patiently between and polish our automobiles even if your car is i'd look good dealof the time it's still good business to keep thefinished cleaning because there have been road grime can actually damage thepaint job if they're not removed the easy way to remove them of course is with johnson's karne u the double purpose polish but both cleans and polishes in oneapplication
car new is inexpensive in fact i can't think of any reason whythat car viewers couldn't be cleaned and polished thisvery week with johnson's calling u spelled c_ a_ r_ a n_ u_ all right miss pantomime uh... book tonight is rapidly climbingto the best seller class and deservedly so it is headquarters budapest by robert parker
the federal years before the war cheapassociated press correspondent in the balkans in this book parker takes us behind the scenes in thebalkan countries introduces us to king's inferences dictators and regions higher living are at the crack starvinghasn't all adding up to appear and frightening picture
if you don't agree as we bring you knowrobert parker's provocative story of the balkan headquarters budapest you want the story of the balkan well i could boil it down to these threesentences the first world war started in thebalkans that second world war started in thebalkans that there'd where war will start in thebalkans but let's get the story for thebeginning it's a story of a rocking this isseeking option
of people divided against themselves anddistrustful of their neighbors the story of hypocrisy horrible oppression of the many by thefuel it's a tragic story out of the land ofthe supply the setting for many a comic opera but you couldn't get the plot of thiswhen away as a gift it's it was too absurd room honed
one man like the balkans story the fire pit in the book and but minehumor done a great danger that did you take a free may not be inthe bond funds but end up but mind file you'd find a probability but mind the known yes adolf hitler thought the balkansstory might even be with the production
look at the cast the principal and and we didn't and only got lucky it's market germany friend we wouldn'tbe a good bit much in common without doubt because my please weekly but what's your plan
caught my eye cooper remain you with a bang region dot thenation weekend indicated or whatnot yet after that uh... remember that and break-up alton out but
it better it down i'll call them we will talk plaintively hong long road lauro parking take the enrollment grand old manwouldn't you not to be black by a dictator well listen to a hungary newspapereditor at the fact that
no make that packet admiral boorda p at nordic and predictedin the stock knoll he'll get that they did not only becausehe could fit in and arts that and on gay and buddy for that do not like off that they don't like them anymore than theylike fifty million lenders and that england indian peasants va
bacterial admiral forty of congress all people like him will help to start world war three inthe balkans the who's next well adam first out laughing before theexpiry ektu get started easily cost you this is king bodies of bulgaria and if he looks funny it's because it'sso hard up a ready cash that he has to wear the hand-me-downs had twin boysfather in law victor emmanuel evict me
meets his royal highness king boris info re we'd love to meet an americanbeat the packers and medicare it poorly being out ofprint film industry but will bow gary and do when war comesaway who you king made will be warm note you will anything want more where mean
i mean i can't believe it will be a realwar england and france that much whose mockdebate mixed up with the army the with here people against commuter you don't fear hitler than naw he could have no the bank began werebhatia due to team road red blue and at the palace with a feeling that mywrist with a nice dinner time
for the sort of balkan casper milk toastin second-hand clothes i wondered what the peasants not in because six million abode area six and ahalf million population op presents trying to live on an income of sixty yessixty eight dollars a year overture cannot blame king voters as the path you will about getting impatient you like me latest who he is not good enough to be aruler of appropriate but
you would be an excellent ah... the intake for the village of course winston thank you very much let it go and amiable incompetent likewise above the area will help the stock world war three inthe balkans the were or in
feelings caller to israel reaching for the morning peter warholknocking heads desperate wall looked more like anenglish amenable to know he had a wonderful simple solution foreverything onorte would also make account that but that there is one way but hereis not your typical of war we must be friendly with everybody no myerson who directions
what about your internal problems delivery williams said more than fourmillion croatians a million-and-a-half slovene already dotas well the bollywood arena day with your family in rubble dalal reminder wave way moving winner and
library where i will let them do youproblems when i didn't know i have done then my reply and we weremoving on with a tired of the country with it butthat and played the piano here received somebody like prince paul who will neverfind a time to solve his country's problems will do his part to start world warthree in the balkans
party of hungary proud aristocratcontemptuous of the common people marissa bug area willing perhaps buthead of the week baseball of yugoslavia who thought everything would work outall right in time these were three of the balkans rulers when adolf hitler decided to give them ademonstration in the spring of nineteen thirty nine and wounded had hit missile ek as his breast pocket the most and said character of thelocking town of romania
the sequence of the opera stocktonberlin though i might make with impedes i get a bill we've hit bottom that made me feel atleast means for weekly blueprints his sprinkling i'm land not the way it'ssuch a largely by opening on a grandpa people headed up by five island wentwell minefield have half of my maniac thank you liane
pink guilt has refused to sign dot eighta gain even find i have a plane not planned mind utah man everything about it it might not get it and i have a mere being don't buy this or that but i tellyou what i thought maybe i my iliac grunwald dot or that people that it's been a near calling doctors it input habit
whitley o mine weekly it everything proceeding appointing paulyou guys are process etc or good in a out anti wouldn't be that that might bebut but but it think opportunity dot blotting yet uh... yet i_d_ began in the morning all by to put my faith
movies endless n no carolyn uganda for working on with you there in camera rarely allows including thefield with the venue army uniforms convinced dole bracket water majesty in fact the would not be here needed
anything beyond nomad doppler below that i think it is the proposal you're being permitted but but a_t_t_ you get it you have any act ninety benefit them upall the and week that would eliminate that they put thecomplete
but you can't make it work for you believe that it'd be demanded he ate but beat it about the economic the political arenatoward that envelopment that magnet everything i wrote uh... no your majesty you committee of thewithout my johan wed and internet plank dragged me justjust one question your honor to speak what do you make of the education inhungary education fill out a dedication
who there's great party are meant to beunreleased popping off eating plenty of any offer on the romania they wouldn'tthat probably not be on its feet he's not proper time times when every country handles long friendly lie dead many hank goldberg yeah will make it appear on a in all black macnaughton again method
a separate state on campsite you are short but excel no that you was approx your majesty you know what the music from the reasoning groups to honor butdid not yes allot suck majesty unfortunate
that they are not able to come to anagreement they would not bill dated from theinternet dot signed an important victory the date on that is dot the road yet your majesty motilal would you give me to the stand alone how long did it take the troops to reachthe border about fictional splendid
signup and government has been six allen ho the compatible t in on the johnsons wax program word thatwall we're bringing you a dramatization basedon rubber park a story of a balkan headquarters budapest parker has told us but just as world war one and world wartwo
started in the balkans so will world war three to prove his point is already introducedus to four of a kind of rulers were easy prey for the hitler's at the moment one of these rulers peril of romania is leading the last six hours of thegerman ultimatum takeaway but he designs new uniforms for the army now robert parker continues with hisstory
and has been carol's precious hours to goaway let me go over the next decade thislittle drama back to the royal palace now the press conference the far end up aswith journalists and striped pants and monocle now now we got a little joins over a butchershop in bucharest it's called the kid well now is playing an american touristhonoring waverly n appropriately enough
it is entitled don't wake me up let me bring or or as usually can't getthat was crowded on the settlers it looks like any other night luck a hotbedof in treatment actually a quarrel albeit a little man over there againstthe wall is a member of british intelligence doctype dali norman hotel an apartmentfrench internal bartender works for some foreign government probably two or threewhatever they would get back into stocks joined laser underwear but they don'tknow when you go see more he's one of the menus wealthiest womenwhat reconnecting with those who have
eleven elena also or or or resent themfor she's organized romania into one weekend livre or she's shaken down a country whereabout half a million dollars in quite some time on all army and navyconference t_-cells public offices he runs theromanian blackboards most activist illegal money market where he has amonopoly on the uniform business which is some business in romania working arealways designing new ones fit at what that means it
itself vsp weekend batman a discover something he's watersthat is that the helmets wrote that special trade emissary of adolf hitleras you know he has a few hours to kill is killing them in a kit kat club uh... i hear ya dot that by romanianassistant in the associated press payroll well alexander renews them and i think i was locked upin his private chamber it is it that way they want his designin uniform lots of only a few hours that
would end up making expires he'sdesigning your forms looks like hitler window ungrateful itwill reduce romania to complete dependency upon government yes of course will be paid for the war thatquickly where all the way our president to writea letter dated that the entire record-setting machinescomments and allowing plan the president is an adding machine developer grad and maybe there will be some nicecolored pencils so carrollton designed more uniform and don't forget harmonicdrawings harmonic me
what's this what about that and just a minute is a message lippman owns maybe italics dismay decalsanswer artistry sax content with the arteries hyatt now kayla is your answer was that all theand paying for everybody
power have given the n_b_a_ semester isthe beginning adducts it never do this in all the other balkan countries and it at the beginning sp edit out the at the event paper that they think that that when you at that kind of program that that thatdon't let me know that that uh... way here event don't let me know
let me doing it it and added kate anything have money back acting them for a condo the harmonica is so i'm still a definite but it's true absolutely true well his romanian cool accomplished hitler was now ready to go out to poland
so let's visit warsaw on the eve of warin nineteen thirty nine warsaw the seat of a government thatpretended to be a democracy but was leaders actually operated a stipenddedhia dictatorship is ever existed on the face of the earth they work every trick used by dictatedsince the beginning of time concentration camps anti-semitism ballotbox tapping in a gross mistreatment of minorities and they any native russia the only bigpower the same poland from germany
after girlfriend malawi debate the foreign ministergeorgia tech uh... expected looks like an american him acclimated tolean and hungry cashews houston pinch based milk of human life lives lavishly drinks too much appearsto be taken the warsaw typed up you have some questions mister parkeryes
the democrats and radio demanding thatyou give up the police car there and dancing as well but you propose to do about they did not give them a even if theythreaten war we are not afraid of telling us aboutthat well-deserved break well yet finest out of the really reluctant to move against cannottalking that way office cheat
hitler's lapping but they don't believe i think that you that germany's hank army perfume me from that you know that immedi from medford i've never heard that it would not be affecting
but you can be sort of this it nonetheless perfectly letter that thegreat ortiz donnie would be in very good in the two-month if you started anything that regulus the bright workable the dutch three-level for n_p_r_ stopping it finest on anotherat remember it wit that actually believe that about thepolish and so this may be reached the inspectorgeneral of the on it
all right such men as back inside the ritualactually should have known better really helps dot world war three in thebalkans uh... real-time this outdoor disciplines capital champagne bottles as duncanopposite like a vote against the wall when there have been exit and we hadtalked with police friend of mine netanyahu welcome around and sit down saddam and idon't know i think routing as usual they
are everywhere in the port is going toget its way putting up with the noise of the office and i got i heard today thatdoesn't have a lot of the greatest army on it that this would never leave thisnovember nine how can bag and the others be so well inthe atlanta nine thousand was entrances they think they can drag of the peoplein definitely have to go to the people are very poor lovable in bolander presence so boardbased did i mention providing pop based on volume forty eight dollars ayear
minorities respiratory stuff much worseoff ukrainians in the southeast pinnaclethere lives their own the police haven't had a plan in the cities for the internet millionjews are living in ghettos only one jointly is allowed to work at least a million on the verge ofstarvation donald mcclelland present anybody ever try to solve the problemluther than me once your friend mister joseph bank madethe suggestion for the league of nations but was it
he suggested that the problem but theystopped by nearly throwing between that helped me into a south of politics it well it it annotate may be disturbing dictatorial leader themodem didn't have the greatest i mean the world maybe they think that the germans of theborder that they in september of nineteen thirty nine
already i just believe what i read inthe newspapers about horrible tragedy that overtook thepeople of poland when hitler gave a signal that started the planes flying inthe tanks rolling the tanks but joseph beck familybelieved when made-up imitation metal let's cut the comedy i suppose they do in comic operas outpresents a crush on stage now for the finale in their colorful costumessinging and laughing and cheering the principles uh... peasants don't feel like doing
they know that something's wrong they can't put it into words but i can'ttell you what the peasants would like to say boils down to something like this you'll catch push these people aroundhim definitely if you do world war three as i told you at thebeginning will stock for the first and second world war started in the balkans
respect and a half and repetitive every once in awhile the third world war more terrible thanever will surely stock in the balkans andless unless we give the people of the balkansa break given a chance of education given a chance to get an up week and upto keep warm in winter time but there are twelve although it's notin the balkans unless the united states great britainand russia agree on a common policy
court eastern europe and stop playing power politics it will start in the balkans unless we repeal ways to deal with theoldest spotted regimes people like quality beck carolyn arrest whether exploiting their people's just alittle too much in doubt it'll too long unless we grow such comic opera leadersinto the eyes one word
and describe what the people of the balkans need as an american my word for it is that the flippin batman the johnsons web program word that warm has brought to a dramatization based onrubber parkas headquarters budapest and accurate blueprint for world warthree unless we do something drastic about it
i'll tell you about next week's programafter method from our fiber the press twichell forefathers had twopractices well expressed in this bit of birds use it up where it out make you do or dowithout so i was just like it was written forthese times doesn't it it may seem there's a but being a fiftyhousekeeper today really helps to win the war so go right on taking extra good care ofyour toaster refrigerator vacuum cleaner
and go right on protecting your linoleumfloor services with johnson self-policing local notice that i say protecting becausethat's the main reason for using bill quote on your clothes linoleum actually last six to ten timeslonger when it's protected regularly with local of course you save hours of work in thebucket because bill quote needs no rubbing or buffing and you have the satisfaction of workingin a triple kitchen
because bilkul keeps the linoleumlooking like new sparkling clean colors bright platinum next week on word that warm thebook is the nazis go underground like court right a startling expose of the naziscarefully laid plans for winning the peaks now this is the conf adam inviting to bewith us again next week and until then
tonight's dramatization was written byjohn holland and the kids dot scott's workers robert parker music was composed and conducted bymorris mosque and reproduction was under the direction ofanthony m leader the makers of johnson's wax bring you adramatization of the nazis go underground by the court rights on weds at war dot costello speaking this is the national broadcastingcompany
the johnson wax program wards at warwicktoontown the makers of johnson's black or homeand industry cooperation with the counsel on both in wartime proudly present words at war dramatizations of the mostrepresentative books to come out of this great world conflict and once again tonight we have with thisone of america's foremost radio personalities a man who knows good booksare well-known author himself mister clinton fathom
tonight's headlines tell you that we're winning the war that's in the nazi machine will crumbleand disintegrate forever is this the end of the war but just thebeginning of the next tonight's program attempt answer thatquestion we'll tell you something about bookanother suit jackets television is a brief message from our sponsors when your friends or neighbors drop infor a visit business strange how often they driftback to the kitchen
and is midnight is when they cancompliment you on how clean and sparkling everything looks you know it's a great step in thatdirection when your linoleum floors are protected with johnson still polishingbilko then there are always presentable always looking at best blockquote not only gives linoleum alovely polished but it keeps the colors freshen your looking and it saves youmany hours of work because local needs no rubbing a barkingyou simply apply inlet dr and local does
the rest it's well the realize also at theregular use of johnson self polishing gogo makes linoleum last six to tentimes longer that's important today when we need to make on things lands all right mister fatima tonight words that walk program is basedon court reese's book the nazis go underground will introduce this authentic expose bywhat's known in radio as a teaser scene this is taking place although thegermany today
listen and see what you make of it belive you like doing in governmenthospitals banquet there's that minimal it was here everything's expect they would tell youa job at the fire department had passed that area at everything satisfactoryhash metastatic may i know you're working at the redcross not many and that it does is a good place to be a duet sounds innocent doesn't simply peoplechanging their job training but it's not quite as innocent as itsounds
thoughts at all about well that's what we need to tell youtonight uh... story probably games in berlin in may of nineteen forty three in the library of one of germany'sleading industrialists industrialist and repeat gephardt the garam his daughter and privatesecretary lease with the about the ticketed of darya bank needed quyet caterpillar assist
national debt ten miles northeast of the city you know what that means legal nevis we would win huh quote mistake in his speech kathleenquite quickly aqua definitely began this fall uh... troops experiment in africa appetite or how didn't happen
people picking plus three months into anempty car but remember yes thereby mind but that the other side and i think the chemical bank what did you think nevermind or who jewelry carmen carmen athletics avaible name about right away
one thing that you must be ready but hedidn't get in the call if you have a meeting with me agroup and they don't want to make that except tell you gave with two o'clock already all over the coming year my mind completely brian it was a retirement that i know many inthe same will be one together wrong my mom
it for granted no from the more department i thought you might want to see on tuesday hiv prevention from blanco companies weeks indices why don't they just
consultant widened to continue fighting when do youknow there is no moral don't you know why don't they osteopathic faith who huge of fan hands who kato suncorp group i have no time but i have aquestion the woman hokkaido costner whoever it is time to stop the ball like one of the time to make plans todeliver it
would have no time to look within just apassing demonstrative created the months then your bad flight another single-bullet theory locking uneventhrough your deepest cuts in-country partners for some sort ofprinciple there should be proud of having he got sending update on the kids arenot no we don't know what do you think that would be there
hildebrand won't do it you it would be you would be a man and well you can thank you let's leave the gallup family now and join him in the yaha he's importantmeeting this meeting took place in the middle ofmay nineteen forty three only last year at shuttle hugo among those present book look head ofthe famous purplish ins works
byron george from ships log jam of theboard of directors of i_d_ problem and pop hip hop of peach the owner of the biggest machine factoryin germany what happened you'll be interested is speaking gender or purposes the war maybeconsider this lost on the heart therefore must take measures to preserve the nazimovement
so that if you think we should the lapdseymour linked up with a lot corrected at hot spot not at the water's lost i can't see nopoint increase of international may remind you of gather voting that's thelist of germany including u_s_ senate have done very well under the nazi party webster but getting there that it was hit by a liberated us fromthat date of the work of human you know that i think because of the tax isn't anindictment i i think that well we see that that is an escape whatdo you think it'll be capital dublin dub
something ad it so i would bring the destiny of thegerman industrialist photo of the world this this famous people fear if nothing they saw them in the nextexpand what should it be must planned for that and what realize what you aresaying coat but she took it's not going to have all been laid back in germanyand doing the world we've been sufficiently prepared forthis one but we shall be able to make bad even well i don't
i am opposed to it aptly and unequivocally opposed ideas do you think bypassed fasten upgas you forget instead you will do everything yeah understands prone yes or our mention of it because of adenver star their event of an enterprise regardinghimmat wants with this idea greedy every attitude and polite
about you have are final thought but they weren't was there them but was unable nineteen forty three six days later ecaseshop or headquartersheinrich himmler calling his henchman i did not why did god saddam has my art garden buti think i i've ended up in just a moment
act that happened i have in your mouthinteresting property na mag gerhard your concert in yourabsolutely certain you did not express annie please never statements againstthe poor and the party at the meeting it should go to the andfind who is so you would ask upon coupon code sheetso that will not be next it so happens again huh big the phones at that meeting because the phones to recall everythingthe same but i need to send our play
it's nothing nothing at all you would you must believe me i didn't mean it was upset minus my family man yarn you are not keen on making rulebook but i want you working for deviantart and would be
marching forward that song we go now higher hitler i don't know like usual been acting up time enough for that attenborough you mean you can in the future packing members h_i_v_ brief into thepot the news from the promptness that
this possible if you need to be to keepit on the military front but it's even possible to germany to have to pickpicture of it but never must the national socialist but the children at this point they have to look for fromnow on absolutely correct i don't know the national socialist party must go onhere but then we have that artists in and for me
and you print this to be opened andgermany and this new front that'd be theunderground undergone guest parking brotherunderground but the rent organized because i reallyhave time to prepare susanna but i don't buy follow hall where the party members believe itor not ever got if you didn't scratch of miscount but if you're going to stop in repented and and the airline militarygovernment takes over
that a great number of get a place ofthe government organizations did they must of necessity left alone for example he newman's it based any interference with them thehorn touching and which includes a meeting to s might be sacked pentagonone deadline how many pocket members can be assignedunder this plan a warm should be can hire a victory to win three hundred thousand men grants safetyadministration's answer for document to be assigned to higherdepartments and certifications
in a second pic script desk officers andthe police force in the ratings mainers computer from but will be a bad idea they have ingermany capitulate is the case that rivky symptom hypo his shirts and businessmen out of thepop you liked her eastern very symptoms sweden switzerland united speed want these men appeared to be a long andthe good graces of the popular naturally
here the the run so they've becomeacceptable to the allied admitted antigovernmentrender this doesn't blink underground begin writes and the allies marks on their team he shouldn't have the by that and now that we met up into the playerslet's go on and see how the masterplan with put into operation let's see how the gestapo organize thenot the on the ground
i did then that the diamond women but developed not but we must connected forthe coming days net those in the and about basic cleaning up the not at that it's not about being made that the netlikely to be with that and i'd military government that training a blunder to disseminate alachua but then back tobut until later
the cleaning up women when standing here looking to do notwant blockage if judge of making money dividing them lifted that status doesnext at once and other leisure determination of theworld it is a great day it looks like fun today it we've shared cake at outendeavor in the united states
yet ishmeet what would you attempt to contact if youwere in the united x with tried to reach at fitzco up contact i'll make arrangements for youto be sick yes that's right by a big unfaithful come speaking out whose is too much higher than theprivate our movement
anyway who would you peak i look conflict w americans well franklytodd believes before the vote that's how would you know that rather i would look at the night of the headsets entitled picked those who areanti-semitic in fact fairly and those went faster all kind of racial hatredselect anymore and yes and the members of those manyorganizations
which have been advocating in english itcould be for married but we've got a nj play a package to actingtina uh... someday i do i go to the unitedstates you've checked we'd be are underground that isn't thatbig in right the suspect in batman bringing you wordsof war and a half of the makers of johnson's wept put reese's book the nazis gounderground we've seen the nazi on the ground hasbeen organize with trusted nazis being
installed in key spots which the allieswould not be likely to dispirited places like health departments and so forth now how would your own industrialistsfigure in this master plan let's go back to the idea hot and hisfamily in june of nineteen forty four and i getoff was undergoing a typical experience in germany andheri is getting a taste of his own mixed on scholastic d_n_a_ tight constant being like a rating of a tanning comingclose it would be
the british and american coming closeare shot dot on right before we get out the streets ses staff yet still a bit all humor hiker how do we do what i didn't expect cracks pack uid
scripts spain june fifteenth yes and we have to spain yeah i would like you've got a match any ofthem very much all within one week so i thought we anykind of thing off costs condo we'll cost not
what should i want to run away from thatuh... you can't pass me happy are act correctly perfectly willing to pay my help hedged tracks cutback the and thank you
so you'll see general that if they have to act but make you think at gap dot that sucha thing but big day but the general fund not planning thesame thing in do you think we went back to defeat crawl before they live forget up and youfor contacting them work but nevertheless general them not to copy for the working wit u against you
nowhere and consulted about these aboutthat providing should you want to see if itdoes scheme nodes indians whiteness he's the one was responsiblefor all the key he's the one with count the man did notwant specialist right dot but still it's the audience use it to yourself now you propose that higher organizer ofall time wanted to know why didn't see little general dot the but but
if you can get thank you but issue off function in this andcannot do you wouldn't play c while we do with a deadly were is thatthe law will what's not actual caustic back to the fullestextent these all complete irish l_d_ table ofgila peaking point drop i have friends would be the same waymovie length unnecessary assistance blame eight months ago prettier
gemmell quiet warm mccurdy i would give you a proposal might upmost consideration haircare millionaire and then we don't know whether general back ever carried out the plan suggested bythe end of the you about but we do know this cuts
achche okay enactment have and yet and i think you would have to have to gettechnically we don't like with like a satanic ito ectopic hi yes you'll don't thank you
it's not that if you say things and i thought no itwould be having not irene i think that walk that created a monster wow must come tocrush them all you want to put money is now that you got it for them torectify it restaurants but no matter what theconferences limit many people you care including your own flesh-and-blood out
no you would take the medicine within i don't know bye bye bye bye bye bye they are here there with notice let me know they are your friends but don't let let me know what the date our eyes actualy never objected
picked up and you're going to invite us in i don't want a part of course cominggentlemen i thank you cryptic but yeah naal walk this idea have dogged him not lightseeing us anymore it would be mark alive q politically give us an email
i never said anything but that kinda ofhooked them up rhythm it's probably left the room will be aheadintellectually and man some room my mom and i think you bet to anything thatcould put the attempt at the sistine chapel imagine accusing school regarding will votecould who would ever refused to leave a topped all i have a lot of fun unpopularin the with thinks that
the comedy it's aulac adapt instantly on such importance uh... power taken it upon my no odd program effect me europe and come through here
that these come when u india happenedwith the crash brenda do you think and i think the year again doses of pain through blast you aren't won't be there to you all-in-one nobogged down they did not kill hutus fault becausethe upcoming piaf on top of the broken argentina the lengths to meet with theircase being it clearly the united states stinking jaan reacting backgroundhonoring new really still being grabbing a bombremembering him
rail how do you like your new job at thehospital hotline made they would that mean availability and no going in fact i gave them mydepartment at past brea ninety percent party members costa rica may i tell youabout it and i trust all metioned but it does is a good place today when theingenious here dot yes you know boats so didn't want to haveum... and never regains resentment come resist will rememberbeing racist but didn't u with a war
regenerating without warning now what can we do about it i can hear a unfit from thousands oflives throughout the united states about hitler is of course the nazi party onceand for all of them by make another war impossible but powell there's but one of them nazism is not only a german specialty nazism fascism is international asmurder agreed apollo as injustice
as madness let's remember this when a man isn't hungry he doesn't need a different when a man of the roof over his head he won't listen to hitler when a man can live in peace and make adecent living he won't trying to hitler escort three says
make this a better world and your stuff out that there is a manall other forms of fascism ass hai and private of the message on behalf ofour sponsors mr padam and will return to tell us about next week's waited forprogram you know folks i'm sure that no matterhow good your car's engine and battery and tires are the car only looks as goodas it's paint job you may not realize the dirt in roadgrime and insects into considerable
damage to the finish if you don't removethem cleaning and polishing a car really doesa lot more than keep of appearances it saves the finish itself when explaining and polishing can bedone so easily with johnson's con you and i know i'm doing you a paper dosuggest that you buy a package of kanya this week and give your car a protectivebeauty treatment gone you saves work because it does tojobs at once both teams and polishes in one he's theapplication you apply this liquid cleaner let it drywipe it off
it leaves the patients mood sparklinglike new easier to keep clean remember the name johnson's karne you spelled c_a_ r_ and you an honest about a man what about nextweek's program well next week we hope to bring you one of the outstanding onenovel to the season neville shoots pastoral i say we hope tobring to you the reason being that so far we have in the neighborhood take theoffer to get the necessary permission estate metal shoot is an aria playa an aria fly on active duty to prettyhard man to track down but we hope to catch up with an beforenext tuesday and arranged to bring in
his novel pastoral will be late for a week or so and bringyou another fine book instead now the disturbing pattern in invitingyou to be with us again next week and until then on tonight's demonization was written bythen cagan and featured he'll get music was composed and conducted by modestmachi and the production was under the direction of and then we go next week the johnson wax program againpresents web hubbell
matter dot costello speaking to the nationalbroadcasting company johnson wax program words at war withcaptain fatima the makers of johnson's rights for homeand industry in cooperation with the council on boats in wartime proudly present one of the most widelydiscussed radio programs in america works at war bringing you dramatizations of the mostrepresentative books to come out of this and here with us again tonight
is one of america's pena's judges ofgood books clifton fat mr padam the liberation of france is now being accomplice deliberation which began four years ago at the moment of her collapse how did the french people work and fightfor the freedom during these for a long years
tonight's dramatization would give youone of the answers made while jack costello brings you abrief message makers of johnson's wax like most of us when you do drive yourcar nowadays you try to share it with your friends and neighbors when they ride with you if you have toapologize for the looks of it doesn't have a hang dog gloomy look thatmakes you a little bit ashamed well don't feel bad if it does just getyourself a package of johnson's conyers that easy to use polish they both teamsin polish is in one application you've really got up through a head of uif you've never used car you all that
dirt and grime will disappear like magicleading a sentence smooth finish at recess selling and is easy to keep clean kind you as a liquid polish you rub iton blended rival polidore wipe it off it's not only wise to take care of thefinish if your car it's so much more satisfaction driving acar that's clean and sparkling and it's easy to keep your car that waywith johnson's karne u spelled c_ a_ r_ and you tonight we present a radio adaptationprobably on four th august starring book cmo
they sing about story is a courtroommiddletown semi-fat the time doomed nineteen forty on the eve of the total defeat of franceby germany the occasion the trial a fifteen-year-old c mon pasha accused of perpetrating a crime againstthe people of perhaps the characters loyal citizens of france
and fascist minded collaborationist as i was seen unfolds we leave it to youto decide which is quick p but syndrome myself with the president step into the witnessfox made you simone timesjobs you are accused of making theadministrator for air an outrageous act of mischief
r_u_ guilty or not give no mademoiselle you do not understand my question stay there bailiff go away i'm simone gunshot you'll know me yes coast brother marquee something some and myuncle
do you trust me and pass perhaps wise erika cooper wasnot laugh although you see more ten fifteen years old and sick do you know that you do not pass delighted by this man was it and frightened to simone movie one inthis courtroom as your friend of you must realize that it is within our powerto alleviate your punishment if we see but we want to tell
your last chance imo what is that true i'll tell you the truth conduit my only of course he will not be starting to like it andsimone with german military government malcolmand so much and has graciously permitted us to handle this in our home with me but that patients is not endless nor is mine
understand distancing it happened because when you see it's all mixed up there are lots of people in my father joan of arc andrius he's the only live one except me my hope is still alive
discussed to be he helped me some unfortunately memos that according toour laws you may still be headed open call however or really want to the fact begin at the beginning and tell us thefact all right doctor my mother died when i was born my father died ten years ago when i wasfive years old
or he was known as a liberal here people don't like liberals after he was killed i looked at my local passed the bar shotdot my grandmother who really isn't my grandmother passed a grandmother that's maybe why she doesn't mind she didn't like my father even i what's my host arise and that some respect sing waxman lotsof times describes cosmo andrius was one
of them as i said it it really began that daythe refugees came throught tom and i had to some of my uncle's gasoline black gasoline edwards and shelly smystic plenty it with senate course that's what it's far lafayette ca the scenery that's what i told you i knew everything would be alright it's used in that was ever going to soworried
the germans come so fast andersonecostore without gasoline so many of our people will be caught by the nazis andmy wife was so worried but now now everything will be all right how much mabye put five gallons be alright sentencingwhom it was said he was so good weekly so hot mama reuni well thank you but it wasn't thank youvery soon the gasoline cost you
one thousand pranks you're joking no missing but no one in france is that much money no frenchman i'm sorry trees you can't do this i have much money but i think it wasfair the fed price is one hundred drinks which is so to me for
two hundred franks icons are not allowed to well colossus for hours and he won'tallow me to please don't ask me please don't ask you it might be a content amai insensitive my daughter was killed my homework i tried to save my life nazis
must i apologize but if you wantcomfortable we don't understand is one of moving i don't know how to live in the moon don't know what to do where to go who he was with crime it'll be alright a picture of you i'll always have we have a little gasoline then
whom cried rigorous cause repairman something good will happen uh... crime green marie boob bait might see the honorable nieces are doingtheir best burger country erica prosper did you hear that poem and head
will delight your uncle not home tohaiti buckles curtain he's got to remain in business doesn t ex-friend sneaks in high-stakes businessmen like uncleprospects what france precedent steel mills munition makers defense of the workers shoppers storekeepers
what is france anyway as the lady in the postage stamp thelady with a cap everybody knows what francis its you're blind simone where blind stupid little girl and notlet circle talked too stupid beginning to get patriot the saint is a patriot might as a diverse gasolineto the refugees wednesday to discuss students itwillingly went well when he's ready
you're very well for the germans that's not true i'll come to life simone forget what the world is like you'veread so much about joan of arc what's wrong with that her world was a real world you know what happened at your elected a nothing that laugh at it headed into
powers for use why do you hate me some of these teacher what to do with it you do hate me don't you yes i do if francis dang fascists here cagle at the plant doesn't love out ofthe maze delivered us over to the french thegermans
sorrow steel monopoly simone parame purcell put the sessions first they've won the war against france you and your dreams about joan of arc when it's your father's daughter there plus there was a man jericho as a fatuous grasping o right this very moment spotting withmikey december some
that good and true fascist to turn overhis garage and trucks to the germans in the morning which includes quickly comeswill have this time by morning if you don't know that you're the onlyone who doesn't totally frightened they wouldn't have a nice littlecollaborationist like you matches will be refunded yourgrandmother your local and long on recent naal wrote smoking jim don't tonight
it tonight basic look tonight meant to mention on dimension night just line yankel costing learned and that i can isend this time compared table now ask uncle prosper just one questionno hello come nominated to try and talk but is it simone
his attorney general to be here tomorrow where did you hear such nonsense and tel at your local prospers troop eight it'sthe most rediculous neesh deus ex gusts soulmate matt and i don't giveeach site today teach the victims it's laurin sydney unite to any ritualarranged
needed to me anyways should bush dot blottingregional manager edited pcd expectation now compassionate he wanted to stricken not to prosecute none sincere talking he said you wouldn't do it and i knew you would do it right now cramped can stay hereanthony becomes shouldn't be ten where selena
yet isn't it fragmented him new freedom and now it is petri non-minority where and we would all along guess what i want to help you reject also the germans like it patriot tilt
i think that that hollywood prospectingquickly think you'd better listen to me may have no intentions of destroyingnikon is all my tracks alumni garage isn't clear june magellan she'll be all of drugs ifyou days mapping constructive which is doing why should i destroyed like this is mywhole life in france is doomed anyway i should act quickly my father relied but not talking youlove
yet but it is bad as he is right who tell them to go to the can go andstephanie goes against the sri lankan but he was decked leavening no it didn't go on and good riddancenestle you'll you'll run and great talent but neither who will you fifteen to take my word for it things look a lot defended fifteen minthey do it
when you're right it doesn't matter howwould you assume grandmother estrogen creative team g intranet came from that was when i knew i had to do in remembered just before my father wentoff to the children a condom it's wrong and i haven't had to dosomething that was right was afraid to
took me to my soliciting sentence it remember a lot from five years old ifyou work at it sentance missus if not now who else not you i kept saying it over and over win if not no who else if not you shesaid i just couldn't get away from it and i went to my room and make someabout jon bok because she had problems to what's yournumber
now wait a minute first are sold uncle prospers gorazdewhose bureau drops and then i read about joan when i did i climbed out of the bedroom window and ran down the street iran in renton well i think never let somebody just tobe except nobody wants stack up to the last block so dont hottest resting on my breast andi was so scared pink opinion artistic
clean but not now who is not you almondold routines so many people feel districts and we did not know holyfield i'd set fire to uncle cost burned to the ground online qaz trucks
garage and the germans couldn't you to know that's the kind begins and this is cooked impediment speaking tonight amid johnson's wax program wordsof warm we're bringing you a dramatization basedonly on put on the story of cmo so paul the fifteen-year-old simone hastestified to the fact but she sold black-market gasoline ofblack market prices that are composed
the hips he told the court of her belly at the same uncle would destroy hisgarage rather than have it fall into the handsof the germans and then she told of a discovery that he had no intention of doing so and now we continue her story right now aapt grace known coming in with
approval ratings to collapse emphasized tampa exceptional finance final friend into my gps potential intensity to at least tab street defeat of cars westview i would've done a better
the fire still smoldering alreadyeverybody in town host was peer pressure starter this problem i think interestingcontrast oppressed its final cut assistant trade and travel your cost of poking around the edgeshe'll be back soon i'll use to procure i'm lisa foolish
sent needs dangers and out of proportion to theadvantage teen jimmy meetings ministering to i was thinking aroundfascist wouldn't mind if i can cannot compel us to contain can't meet risk your room assisting on to to understand marqueemiracle will never forgive you for what you've done to them the let the germans into this country
and you go inside a fire right overtheir heads patriotism is new to me you can't do things like that cmo right but i did it he constantly continue i could scan room right mattel right seems to me when the pace of the present time
i'm reading from cheers leading when now no no first things were a mixed up that's all changed now now the biggest city in france knows whothe enemies are but and the nazis and all the frenchfreshest on one side liberty equality fraternity already fascism the world on the other got a custom resource should come withme
we can review here contingency mon must come with me who recycle difficult prospect park iran a binarysystem but to make is good mary's really got between song you would never hurt menever go to prosper will stand by me we've got to be a district five don'tyou see make me sick thank you for asking
character sing on key dispute do these come with me squeaked you sometimes have trial expiry say something to me schism in tell me i might he's talking about the cause of therights of garment three sewing they'll say something else marines
africa would have a right to and it will happen simone this is the time for a brief words but ihave any video never come back to you unless it is if we wait long enough thomas its relief releasing and well yes from the second a corner but the biggest before and france
i love you remember that i'll remember i'll remember movements just a minute uncle prospering coming tabletop how are you working again live to thebronco prospect tolentino told you're you've got to sign this declaration accounted isn't that true gangs sorry mister domenici
it's hopeless i can do a thing withinwogaman cuenca simone let me read to the speculationagain and simone from shabu confessedvoluntarily and without compunction but on the seventeen th day of june nineteenforty prior to the buildings of the transferestablishment prosper from sharon company i did it because i was deeply offendedand regarded as an just criticism of mud and lunch uh... what i did notsatisfactory perform but you'd is imposed upon me in my home
i was angry and i saw no other means ofending my resentment and i believe that through this specterwould grievously annoying in germany brunch at my grandmother now simone trojan told you i can sign it nobody would believe it anyway that'sprecisely the point nobody would believe that except the germans perfume
everyone in this town rosenbaum as youfeel right uh... wanting something for some time inyour own plan i concede to you over two mins want to know the andwasn't a political act of violence against them if they assure themselves is once apolitical expand everybody in some other mustafa if we can convince them that it wasn't then you go free and the blake over all of us is addicted
i don't know what to do i'm soaked i hadn't saying similar team won i went to see if you are so you'll finda good to see more and i i cordoned european value is george had done somethingequally braving wonderful didn't can't help you worked pretty simple letme of you please approx unless i'm mistaken nation
regiments kicking back at this news ends up lunch uh... amsa when you send ki if i sign you will be in favor again to metiscorrect does not come to something with you soon you want to spend a lifetime due to hisbusiness all of your fellow citizens trust you to save them from germanreprisals don't let them down my child and aboveall remember a few scientists nothing
would happen to you at so deep enough who keep and certainly not the wholematter would be for that completely contracts at so my uncle tom's trust him bungled cause but look at me so i signed it mc i'm sorry
put money into it russians have mission to planetspecter's expect no i don't know what primetime land so that they are but i think skews one moment please simone cuenca as deputy prefect of the occupied thomasand not on fronts
high-risk drum but not for the state ofgenomic manner metastable truth is i know it's all helpme god mademoiselle branca from beginning toend this story is one monster slide is not as trillion notes to me soon what doyou know it might even know what with him and not retired would you mind giving me that uh...students quick
listen more room to room not going to beput to death that's preposterous or certainly we don't put little bit ofstudent we're going to take care of you huang injury york act was the we could be theprevention of the pre shot and so symbol and we're going to put youin a home for bad girls with granite house houston clearest you could see one
did you think that would end nobody oract by making them off of hwy seventy five foolish who extra no seymour grown preventive replacement it's not my space but they might be a no i'm not a nice little bit minutes all right we'll take care of you vote demand
three said your old passions he was right and your press release month and i have but there are people you're not smarterthan people like my father in joan of arc ingreece and maybe some of this very room who are afraid now but then i was going to be and then you'd better watch out thereare fewer find
it might be having kids behind yourenlargement this within padam the johnsons works program words of war has brought to a dramatization basedonly on point fun as novel c mon the story of a young french patriot today's simone and all those like arethe blast won the freedom for which they fought so long however the physical liberation offrance me remind ourselves in all compassion
is only one step in a great story the story which we might call the regeneration of france well it's all very well for us to feel aglobe generosity at the proper today we're rushing tons of food to liberatedparis but the story does not in there in the months and years of lie ahead as this great nation refinance herselfin her fourth republic brownsville nato sympathy our spiritualhelp
and sometimes even our patients let's see that you get to them now after a brief message but hercastillo i'll be back i'd like to read your letter we receivedfrom a lady last week and it really doesn't need any commenthere it is i really a shame to admit that althoughi never missed a broadcaster ever mcgee and molly i did not use your productgokul had been using something else in thedidn't satisfy so i decided i'd tried local if only for the privilege ienjoyed over my radio
i purchased a jar of blow quote thisweek and after using it i stood in admired my linoleum floors like a childwith a new toy the so simple no work at all in it dries so quickly in evenly i was amazed at the small amount usedafter giving my floors a second coat i'll never used any other thanks for johnson scirocco all week i've been saying to myself why did not get blow quote soon okay mister feldman what's the book fornext week
word of that war presents adramatization of willard waller's book the veteran comes back the times getting postman g_i_ joe willcome home now are we on the homefront ready to face into help them become readjusted to help in regained its foothold in society these are the questions that will beanswered on next week's words that war tonight's dramatization was written by adip summer and featured moderate morrissey has simone music was composed and conducted by amodest lamar scheme
reproduction was under the direction ofivan m leader next week the makers of johnson's waxbrings you a dramatization of the veteran comes back by wed waller on wedsat war jack costello speaking this is thenational broadcasting company
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