- these are like right at thesize where you're not sure if you should take a whole bite in one or if you should bite it in half. (upbeat music) - hello, good morning. - good morning, everyone, it's mark wiens with migrationology dotcom in mumbai, india. good morning, ying. - good morning.
- we have just checked out of our hotel and we ordered an uberand we're on our way to the airport. but our flight is notout until later tonight, as we're gonna go to theairport, we're gonna try to check in our bag andthen we're gonna go to the juhu beach area inmumbai and hopefully hang out around that area for the day before we go back to the airport.
we just made it to the airport. so now we're gonna seewhere we can leave our bag for the rest of the day. the baggage storage facilityis in the parking lot of the arrivals area andour baggage is stored for the next six hours. - hello. - [mark] nice to meet you. - nice to meet you.
- [mark] okay, have a great day. - yeah. - that all went remarkablysmooth and hassle-free. we are now in a mini-minivanand on our way to go eat. the taxi just dropped us off very near to mithibai college, andwe're just going to walk down the road a little bitto a street food stall that is famous for serving dosa. can i have the paneer tikka dosa?
(speaking in foreign language) thank you. this place is called anand stall and they are famous, especiallyfor sandwiches and dosas and i did not want to leave india without having a good dosa. i ordered the paneer tikkadosa and then they give you a little token, you pay at the front there and then you go overhere to the dosa counter
to pick it up. i will never get bored ofwatching someone make food on the street. (light music) (indistinct chatter) in order to make thiskind of modern version of a dosa, what he didwas he first spread out the batter onto the hotplatter and he cooked the batter and then he added in the cubes
of paneer cheese andthen he added in a bunch of different sauces, thattikka sauce, some chili, he sprinkled on someseasoning, he added in a handful of dhania which is cilantro and then i thought they wereactually going to keep it all wrapped up inside the dosa but actually they scooped it onto a bigplate and then they served the dosa, they wrapped itup and served it on the side along with some chutney.
oh, and it's crispy andsoft at the same time. and go in for all of that beautiful, it's almost, yeah, it'sprepared kind of like a curry. but i love how they'reso many greens in there. i think there's greenonions in there as well. oh, look at that. that looks incredible. wow! that is incredible.
it's just packed full of flavor. you've got the crispy sort of like spongy but very thin, like almostlike crepe like dosa. and then that curry. i cannot believe howquickly and how masterfully he whipped up that paneer tikka. i was expecting it to begood, but that is incredible. and then i will add someextra chutney to it. i think this is a coconut based chutney.
oh that chutney, oh yeah. it is coconut based. and then i can really tastethe curry leaf in there as well as i think some coriander and some cumin in there, maybe. some people order and thenjust stand around and eat. but other people get theirplate and they go sit in their car or theygo stand somewhere down the sidewalk and eat.
you can eat anywhere around here you like. what really makes a difference for me is the, all of that,those chopped up herbs within the curry and thenof course the chutney. it kind of has a nutty taste to it, too. almost like cashew tastingin the curry as well. that was literally justeverything i could possibly want in a dosa. and we are on our way to juhu beach.
it is really, really windy. check out ying's hair. (laughs) hello. how are you? nice to meet you. and i already have a new friend. what is your name? (indistinct)
it's so windy, so i don'tknow if you're gonna be able to hear me on themicrophone, i hope you can, but we came to the beach,there is so much going on again and i'm sure it's not nearlyas busy as it gets later on in the day, but lots of people here, lots of action going on,people are flying kites, there are, it's just a colorful display of people and clothes and things for sale. and i came to the beach soi had to order a coconut.
few things are greaterat refreshing oneself than a fresh coconut. oh, coconut water is delicious. it started rainingpretty hard so we came in to the, like food court, hawkerstall, street food section and there's just a ton of food in here. walking around now, lotsand lots of different chaats and snacks to eat, i justgotta find the right place to eat now.
there is a torrential downpour right now and the wind is justwhipping through this alley of food stalls. and actually it feels reallygood because it's so cool but it is kind of a chaotic environment and pao bhaji is one of theultimate mumbai street food snacks available everywhere. this will be my first timeto try it in mumbai so far, i haven't had a chanceyet but i'm glad it,
you can actually just smellthe pao bhaji being cooked within these stalls within the alleys. and i hope you can hearme over that music. so in order to make the pao phaji, what they do is they taketomatoes and potatoes and a bunch of differentspices and then they cook it on a huge giant round hot skillet and it just slowly cooksand they slowly like mash it down with all the spices.
they mix it with butter,and then they just sort of store it on the side of thehot plate throughout the day and then when it's orderedthey grab some of it and stick it into themiddle of the hot plate and mix it with water, i think, and then make it into a kind of a sauce and then add lots of butter again, and then they take bread andadd some butter to the bread of course and then fry it on the hot plate
to crispify it, andthen they serve it here and this is, you know,it's the combination of pao, which is a bun likethis, and then the bhaji, which is this tomato,potato puree with spices. mm. you can feel the starchiness of the potato but then it has a reallynice like tartness from the tomato and then it's a little bit spicy, you can taste
that blend of cumin andturmeric in there as well. and then yeah, you cantaste the butter in there quite well as well. i'm gonna take a piece of the bread next. probably mix in with some of the onions. oh, and that little blob of butter on the top there as well. that's a very buttery, fluffy roll. and then i really like it with the onions
because they're crisp andthey give it that extra onion taste, onions never hurt anything. i can see why this is so attractive. it is a nice combination. bombay bhelpuri. - bombay bhelpuri. - okay. the next snack i wanted totry here is mumbai bhelpuri. and this is a snack mixture.
there are, i think it's puffy rice with a bunch of different crunchy things and he really stirred it up in a chutney and then he mixed it with,there is some cilantro, some dhania, and then alsosome other little crispies in here, and this is another, like, just like a mixture ofdifferent crispies and chutneys. they stuck a couple spoons in it. oh yeah, and also there's lotsof onions in here as well.
and you can see, i think theseare all little rice crispies and little crunchy bits. mm! - [man] chili sauce? - okay, yes. chili sauce, chili sauce. on the side. oh, he just added onsome extra chili sauce and some onions.
and then for this one,i'm gonna take the lime. and squeeze it all over. it's kind of sweet and savory and crispy. yeah, it tastes likerice crispies, just mixed with all sorts of sweet andtangy and spicy and onions. oh, and there's some potatoes in there, on the bottom there too, i think. mm, oh yeah, with that hit, with that squeeze of lime.
that's nice because it contraststhat sweet, tangy sauce. these little spoons are kind of flimsy. this is a good beach snack. so i would really recommendthat you try pao bhaji when you come to juhu,there are many, many places to eat pao bhaji and thereare lots and lots of food. the bhelpuri was awesome and the stall and the owner there was really nice. we are heading to go try andfind one more last chaat,
one snack before we headback to the airport. this will be the final, final snack. i gotta hope it's open. okay, thank you. luckily the stall is open,so one more last chaat before we go the airport. can i have sev puri? - sev puri? yeah, sure, sure.
- [mark] thank you. yes. - [man] so you are herefor, travel or something? - [mark] yes, travel to eat. - [man] travel to eat? - this stall is located onthe corner of sixth street, which is in the neighborhoodjust kind of back from juhu beach, and it's actually right, just kind of in theneighborhood from where we
ate that dosa a couple hours ago. but i'm so glad they'reopen, i really wanted to try their sev puri before leaving mumbai. it's topped with so many ingredients but under here there are little discs. and what he does, crispy discs. and what he does is he takes the discs, puts on some potatoes and some onions and a bunch of differentchutneys and then sprinkles it
with all these crispies and then, what are these things? i'm not totally sure andthen some dhania cilantro, and chili, and so it's like a little disc of many toppings and ifi take out the first one hopefully we can all see what is inside. oh, yeah. the cross section. there are onions in there and potatoes.
oh, this is one of my favorite chaats. that potato is so creamythat it almost reminds me of guacamole, it's like avocado almost. you got a little bit of spice going on, it burns your throat alittle bit going down, and then you can taste the sweetness from the chutney, it's so well balanced and that is an awesome snack. it's like crunchy and juicy.
i wanna taste on of these little things. i'm not totally sure what that, this is. i think that's mango. nice and sour and crisp. these are right at that size where they are almost toobig to take a full bite but then at the same time you're not sure if you want to bite it inhalf and risk collapsing the entire, the entire snack bite.
i'll go with the one bite. those chutneys. and then everything justcollapses in your mouth. - international, domestic? - international. terminal two. - huh? - terminal two. - oh, oh.
- okay, thank you. no, it is a microphone. - oh. - do you see for wind, for audio. - ah, my photo. - yes. - hami nash. - hami nash, nice to meet you. i am so glad that we gotto stop at that chaat stall
for our last bite to eat in mumbai. that was stunning. that's one of my favoritechaats, sev puri, and that was a great, great version of it. oh, sev puri is so good. we're not racing to catch our flight, but we are sort of racingback to the airport because i want to avoidpaying the next level fee for our baggage storage.
so we're hoping to get back in time to grab our bags. our driver just stopped and got out to use the restroom. so i'm hoping we'll still make it. okay, for you. - [ying] thank you. - thank you, okay. have a nice day, nice day.
there's nothing quite like rolling up to an international airportin an auto rickshaw. we made it back to the luggage stand with literally three minutes to spare. if our auto rickshaw driverhad spent three more minutes in the bathroom during his bathroom break in the middle of our ride, wewould have missed that level and had to pay extra forour bag at the baggage drop. no, he was, he was a really fun driver.
he was a really nice guy. we got all checked into the airport and went throughimmigration and we are now sitting at the air india lounge. we have about three hoursuntil our flight even boards. but i wanted to comehere early just to relax in the lounge and also ihave a lot of work to do so i'm gonna sit here andwell, actually i'll probably go eat right now and seewhat they have for food.
i'm gonna need a couple of cups of coffee. and i sort of went with half salad, mediterranean food and half indian food. i love chili paneer, so i hadto go for some chili paneer. yeah. chili paneer's one of the great dishes. i've definitely had a lack of salad in the last few days, soi'm ready to eat some salad. i got some email doneand i could not resist
going for another plate of food. they brought out some newdishes and i got mostly salad but i could not resist apiece of lamb rogan josh, which is an amazing dish. oh, that's like a big chunk of something. oh, look how tender that lamb is. i'm gonna have to go backand get some more of that. oh, that's amazing. tender lamb.
tomatoey, just wonderful sauce. oh, that's good. it has been an amazing trip to mumbai and it's only been fourdays but it's been a pretty action-packed four daysand i think we managed to do quite a bit and eat someincredibly delicious food. a special thank you to all ofyou for your recommendations for all the food to eat in mumbai. thank you very much.
ying is pretending to be asleep. and this is going to beabout a three hour ride, flight to muscat, oman. dinner on the flight is served. i went for the angara murgh masala. oh, and there's a chili on top here. how wonderful for that chicken masala. you can taste the blend of masala spices, it's buttery, it's nutty, and it's creamy.
take a bite of the dahl. - [loudspeaker] passengers,return our request to kindly remain seated. and we'll be-- - thank you. okay, we just landed in muscat. it is 11:30 pm at night andthey said it's 39 degrees. oh, you can feel that oven heat. thank you, air india, for the good flight.
and star alliance. we're just now waiting for our bag and then we're gonnacatch a taxi to our hotel. city seasons hotel. - okay, city seasons hotel? - hotel, yes. - ah, city seasons hotel. hi, good evening. - [man] hello.
- taxi was pretty expensive. we are definitely in adifferent country now. just a very quick tour of the room, this is the bathroom, nice and spacious. and then this is the main room here. blue and desert themed. i'm excited to be in muscat, oman. this is my very first trip visit to oman, but i'm about to go to sleep now,
it's been a long day, i'm pretty tired. so i'm gonna end the video for today now, thank you all for watching. please remember to give it athumbs up if you enjoyed it and also leave a comment below and make sure you subscribe for lots more food and travel videos and iwill see you on the next video for our first full day in muscat, oman. (beep)
i think that's a big chunk of cauliflower. oh. oh, tomato just went flying under my lap. that's why, that's why they have napkins. (chuckles)
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