- if it's anything like pho. this is gonna be fun. i tried. (giggles) (fun music) - i don't know whatvietnamese street food is. - mm mm. definitely expecting a lot of spice. - i've never eaten vietnamesestreet food before.
- and i have it a lot. - but we've both eaten foodthat's fallen on the street. - i grew up eatingvietnamese and chinese food so i've definitely had some of these. - [voiceover] cheers, buddy. - god damn! - this isn't the fault of the food, but there's cilantro in it,and so it takes like garbage. - the meat is so big in it!
- i think i'm in love. - not lipstick friendly, this spring roll. - i don't even wanna like, keep eating, 'cause i just wanna have it forever. - hmm, hmm. - okay. - this smells amazing. - smells so good. - i'm excited because--
- shrimp! - your parents would make it like, fresh? and they'll bring out abatch and it's like hot, and you'll finish it, and they'll bring another one and anotherone and another one. - is the fish sauce made of fish? - [voiceover] yes.- okay. - mmmmmm, that fish sauce, though, son! - this is dope, this is very, very tasty.
- are you gonna eat that onion? (laughs) - [voiceover] there's pigthree ways on this plate. - my mom used to make thistoo, like in a big bowl, and literally, i'll justeat it for meals and meals. - it sounds like your wholelife growing up it was your mom turning out food andyou're just eating it. - it's like thanksgiving all the time, like you get so much different kinds
of foods everywhere all the places. - you realize that combiningthings makes them better? - i do know that. that's why i'm combiningall this [bleep] in my face. - i want it to be a little firmer. - ooh, no i love the softness. - i would drink fish sauce. wouldn't you? - no.
- my breath is gonnasmell like this for days. - [voiceover] oooh. - [voiceover] what? - colors - the brown black stuff is chunky. is it beans? (slurping) - oh, god. - the texture of the greenstuff is really weird.
- i really like it when thedesserts are also an activity because it's just fun for the kids. - it's crunchy, it'schewy, it's like gooey. - it would be reallyawesome and refreshing for a summer day. - i love that it's like ice cream, but not too cold togive me a brain freeze. - it brings me back home,so like my family and my mom and i love it so much.
- asian people always do-- - you just know what you're doing with it. - their food's so good. - the fish sauce, really-- - yeah, that was the cream of the crop. - i wanna eat vietnamese street food for the rest of my life. - we out, we did it! good job, sorry.
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