christiana ronaldo is from portugal and i want to eat what he's eating. so, that's why we're here. (festive music) - just spittin' ball i'm gonna say it's a mixof latin and mediterranean. - well, you lived in spain for a while do you think it's somewhat a spanish food? - i would guess, yeah.
- i don't really know what to expect. - bring it on, portugal! - what is it? - it's a pizza sandwich! - it tastes like pepperoni pizza. - very meaty. - mmm! - i don't know how many typesof meat there are in there, but there's quite a lot.
- i think it's, like,every single type of meat. like, have it your way, by chews. - i love it. - this i would haveagain. i quite like this. - everything looks good on that, except for the fish... - i gravely disagree. yeah, it's so salty and good.sardines are where it's at. - i thought it lookedreally good until i realized
there's a sardine on top. - for portugal! (laughing) it's not as bad as i thought! - a lot of flavor that i would not normally think to put together. i mean, i've had salads before with eggs. i haven't had salad that also had potatoes and sardines in it.
i like it. - if you're into fish,this is going to be tasty. - i am in love with this dish - wow, that's interesting. that's like breakfast lunch and dinner. - is there fish in there? - yeah, there's fish in there. - damn it. not what i was expecting! still delicious but, notwhat i was expecting.
- i was kind of expectinglike, an omelete-y, eggy consistency. - it has like, fish in it! - yeah! it's very fishy! - oh, no! - it's like a quiche with fish. - a fuiche? (laughs) - so good.
agh... - oh, it's hard! - oh wow! it is hard! - i was right. it's kinda good. - mmm... i've had dryer cake. - mmmm! that is really good. - it's like a donut, but better. - i'm gonna keep eating this.
you go portugal!
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