follow these tricks to make healthy and nutritionsmoothies. by lifebuzzfeed.com. done correctly, smoothies are nutrition powerhousesthat can pump you full of healthy fruits and veggies. done wrong, they can pad your waistline withexcess sugar, fat, and artificial ingredients. the best way to enjoy a smoothie? make it yourself. it’s refreshing, easy to sip on the go,and packed with health-boosting nutrients. smoothies from grocery stores and quick-servicechains often contain ridiculous amounts of sugar and fat—providing “upwards of 600calories, enough saturated fat to rival a
double cheeseburger, and carbohydrate gramsin the triple digits—and that’s just for the small size,†according to webmd. but healthy smoothies with the right mix ofingredients “give you a fantastic nutritional bang for the buck," wendy bazilian, rd, authorof the superfoods rx diet, tells women’s health magazine. use the following tips to whip up the perfectdrink to flood your body with nutrition without adding pudge. healthy smoothies have plenty of ice. according to health magazine, research showsthat people who drank dense smoothies felt
fuller than those who had a thinner version—evenwhen the calorie counts were the same! the best way to thicken your smoothie withoutadding calories? ice. healthy smoothies have nonfat dairy. calorie-bomb smoothies may use ice cream orfull-fat yogurt, but nonfat yogurt or cottage cheese gives your smoothie a healthy doseof filling protein without excess calories. healthy smoothies have whole fruit. does your go-to smoothie blend fruit juiceinstead of cut-up fruit? you’re missing out on a crucial opportunityfor fiber, which takes longer to digest so
you don’t get hunger pangs an hour aftereating. try banana, mixed berries, or apple. frozen fruit may make your smoothie tastethicker and frostier, according to bon appetit, which recommends chunking peaches, plums,nectarines, strawberries, cherries, and apricots, then spreading on a tray and freezing untilfirm. healthy smoothies aren't afraid of veggies. unless you’re already on board with greenjuice, it may seem gross to add veggies to your smoothie. but mike roussell, phd, tells shape magazinethat “spinach and kale are both surprisingly
neutral tasting when blended.†even though they’ll turn your beverage green,they shouldn’t affect the taste too much. healthy smoothies contain omega-3. a tablespoon of flaxseed meal goes a longway to add both fiber and inflammation-fighting omega-3 fatty acids. healthy smoothies boast healthy fats. a little bit of unsaturated fat (half an avocado,or a tablespoon of nut butter) keeps you full, too. the key word is little, or else you’ll turnthe smoothie into a diet disaster.
healthy smoothies taste sweet—without addedsugar. if the smoothie doesn’t taste good, there’sno point in drinking it. but you can achieve that sweet sensation withlight coconut milk, coconut water, or water. (again, fruit juices contain added sugar.) you can also blend in a teaspoon or two ofhoney, a little vanilla extract, or some unsweetened cocoa powder or cinnamon. you are watching: follow these tricks to makehealthy and nutrition smoothies. by lifebuzzfeed.com. please like, share and subscribe our channelfor more daily videos. thank you for watching.
don’t start a day without these best 10healthy foods. by lifebuzzfeed.com. fiber, antioxidants, vitamins – you shouldn’tbe going a single day without these. but sometimes, eating healthy is inconvenient– boring even. so if you’re going to force yourself toeat healthy, might as well learn how to incorporate it seamlessly into your diet. the following is a list of must-have foods,along with what you must have them with. number 1 blueberries. in terms of u.s. fruit consumption, blueberriesrank only second to strawberries in popularity
of berries. blueberries are not only popular, but alsorepeatedly ranked in the u.s. diet as having one of the highest antioxidant capacitiesamong all fruits, vegetables, spices and seasonings. antioxidants are essential to optimizing healthby helping to combat the free radicals that can damage cellular structures as well asdna. we recommend enjoying raw blueberries — ratherthan relying upon blueberries incorporated into baked desserts — because, like otherfruits, raw blueberries provide you with the best flavor and the greatest nutritional benefits. number 2 garlic.
allicin is one of the primary components ofgarlic that gives it its health benefits, including the ability to prevent cancer. allicin is produced in garlic when the garlicenzyme alliinase is cut or chewed. garlic is an excellent source of manganeseand vitamin b6. it is also a very good source of vitamin cand copper. in addition, garlic is a good source of selenium,phosphorus, vitamin b1, and calcium. number 3 olive oil. the health benefits of olive oil are unrivaled,and research reveals more benefits nearly every day.
in fact, we are only just beginning to understandthe countless ways olive oil can improve our health, and our lives. olive oil is the cornerstone of the mediterraneandiet — an essential nutritional mainstay for the world’s longest-living cultures. did you know olives contain perhaps the healthiestfats in the world? they’re excellent at lowering your cholesterollevels, as well as being packed full of cancer fighting antioxidants. number 4 broccoli. it is a very good source of dietary fiber,pantothenic acid, vitamin b6, vitamin e, manganese,
phosphorus, choline, vitamin b1, vitamin a(in the form of carotenoids), potassium and copper. broccoli is also a good source of vitaminb1, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, zinc, calcium, iron, niacin and selenium. if there’s a food that’s tops of the listwhen it comes to cancer fighting, broccoli is it. they contain sulfur compounds such as sulforaphane,which our body turns into enzymes that detoxify our every cell. number 5 yogurt.
so yogurt eaters will get a dose of animalprotein (about 9 grams per 6-ounce serving), plus several other nutrients found in dairyfoods, like calcium, vitamin b-2, vitamin b-12, potassium, and magnesium. but one of the words we're hearing more andmore of regarding yogurt is "probiotics." it’s full of live bacteria cultures thatheal your gut and boost your immune system. number 6 oats. lower cholesterol levels. a steaming bowl of fresh cooked oatmeal isthe perfect way to start off your day, especially if you are trying to prevent or are currentlydealing with heart disease or diabetes.
oats, oat bran, and oatmeal contain a specifictype of fiber known as beta-glucan. this fiber is great for keeping you feelingfull longer, which helps with weight loss. number 7 flaxseeds. flaxseed is an outstanding source of proteinand fiber—and it also acts as a health protector. they’ve got lignans, which act like estrogenin the body that block estrogen receptors on cells that reduce the rate of cancer cellgrowth in the body... in 12-week study of 59 middle-aged men bygreek researchers, they discovered that flaxseed oil consumption resulted in significantlylowered blood pressure readings. number 8 cinnamon.
cinnamon is one of the most delicious andhealthiest spices on the planet. it can lower blood sugar levels, reduce heartdisease risk factors, and has a plethora of other impressive health benefits. number 9 tea. looking for the most potent source of antioxidantsthere is? then the next time you’re in the grocerystore, look for some tea. tea works by breaking down bad cholesterolin the body, which prevents blood clots that improves blood vessel function, thus, reducingthe risk of heart disease. number 10 beans.
beans can are the least expensive source ofprotein, especially when compared to fresh meat. aside from protein, complex carbs and fiber,beans contain a powerhouse of nutrients including antioxidants, and vitamins and minerals, suchas copper, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium and zinc. why eating fat help you burn fat and losemore weight. by lifebuzzfeed.com. it gets a bad rap, but adding some fat toyour diet may be the key to a slimmer you. for a long time, we thought avocados weregood for nothing but ready-made guac and a
decent california burger every now and then. but these little nutritional hand grenadeswere having an explosive impact on our diets for all that time. how so? they’re infused with a key nutrient formaintaining healthy weight: fat. wait…fat can help us maintain our weight? fat doesn’t make us fat? in a word: exactly. fat is not something to avoid.
for starters, it’s essential for normalgrowth and development. dietary fat also provides energy, protectsour organs, maintains cell membranes, and helps the body absorb and process nutrients. even better, it helps the body burn fat, saysnutritionist and owner of nutritious life meal system, keri glassman, rd, who recommendsthat about a third of any weight-loss plan’s calories come from dietary fat. but: not all fatty foods are created equal. while pizza, french fries and hamburgers cancontribute to weight gain and deterioration of health, the dietetic community is learningthat the overall nutritional content of these
foods — not their saturated fat — is what’sto blame. sure, research from 50 years ago found thatsaturated fatty acids, a type of fat that’s “saturated†with hydrogen and typicallysolid at room temperature, raised ldl (bad) cholesterol levels. but a reevaluation of that research has shownthat they raise hdl (good) cholesterol just as much, if not more, protecting the bodyfrom unhealthy cholesterol levels and heart disease, says nutritionist and national spokespersonfor the american dietetic association tara gidus, rd. “instead of making any one thing in thediet a villain, we need to look at total caloric
content as well as quality of food, what arewe eating that is ‘good’ and helping our body’s immune system and cells to stay healthy.†most of the fat that you eat — especiallyif you want to lose weight — should come from unsaturated sources, both monounsaturated(mufa) and polyunsaturated (pufa), glassman says. why? these good-for-you foods (like fish, seeds,nuts, leafy vegetables, olive oil, and of course, avocados) pack tons of nutrients. besides removing ldl cholesterol from arteriesand promoting a healthier heart, unsaturated
fat can help you burn fat big time withoutcutting calories. a 2009 study in the british journal of nutrition,found that participants who consumed the most unsaturated fatty acids have lower body-massindexes and less abdominal fat than those who consumed the least. the unsaturated folks ate higher-quality foods. not long ago, manufacturers marketed low-fatand no-fat everything, and consumers responded by chowing down. it’s healthy, right? wrong.
all wrong. besides stripping our bodies of a much-needednutrient, low- and no-fat diet movements have increased obesity rates. it turns out that fat provides a big componentto the foods we love: taste. when food manufacturers removed fat from theirfoods, they had to load the foods with sugar and salt, which are nutrient-free, to increaseflavor. here are other crucial ways fat can help youslim down: fat burns fat. the body needs three macronutrients for energy:carbohydrates, protein, and fat.
a gram of fat packs more than twice the energyof a gram of the other two. “when you don’t have any fat in your dietits like you don’t have fuel to burn calories,†glassman says. the body requires energy to keep its metabolismproperly functioning, and a 2007 study published in the american journal of clinical nutritionfound that consuming fatty acids can boost metabolic health. what’s more, “old†fat stored in thebody’s peripheral tissues—around the belly, thighs, or butt (also called subcutaneousfat)—can’t be burned efficiently without “new†fat to help the process, accordingto researchers at washington university school
of medicine in st. louis. dietary fat helps break down existing fatby activating ppar-alpha and fat-burning pathways through the liver. think of mealtime like baseball spring training:young, hungry players (new fat) hit the field and show the general manger (the liver) thatit’s time to send the old, worn-out players (subcutaneous fat) home. and away they go. what to eat – and what to skip – whenadding fat to your diet. unsaturated fatty acids: consisting of bothmonounsaturated fatty acids (mufas) and polyunsaturated
fatty acids (pufas), they are important forhealth. mufas are found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds,olives, and avocadoes, while pufas are found in vegetable oils, fish, and seafood. omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are two pufasthat can only be obtained through diet and are called “essential fatty acids.†adjust your diet accordingly. *saturated fatty acids: found primarily infoods from animal sources such as meat and dairy products, like butter and cheese, theyare usually solid at room temperature. some vegetable oils such as coconut, palmkernel, and palm oil also contain saturated
fat. eat limited amounts as part of a healthy diet– and always try to consume healthier sources. for example, grass fed beef is a much betteroption than, say, popcorn popped in oil. trans fatty acids: chemically processed vegetableoils, they are semisolid at room temperature and are used in some margarines, fried foods,and processed foods to enhance flavor, texture, and shelf life. also called “partially hydrogenated†oils,they should be avoided like the plague they are. fat keeps you full.
fat isn’t the easiest nutrient to digest,so it sticks around in the digestive system for more time than many other nutrients. mufas may also help stabilize blood sugarlevels, according to mayo clinic. that means you feel full longer, and you won’tfeel the stomach-growling urge to raid the refrigerator after mealtime. in fact, diets with high amounts of omega-3fatty acids, a type of pufa that the body can only acquire through food, create a greatersense of fullness both immediately following and two hours after dinner than do meals withlow levels of the fatty acids, according to a 2008 study from university of navarra inpamplona, spain.
it’s no surprise that dieters who consumemoderate levels of fat are more likely to stick with their eating plans than dieterswho consume low levels of fat. the result? more weight lost. fat makes you happy. everyone says that dieting, not to put toofine a point on it, stinks. eating yummy foods makes you happy, and itturns out low-fat versions just don’t do the trick for one surprising reason: we cantaste the fat — not just the salt, sugar and other goodies in food.
recent research from purdue university showsthat our taste buds can detect fat in food, which helps explain why low-fat foods don’tcurb our fat cravings. according to the research, fat may be an entirelydifferent basic taste than what we’ve long considered the four mainstays: sweet, salty,sour and bitter. on an even happier fat note, omega-3 fattyacids can boost serotonin levels in the brain, helping to improve mood, increase motivationand keep you from devouring a large pizza like it’s your job. 3.5 percent of women and 2 percent of menhave suffered from diagnosed binge-eating disorders, while millions more people areoccasional emotional eaters, according to
the national institutes of mental health. fat builds muscle. “eating good fats along with an effectiveexercise program can increase muscle,†says trainer and owner of results fitness, rachelcosgrove, cscs, who notes that increasing muscle mass is vital to increasing metabolismand burning calories both in and out of the gym. in a 2011 study published in clinical science,researchers examined the effects of eight weeks of pufa supplementation in adults ages25 to 45 and found that the fat increases protein concentration and the size of muscularcells in the body.
previous studies have found that omega-3 fattyacids stimulate muscle protein synthesis in older adults and can mediate muscle mass lossdue to aging. fat makes food better for you. many nutrients including vitamins a, d, e,and k are fat-soluble, meaning that the body can’t absorb them without fat. if your body isn’t absorbing nutrients properly,that can lead to vitamin deficiencies and bring on dry skin, blindness, brittle bones,muscle pains, and abnormal blood clotting, according to gidus. these vitamins are also key to maintainingenergy, focus, and muscle health, all of which
contribute to a healthy weight. vitamin e, for example is a powerful antioxidantand helps maintain your metabolism, while the body’s levels of vitamin d predictsits ability to lose fat, especially in the abdominal region, according to a clinicaltrial from the university of minnesota medical school. so while you can pile your salad high withnutrient-rich spinach, tomatoes and carrots, you really need to thank the olive oil forsending the salad’s vitamins your way. you are watching: why eating fat help youburn fat and lose more weight.
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