly loved it. todaywe're going to be trying two different kinds of curry wurst. we're going to be trying somefrom the east side and also some from the west side and they're completely different. the currywurst is considered fast food herein germany. it is a sausage that is steamed and then fried. it is sliced up and servedwith ketchup and curry powder over top. it is delicious! first bite! it's amazing. i've been eatingthese since i first got to berlin and i haven't
gotten sick of them. they are so tasty. i'mgoing to make sure i've got lots of curry sauce on mine. oh, wow! i can see why theseare very popular in germany. and if just eating currywurst isn't enoughfor you one of the more quirky attractions in berlin is visiting the currywurst museumwhere of our course apparently you get to have currywurst at the end of your tour. so the sausage can be eaten many differentways. today i've got it with french fries but you can order it with in a bun with aside our sauerkraut or even with a baked potato so you're not limited for options. you can typically pick up the currywurst foranywhere between 2.50 to 3 euro just on its
own and if you want to get a side like friesit usually is about 5 euros. if currywurst is to your liking, you'll wantto check out this quirky museum devoted to berlin's favorite sausage. one of the coolestthings about this museum is that they have a giant sofa shaped like a currywurst. for today's video you are in for a sweet treat- quite literally - because we are in germany and we've decided to taste test a few of ourfavorite chocolates. chocolate. the brand we are testing is ritter sport.we have six different varieties - let's show them.
so you've got three in your hand and i'vegot three in mine. we're going to be trying all of these and letting you know what ourfavorites are. now the first thing to know is that thereis a special way to open these. audrey is going to show us. i'm a pro - watch this! okay, that one malfunctioned.one more. you just crack it open and ooh la la - chocolate! okay, the first kind we're going to be tryingis this yellow pack and it is a corn flake chocolate. it is regular milk chocolate butstuffed with cornflakes. i've never had chocolate with corn flakesbut i like both things, so i have high expectations
here. i've had this before and it is one of my favorites. so a bite each. oh, wow, that is a crunchy one. how do youlike it? it's amazing. it reminds me of a chocolatewe have in north america - i think it is called crunch or crunchy. it is like the crunchybar but this is better. the next one we're trying is the red package- this is marzipan. it is basically an almond paste made with honey and sugar. that is thefilling inside of this chocolate. it also looks like it is a darker chocolate. i'm nota fan of dark chocolate because i prefer milk
chocolate. we'll see how this goes. here. that is very rich and decadent. do you likeit? i prefer milk chocolate. i've already saidthat. it's not my favorite but the marzipan is very sweet so it kind of balances the bitternessof the dark chocolate, so it is okay. oh, i need water! okay, now this is the one i've been reallywanting to have. i'm a huge fan of peppermint chocolate and ritter sport is high qualitychocolate so i have very high expectations for this. okay. let's give it a try. oh, wow! what do you think?
it's a lot like those after eight really thinchocolate strips - that is what it reminds me of. yeah, that is really good. it is also likethe junior mints that we have in north america as well. number four. this one is the espresso flavor.do you normally like espresso? i do not like coffee, so no espresso for me. yeah, we'renot coffee drinkers so i'm not sure how we're going to like these ones. this is torture. okay, it has a strong coffee flavor but itis milk chocolate and not dark chocolate so
it is bearable. i think if you put enough sugar in anythingyou can make it taste good. even though i don't like this flavor normally, i actuallyquite like it in chocolate form. next up we have a new flavor that i haven'tseen before. it is called olympia. it has yogurt, honey, nuts and grape sugar if mytranslation is correct. that sounds interesting. let's see. take a square. cough. ewwww! oh, it's an interesting one. do you like it?it doesn't have a very distinct flavor considering it has four unique ingredients in the filling.
yeah, i agree with that. i just coughed onthe chocolate so that i get the rest of it afterwards. not a bad strategy. last but certainly not least we have coconut.i'm a huge coconut fan. do you think you're going to like this one? i've actually beenhaving this chocolate when sam is not around. i go into the supermarket and get a squarefor myself and gobble it up. i'm just finding this out now. that is evil.here you go. that is the best one in my opinion. this looks so good that i'm taking two squares. oh, wow! it's like big chunks of coconut.
it's creamy, it's sweet. i feel like i'm backin the tropics enjoying a coconut shake. that is by far the best one as far as i'mconcerned. i'm going to choose my top two and if i hadto rank them i'd say coconut is number one and maybe the cornflakes number two.i really enjoyed those. what about you? well, for me i would go coconut also numberone but then i would go peppermint number two. i think we've figured out some quite importanthere. if we were to buy the coconut flavor ritter sport we're going to be fighting overit. quite literally. hey, give it to me. if any of you chocolate lovers find yourselvesin germany there is actually a ritter sport
chocolate factory located outside of stuttgart. i went there a couple of years ago and therechocolate store is amazing. they have so much variety and all of the packaging is so colorfulso you can certainly spend a few hours there picking up souvenirs to take back home orto eat before you go back home. if you're in germany traveling and you wantto try the ritter sport they are 99 cents of a euro. a little history into this chocolate bar - asyou can see it is square shape because it was actually meant to fit inside of a gentleman'sblazer inside the front pocket. if they were ever at the theater - or the cinema - andthey needed something to munch on they could
discretely pull it out and have their rittersport. yum. that's clever. i just need to spit it out. you didn't likethat? oh gosh audrey don't be so dramatic. the longer i keep it in my mouth the worseit gets. jeez. stop being weird. coconut, my turn. me. i've only talked twice.do you want to do it? are you sure? of course, you cannot come to berlin and noteat a wurst or a sausage. i've just ordered myself one from the street. they have lotsof local stands and this was only one euro and thirty five cents. big bite! that is sogood and i got it with mustard, which is even tastier.
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