#eatargentina so we've been eating like an enormous amountof meat here in argentina. yes, so we're mixing things up today and having one of our favoritecuisines. we are having peruvian food. woo! so yeah, we're taking a break from steak becauseit is just too much. it is too heavy and we're having trouble digesting it. so yeah, we'vefound a peruvian restaurant. it is highly rated on trip adviser. it is called chan chan.and they have lots of different types of ceviche. so we've ordered a bit of a sampler and we'llbe having fish. fish. how exciting!
alright, so we can't come to a peruvian restaurantwithout getting a little portion of canchita. and these are like giant corn kernels. likeit is probably the size of my nail or bigger. look at that. they're massive. they're nice and crunchy. i always forgetif they are like fried or baked. but yeah, they've been cooked. lots of salt sprinkledon top. and they go really well with the ceviche and the tiger's milk. so our food has arrived and once again i thinkour eyes are a little bit bigger than our stomachs. okay, so we got three different types of cevicheand if you have a look over here i believe
this is just the classic one with just fish.this one is mixed - so it is fish and different types of seafood with a rocoto sauce and thisis the mixed ceviche which has like shrimp and octopus and just different types of seafood.and we have a little bit of fish here with some kind of sauce that i'm not too familiarwith so i'll have to sample it. and this over here in the middle is tiger'smilk which is basically kind of like lemon juice and fish juice and you know all of thatstuff that gets mixed together at the bottom of the bowl. and that is called leche de tigre.yes, leche de tigre and over here we get another plate. check this out. this papa a la huancaãna. so it is boiledpotatoes with a creamy yellow sauce that is
called huancaãna and you get a boiled eggand a black olive. so now it is time to see if we can put a dent in this. let's dig in. so what are you holding in your hand sam? and before i tuck into the food i've got myselfa massive pisco sour. normally when you order a pisco sour it is about half this size. yeah.this thing is gigantic. and look at how much of the frothy egg white there is here. we'vegot the lemon juice and pisco brandy and then you have the bitter on top. wow. someone isgoing to be a little buzzed after this meal with all of that alcohol. oh yeah, that isauthentic. that is made with distilled grapes.
yeah, it is a grape brandy. this is like authentic.it is good stuff. alright, my turn. i'm going to start off withthe classic. so this is just fish cured in lime. let's grab some onions. it looks likea good portion. mmmmm. how is that? wow. that is amazing. that is perfection rightthere. high qualilty ceviche? you know, one second. i was actually kind of worried about findingceviche in buenos aires since they just tend to specialize in meat. and last time we orderedfish at a different restaurant it wasn't very good. but i mean this i feel like i'm eatingin peru. they've got the recipe right. they
know how to make a good ceviche. look at this. mmmmm. oh, man. amazing. so sam is going to start with cebiche mixto.yes, so this is assorted kind of seafood here. as you can see i'm grabbing like a reallybig piece of shrimp here. i've got some onions and lots of sauce as well. is that good stuff? oh yeah, he's got a smile.that's good stuff. the tiger's milk is nice and sour.
the shrimp is really fresh and you can tastethose onions. this is good quality ceviche. so this over here is called tiradito de pescadoand we've never had this when we've been travelling in lima so i'm not entirely sure what it is.you'll have to taste it. describe it for us. okay. you know what it tastes like? it's likethe ceviche we tried in santiago. i think it might be that white type of fish. the patagonianfish. yeah. but is it raw fish? it is not completely rawbut you can tell it has been cured. and the sauce is a little bit different. itis sour and tangy but it is a little more rich as well too. maybe we can get some inputfrom the peruvians watching this video. yes, please. please tell us more about this dish.
we're curious. alright, this is one of my favorite parts.it is the tiger's milk. i'm going to sip it slowly because i like it so much. i mean itwould be a challenge to down it in one gulp but i'm going to savor it here. drink rightup. fish juice in a glass. so sour, so tangy,so good. next up we have some papa a la huancaãna. and this is something we had a lot with youraunt. a classic staple of peruvian cuisine. and it is always served with a hard boiledegg and an olive. so what is it exactly? boiled potatoes.
well the special sauce, the sauce is calledhuancaãna but again i don't know how it is made because my relatives they kind of buythe little packs and then you just mix it so i've never seen the sauce made from scratch.i don't know what ingredients go into it. it is very creamy. it is a mystery. againif we have any peruvian people watching let us know how is huancaãna sauce made becausei have no idea. well, that is a wrap so how does peruvianfood rank in argentina? it ranks very well. it is very authentic.it is so nice being able to have peruvian cuisine in buenos aires. it is just such anice treat. it is one of our favorite cuisines in all of south america.
and what about the price? so in terms of priceit came to 430 pesos and that included both of our drinks. it included my pisco sour.it included our two mains and all of the bread that we got. so you're looking at roughly30 us dollars. so it was really quite an affordable meal and tasty and delicious. highly recommendthis place. this place is called chan chan. it is nearby congress in buenos aires whichis right in the thick of the downtown area. the downtown core. so if you're in buenosaires and you're looking for some great peruvian food definitely come and check out this place.the portions are massive, the quality of the food is authentic and the atmosphere is prettycool. it is really starting to fill up now. yeah, have a look. lots of people coming herefor lunch.
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