hi youtube friends! so it is a normal partof life to go out to eat and sometimes we end up having to eat at places we don't necessarilywant or we have to end up getting fast food. because you're on a road trip and you ateall the food you brought or whatever. i don't know. and as a disclaimer, i'm just sayingfrom the start that you don't have to of course eat fast food or any of the food that i'mshow you. but if those situations come up and you find yourself having to go out toeat, i'm just going to show you today in this vlog style video some of the healthier optionsand healthier places where you can find healthier options for food. so our first stop is subway! [laugh] we don'thave to get you in it. so i actually like
subway. you can get healthy things. the problemis people, not everyone, a lot of people think that something from subway is inherently healthybecause it's from subway, which it's not. there's a lot of delicious unhealthy thingsyou can get at subway. so i have the nutrition facts pulled up which i'll link all of thenutrition links for places we go in this video below. but they make it pretty easy becausethey put all of the less than six grams of fat sandwiches at the top. one thing thatpeople always seem to forget is you can get a salad at subway, if you want. so that islike the healthiest option. but i don't like salad so i got a sandwich and what i got isthe oven roasted chicken breast on wheat. and i got some swiss cheese, all of the vegetablesexcept for jalapenos.
so a few things about this sandwich: one,you obviously don't have to get swiss cheese if you want to cut out some calories and fat.two, the bread. a lot of people think that the flat bread is healthier which i wish itwere, right? because it's less - like so much less bread but it's not. it's actually likethe same nutritional stats, calories, i mean about the same. they're all about same: calories,carbs, fat, protein. and none of the breads actually are truly whole wheat. actually,i take that back. the whole wheat flatbread, which i think is pretty new is whole wheat,but like this wheat, actually this is the honey oat. honey oat is actually the sameas the nine grain wheat bread but neither of them are whole wheat. they both have enrichedwhite flour which if you watch my how to choose
bread episode you'll know what that means.if you haven't you go watch now. pretty much the point is none of these aretruly wheat bread so it doesn't really matter which one you get they all like pretty muchhave white grain, refined grains but it is what it is. like i said you really want thehealthy choice go with salad but otherwise i went with this. and i do the oven roastedchicken breast because it's lean and it's a little more substance when i get like thoselittle turkey slices on here. it feels like i'm eating just bread with like a very thinamount of meat in it so i don't really like it. but more protein and this is still almost400 calories in this sandwich. i'll bring up the full stats. [snap] did you get thatsnap? but, you know, moderately healthy and
then of course as with the case with anything,it all depends on what you're going to eat the rest of the day to balance it out. and i don't ever get a drink because i alwaysbring my wa-wa bottle - it's my water bottle. and i just drink water all day long. and ilove chips on my sandwich so i brought some crunchy chips. sour cream and onions, thebest. and i like to just layer these on. oh and another thing to discuss is the mustard.mustard is like the healthiest condiment you can get because it's pretty much, there'sno fat, it's really like five calories per teaspoon and very minimal carbs so if youlike mustard you like something healthy. if you've never put chips on your sandwich you'vebeen missing out and you need to try it.
hey guys! so it is day two and today we aregoing to mcdonald's. i figure we have to do one true fast food place and we're just goingto go all out and do it. and i'm feeling pretty anxious, a little bit nervous because i haven'teaten mcdonald's in like literally, years. obviously because mcdonald's just not goodfor you. it's just a lot of fat, a lot of calories and the ingredients: nobody reallyknows what they are. you see those terrifying videos of burgers that last a month and lookexactly the same that’s pretty creepy. but, to be honest, part of me is also anxious becausei really like mcdonald's. i mean i like the way it tastes. i know it's terrible for me,it's like - and that's why i don't eat it. i never eat it but that doesn't mean thati don't think it tastes good and so i'm sad
that i can't really, for this video rightnow, go order a big mac and fries instead of what i'm going to order to make a healthychoice. but anyways, that the point, right? to show that there are healthier options. and also, just goes to show if you reallydon't want to eat something you don't have to because i've avoided eating it for yearsand it's not like the opportunity has never come up. so, that being said, i actually thinkmacdonald's breakfast, you can find a lot more healthy options - you can find a lotof unhealthy options too but you can find some healthy options. and the same goes forsubway the other day which i didn't mention but subway's breakfast also is pretty good.so, today we're doing mcdonald's and what
are the healthy choices? so i spent a lotof time on their website looking at the nutrition and i actually have to give them some props,some snaps because their nutrition presentation is very readable. it's like, it's super easyto digest. they make it all very accessible and prettymuch you have no excuse to not look at it. that being said, there aren't very many goodthings - "good for you" things. so a lot of people think usually going and getting a saladis better and that might be the case but it's not at mcdonald's. at mcdonald's i think allof the salads have just as many calories and fat, if not more, than some of the small burgersor cheese burgers. and if that's the case i'm not going to get a salad, right? alsothis video would be no fun if i went to every
fast food restaurant and just told you toget a salad, coz you already know that. one note about that: when you're looking at thenutrition on mcdonald's, stuff online, their salads, that like however many, 290, 300 calorieswhatever does not include the salad dressing which a lot of times is like 100 to 200 caloriesmore and a bunch of fat. so by the time you add that on you might aswell get the big mac. also, something else i considered getting was the snack wrap - thegrilled, honey mustard one or ranch ones or whatever. those are also lower in caloriesand fat but they're still about the same as the small burgers and they're much smaller.so i'm like that's definitely not going to fill me up. so i really had to spend a lotof time to decide what i could get that was
going to satisfy me, make me feel full, makeme feel like i'm eating something i want to eat, and make me leave without feeling bad.so there is really only one thing on the menu that would work. and the meal is the grilledchicken sandwich. it's the winner meal. so let's just talk about the sandwich for a second.look how perfect it looks. it's kinda creepy. this sandwich is originally, as it is normally,like 350 calories with 9 grams of fat. but if you ask for it with no mayonnaise it goesfrom 9 grams of fat to 3.5 grams of fat. it's pretty crazy that like half the fat is fromthe mayonnaise. so i just asked for it with none and i’m going to use some mustard toflavor it up coz i told you at subway that mustard is like the healthiest condiment.and you got the lettuce, the tomato and the
chicken. so that's my sandwich and it's goingto be much more satisfying than a salad or one of those small wraps. it's a decent size. now is this healthy? is this like the healthiestthing i could eat in the world? no, of course not. but is it one of the better options atmcdonald's if i am somehow forced to eat here. yes. so i get to still enjoy my meal and iget to leave without feeling bad. and also, i didn't get any fries but i did get someapple slices. it looks like there's like some 3 or 4 whole slices in here. so i will enjoymy apple slices. i will enjoy my sandwich and of course, i didn't need a coke coz igot my wa-wa bottle. hmmm, not bad. so now this sandwich is only 300 calories and 3.5grams of fat so not too shabby.
alright it's day three and it's not actuallythe third day. i figured i should actually clarify this. i'm not eating all these foodsin the same day or even in back-to-back days. this is like over an extended period of time.so yeah, i don't eat a lot of fast food and even if i do i try not to make it very frequently.but first update: mcdonald's made me and christian very sick. three hours after we ate thosesandwiches we felt terrible and the next day i felt terrible. and at the gym, all the wayit felt heavier and i'm convinced it was from the mcdonald's. i do not feel inclined toeat it again. the sandwich tasted fine but i think it's just coz i don't - i'm not usedto eating that kind of food. so anyway, that was bad but, there you go. if you don't eatit very much be prepared to be sick if you
decide to eat it. it is a rainy day and on rainy days christianand i like to get starbucks. really we actually like to get starbucks on any day but we trynot to go every day because it's very expensive. and you actually can get quite a few thingsat starbucks that aren't bad for you. like if you just get plain coffee or tea, right?and not like a little bit of soy milk or even home milk or creamer - if you're just addinglike a little bit it's not so bad. but starbucks becomes a problem with all of the specialtydrinks. so my personal favorite is the peppermint mocha which unfortunately they don't haveany more coz it's not the holidays. but i like to get it every once in a while and ifyou get things skinny at starbucks then it
means they'll use nonfat milk and they'lluse their sugar free sweetener so it does use splenda which is sucralose in their sweetenerand i try not to consume artificial sweeteners very often. at home i just use stevia. but if i go out...alsostarbucks doesn't have stevia out as a sweetener so i usually like will carry some in my purseor if i really need to sweeten it then i just have to use splenda but i try to avoid thatif i can. but anyways, the point is their skinny drinks use splenda so if you're someonewho doesn't like consuming splenda then you don't want to get it skinny. if you don'tget it skinny, it's going to have a lot more calories in it, but it's sweetened with refinedsugar so some people would say it's worse
to have refined sugar and some people wouldsay it's worse to have the chemicals. i’m not going to debate about that right now.but it is what it is and let's see what i'm going to get today. i like the cake pops.when i come for breakfast - if i have to eat breakfast at starbucks - i like to get theoatmeal because it's one of the lower calorie things but also you can customize it so anyof those add-ins like nuts and dried fruit and brown sugar. all come in individual packets. so you candecide how much you want to put in. all these sandwiches also, the under 300 calorie onesare pretty tasty. they're a little small for me, for a breakfast but pretty tasty. butthey are all on white bread. starbucks why
don't you have a whole wheat bread yet? soalso these little bistro boxes, they seem pretty healthy but when you look at them theyactually have a lot of calories. this one has 420 calories and 24 grams of fat. it isthe smoked salmon and cream cheese one. so even though they look healthy - go go goodnessedamame, 540 calories, 31 grams of fat - even though they look healthy they're pretty caloricallydense so i would not probably eat one of these for like a meal and specially because thisis not going to fill me up. so that wouldn’t work. alright, so in starbucks i got a skinny caramellatte with soy milk. so if you get a normal skinny vanilla or skinny caramel latte, itmeans it comes with nonfat milk and the sugar
free syrup and it's like a hundred calories.but since i got soy milk, it adds like 30 or 40 calories. i just prefer soy milk becauseof the taste. it's not healthier than nonfat milk or anything. and actually soy milk hasa little bit of fat. one good thing to keep in mind at starbucks is they'll prepare yourdrink pretty much however you want so one thing i'll do with the sugary sweetened drinkswith the syrup sometimes is you can ask for it with half the pumps. so if it usually comeswith three or four pumps they'll do two pumps instead of four or whatever. or you coulddo like - the pumpkin spice latte in the fall, it's my favorite but they do not have it sugarfree. so what i'll do is i'll ask for two pumpspumpkin and two pumps sugar free caramel or
something like that to lighten it up. or youcan also just do it with less pumps because usually that's actually pretty sweet, youdon't really need four anyways. but don't be afraid to ask for your drink like you likeit. also the starbucks app is really, really good and it will tell you the nutrition ofeverything. so before you go you can know what you're getting. alright, so the last fast food place thatwe're going to cover in this video is chipotle - i saved the best for last. everybody lovechipotle and you can definitely find healthy stuff there. the problem is a lot of peoplethink that it's inherently healthy and it adds up. because those bowls are pretty big.so i just want to take you through the nutrition
because they have a nutrition calculator onlinewhich is pretty cool. so this will calculate the nutrition for everything for you. youpick what you want. so i generally do not go with the burrito because those wraps are300 calories. just the wraps. just the tortillas and 46 grams of carbs so that's a lot. i don'tusually get that. i either get the bowl or what i usually dois the salad because the salad is the same thing as the bowl but you get more lettuceon the bottom. so more veggies the better, right? you go through, you pick everythingyou want. so i usually go with the barbacoa. it actually has less fat. i think then the- actually it's the same. same amount of fat as the chicken. let's just put both so wecan compare. little bit fewer calories, same
fat and a little bit less protein. but i justprefer the taste. so i'm going with barbacoa. in case you didn't know, you can get halfn half. so you could do half chicken, half barbacoa whatever you want. then you pick everything. now this is whereit starts to add up. this is kind of what i generally do. i do black beans, fajita veggies,tomato salsa, corn salsa - coz you can't not have the corn - and i get guacamole on theside. now look at this. already this has added up to 645 calories, 59 grams of carbs, and39 grams of protein. that is pretty calorically dense dense. now since i got the guacamoleon the side i'm not going to eat the whole thing. i'll probably eat about half of it.but what if i want rice coz sometimes i want
to get some brown rice in there. it jumpsto a whopping 845 calories and 39 grams of fat. oh my gosh! 91 grams of carbs and 42.5grams of protein. that is half a day's worth of food right there. i mean, that's a lot. that's a lot of calories for one meal. andthen if you wanted cheese or sour cream, add on another - so we're pretty much at a thousandcalories here and almost a hundred carbs. and this is like pretty - this is pretty actuallya good order compared to what most people get. so remember if you get the burrito that'san extra 300 calories. so i don't usually get the cheese. today i'm not going to getthe rice and i'm going to go with it this way. 645 - that's still a lot but i'm in controland you can ask for them, as they're loading
it up, to do half beans or half rice or whatever.if you are looking for exact nutrition definitely use the website. another thing to keep inmind with the salad, this vinaigrette that comes on the side usually you're going towant to skip it because look at this. it is 270 calories and 25 grams of fat in just thevinaigrette. like that is insane. that is just the dressing. and it's 18 grams of carbs. so just don't - if you're getting a saladjust think of it as a bowl with extra lettuce. that's what i do. skip the vinaigrette. andit is important to keep in mind - so what i got at mcdonald’s was less calories thanthis, right? less calories, less fat, less carbs everything. but the ingredients wereterrible. so i would say even though mcdonald's
had more 'desirable macro nutrients", thatthe chipotle, because it is fresh ingredients and they do try to buy local when they can,this is probably a healthier meal. that being said, even if you eat - you know if you eattoo much - even healthy food, excess calories will lead to weight gain. so you have to findthe balance. but if i have the choice between mcdonald's and chipotle i will always go tochipotle and get something that has a little bit more calories that's going to be moresatisfying, more tasty and have more wholesome ingredients. alright, so christian was very sweet and wentand picked up chipotle because it's really rainy out and we didn't want to go out again.so a chipotle tip that my sister taught me
is even if you order there get it in to-gothing because then you can have this middle or foil thing on top and mix it up. so it'smuch better integrated when you dig in. so i got the salad bowl and i got guac on theside. i skipped out on the dressing completely. it's not really a salad. it's just got someextra lettuce in there. i got the barbacoa, i got the fajita veggies coz little bit ofextra veggies never hurt anybody, there's tomato salsa, the corn salsa because i lovecorn and black beans. and i skipped out on the rice because otherwise it would've beenyou know whatever i showed you. it was like hundreds and hundreds of calories. so eventhough sometimes i do get brown rice. like if i'm going for just fun and not worryingabout nutrition and just wanting to go all
out and eat it, i'll get it with the rice.but if this is like i'm trying to stay on track then i really don't want to eat a thousandcalories in one sitting. so i'm going to thoroughly enjoy this. and i'm going to eat about probablyhalf of this guac - chipotle guac so good. give me a thumbs up if you agree. and thatis all of the places we're going to cover for this video because i'm sure it is prettylong by now so thank you for everyone who beared with me and stuck around to the end.please give this video a thumb’s up if you like this vlog style. if you have any otherkind of "vlog" requests or just general video requests, recipe request, anything, commentthem below. so to kind of conclude this video on healthychoices when eating out, i kind of said this
in the beginning - but just remember, it'sgoing to be different for everyone. these are just some options and please don't criticizeanyone here for this. if you don't want to eat at any of these places you don't haveto, right? like i said i've avoided eating at mcdonald's up until now for years and iwill not eat it again after this experience. but if anybody does choose to, that’s theirchoice, right? so let them be - i'll let them be on their journey - and i've talked aboutthat in my vlog on judging others and their food choices so it's really important thatyou just worry about your own lifestyle and what works or doesn't work for you. and notworry about anybody else. so i wanted to do this to give you some ideasof - well first of all you know that i am
a normal person and sometimes i eat out ofthese places and i have to make healthy choices. but also to let you know that there are healthierchoices but sometimes they're not the ones that you think they are. anyway, that's theend of my rant. don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and i will see youon monday with a brand new video. thanks guys.
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