hi i'm rick steves back for the last episodeof our three part travel skills special. we're in a village, high in the swiss alps. in thisfinale, we'll show that in so many ways, you can actually experience more by spending less. our tips this time: finding the best valueaccommodations, getting around in big cities, and enjoying europe's cuisine. this informationcan help you make the most of your vacation time and, if you're on a budget, it can cutthe cost of your travels in half. whether you discover norway's breath-takingfjords, explore ancient temples in athens, hike along a roman wall in england, sweatwith locals in finland, or enjoy a concert in ireland, you'll find the kinds of placesand experiences you incorporate into your
itinerary shape the character of your trip. in this three-part travels-skills specialwe start in the netherlands, venture through germany, dip into italy, sweep through switzerlandand france before finishing in england. in this final episode we start in the swiss alps,take a high-speed train to paris and finish in london. when touring europe, many travelers only visitfamous and well-promoted hot spots, like grindelwald, here in switzerland. it's "the" famous alpineresort in the shadow of the jungfrau. europe energetically markets its top tourist attractions.alpine resorts like this are geared to large-scale tourism-helping the masses have fun...spendingtheir money.
but, just one valley over, you can have anentirely different experience. riding this gondola, you soar, landing in the sleepy,un-promoted village of gimmelwald. in 30 years of researching guidebooks, i've found hiddengems like this in every country. gimmelwald would have been developed to the hilt likeneighboring towns but the village had its real estate declared an "avalanche zone" sono one could get new building permits. the result: a real mountain community-families,farms, and traditional ways. choosing places like gimmelwald and then meetingthe people, you become part of the party rather than just part of the economy. this is a realisticgoal for any good traveler. take a moment to appreciate the alpine cheese.
once you're off the tourist track, make apoint to connect with the living culture-pitch in... even if that means getting dirty. here,farmer peter's making hay while the sun shines. whether in a big city or a small village,your major expense each day is renting a bed. you have lots of options. we'll review themfrom cheapest to most expensive. in rural settings-like here in gimmelwald-i like simple,less expensive accommodations. gimmelwald has a pension, a bed and breakfast, and ahostel. europe has thousands of hostels-like gimmelwald'smountain hostel-offering cheap dorm beds. while not for everybody, the price is certainlyright. rather than privacy and your own bathroom, you'll enjoy a convivial camaraderie: a helpfulreception desk; a welcoming common room with
lots of information and hiking partners; andthe kitchen where hostellers cook for the price of groceries. it's dinnertime. and aftera sunny day of hiking, travelers are sharing stories. today, european hostels come in all shapesand sizes. modern ones are often big and institutional. they come with inviting lobbies and modernfacilities. rather than the traditional large dorms, more and more hostels are offeringsmaller rooms-family rooms and even doubles for couples. in cities or villages, the young at heart-ofany age-are entirely welcome. a great thing about hostelling-especially if you're goingsolo-is gaining an instant circle of friends.
for me, b&bs offer an ideal combination ofcomfort and economy, privacy and cultural experience. every country has private roomsfor rent. you've just got to know the local word...husroom is norwegian for chambre d'hotewhich is french for zimmer which is what they say here in switzerland for bed and breakfast. b&bs give you more than just a good night'ssleep. imagine, enjoying a renovated attic with a view of this small town czech castle,being a guest in a home rebuilt after a civil war in dubrovnik, savoring the salty ambiancein the captain's house on a danish isle, or being a noble for a night with giorgio inthe heart of tuscany. tonight, we're sleeping in the home of ollieand his wife maria. they teach in the village
and supplement their income by renting outthree rooms in their home. as is generally the case with b&bs, the roomsare as comfortable as a hotel but homier. while you're living in someone else's home,you can be as private as you like-just take the key and do your own thing. or you cango downstairs and get to know the family. ollie: this yellow cliff over there, that'swhere the eagle has each year his nest. typically, hosts enjoy sharing. ollie knowsthe backside of the jungfrau intimately. ollie: and the young birds, in early spring,you see them starting to learn to fly. pensions are a good value. a pension is aplace without many of the services you'd expect in a hotel. this one is inexpensive...withthe toilet and shower down the hall. the bedrooms
are well-worn and traditional. and the placecreaks just the way you want it to-and once again, humbler places seem to foster community. continuing our swing through the best of europe,we're heading for paris. after a full day in the alps, this fast train gets us therein time to cap our day with a view of the eiffel tower. a big city like paris is bursting with world-classsights: towering monuments, magnificent boulevards, and glorious history. in a major city likethis you have lots of hotel options. the neighborhood you choose as well as the hotel shapes yourexperience. many travelers opt for the big, internationalclass hotels outside the historic center.
i find that these, while very comfortable,build a wall between you and the people and culture you traveled so far to experience. i prefer a small-scale hotel in a cozy neighborhood.for example, the area around rue cler is a pedestrian-friendly bit of village paris,a ten-minute walk from the eiffel tower. accommodations are a classic example of howspending less can actually give you a richer experience. europe's big cities still havewell-located, characteristic hotels at an affordable price. there's a range of categories. many countrieshave helpful rating systems. in france, plaques with stars are posted by the door. in a well-chosenone star place, budget travelers can sleep
well and safely. rooms are pretty basic...butcome at near youth hostel prices. european cities have lots of night noise,and, especially in cheap hotels, this can be a problem. rather than paying a premiumfor a room with a view, i'll take a quiet room in the back. in france, two-star hotels offer, for me,a great balance of price and comfort-still basic but with good beds, private bathrooms,and often tiny but appreciated elevators. the more people who share a room, the lessexpensive it gets per person. a double costs just a littlemore than a single. and many hotels are happy to squeeze in a cheap third bed.
while three-star hotels are more expensive,they can also be a good value. here, you're paying for extras like a lounge, room service,and all the comforts. hotelier: it's one of our typical rooms, withbig tv, mini bar, ipod bays, of course air conditioning. it can be very useful, especiallyin august in paris. um, bathroom. rick: two sinks.hotelier: yes, two sinks. french people like it. you can be two at the same moment in thebathroom. know your priorities. this hotel is great.but those on a budget may need to choose between these extras-for an additional $50 a night-anda nice dinner, concert or city tour. throughout europe, small family-run hotelsoffer fine values. this london hotel is plush,
beautifully located, and more affordable thanyou might expect because it has no elevator. this historic former monastery in florencecosts no more than a top end chain hotel, but is bursting with renaissance character.here, in norway, you can enjoy feeling right at home on a fjord. and a favorite of mine in rome-small enoughwhere the owner can go over your sightseeing plans-provides fine rooms and a breezy convivialityyou simply can't find in bigger hotels. some travelers love the freedom of just findinghotels as they go. but, to get the best rooms in the popular places, book in advance. smart travelers use a savvy mix of guidebooksand the internet. web-based review sites are
popular and powerful. but, while helpful,they can also be misleading. so be careful. and, by the way, making reservations througha web-based booking service may be convenient, but it costs your hotel 15 to 20%. i get thebest price by booking directly through my hotel. health concerns while traveling through westerneurope are about the same as traveling back home. while i take extra precautions whentraveling beyond europe, in europe i drink the water and eat everything in sight. if you do get sick, get help right away. overhere, a good first stop for medical advice is the neighborhood pharmacy. also, hotelscan refer you to a nearby clinic or call a
doctor who makes "house calls"-for far lessmoney than you might expect. then, prescription in hand, you can head forthe 24-hour pharmacy. europe generally has whatever medicine you need. in case you needa refill, bring your prescription from home with the generic name typed or printed legibly. my health tips are all about wellness. beingon vacation can be exhausting. get plenty of sleep, eat healthy, drink lots of water,and pace yourself. know your limits. one of the great joys of travel is eating.each country in europe has its own distinct cuisine. leave the tourist zones. find placesfilled with locals enjoying seasonal and regional specialties. the variety of food is endlessand if you know how to choose a good place
you don't need to spend a fortune. a few basicrules for eating your way through europe: go for the local specialties-you'll get betterquality and price. eat seasonally...don't miss truffles on your pasta in the fall orfresh berries in norway in summer. the location can make the meal. bosnia maynot be famous for its food, but dining under the bridge in mostar makes a lifelong memory.most of all eat fearlessly try things you've never had in places you've never been. thereare eateries to fit every budget. and while i recommend an occasional gourmet splurgeespecially in countries famous for their high end cuisine like france and italy, you'llsave money and improve your experience with europe's countless budget options.
some of the most affordable and enjoyablefood in europe can be found, not while seated at a table but while standing in the streetor the market. every country has its own beloved street food. it's fast, cheap, and delicious.in greece try the corner souvlaki stand, and in istanbul on the golden horn grab a fishsandwich fresh from the guys who caught it at one of the venerable and very tipsy fishboats. for a step up and a seat, there are lots of casual bars and bistros; home townhangouts where you can enjoy local cuisine in comfort without going broke. one of the best examples of this is in spain.every town tempts you with tapas bars where you belly up to the bar and just point atthings you'd like to try. in denmark, i love
the open-faced sandwiches which manage tobe both simple and elegant at the same time. you can munch the best pizza ever, for theprice of a fast-food hamburger in naples where pizza was invented. the rustic simplicityof sausages and fondue feels just perfect high in the swiss alps. and these days, pubs are more than friendsjust gathering for a beer-they can come with tasty meals too. by the way, interiors ineurope-from restaurants to hotels to pubs-are now essentially smoke free. especially in france, consider the cuisinesightseeing for your palate. and when you know the budget options, eating at the cornercafe or bistro costs only a little more than
lunch at a fast food joint. most countries have a plate of the day-that'sa plat du jour here. a hand-written menu-in the local language only, with a small selectionindicates a good value. and the house salad makes a quick and healthy meal. in france,bread is free. [svp]. just hold up your basket to ask. in france, a free carafe of tap water is eitheron the table or will be quickly if you ask. when it comes to drinking-i go local: in bavaria,it's a liter of lager; tuscany- a robust red wine; provence-a nice rose; ireland-a heartyguinness; spain-a rich rioja; in denmark-a fiery acquavite [..."yes"] and in greece-it's ouzo with a sunset.
adapt to the culture you're visting. overhere, dining is not rushed. slow service is often good service. in a nice restaurant,the table is yours for the entire evening. to get the bill you need to ask for it. asservice is often included and waiters are generally paid a living wage, tipping is lessexpected and often unnecessary. this varies from country to country. get advice from locals. picnics are fast and fun-and give you a purposein europe's colorful markets and shops. when picnicking, you can buy whatever looks goodregardless of price. choose an atmospheric place to make your picnicmemorable. we've put together a cheap and healthy meal for two; delightful cheese, atiny quiche, strawberries, grapes, wine...a
little something for dessert...and...a reasonableview. traditionally, on the continent, breakfastis small. in france, locals just grab a croissant and coffee on the way to work. but these days,most hotels are offering hearty breakfasts buffets-complete with cheese, meat, yogurt,and fruit. we're speeding-at nearly 200 miles per hour-tolondon, the final stop on our best of europe loop. europe is continuing to unite-both politicallyand physically. from the start, the wealthier countries of the european union have helpedtheir less affluent neighbors catch up. and, after a generation of huge investments, itstransportation infrastructure keeps european
commerce and trade moving faster than ever.and that includes us tourists. the eurostar train, which speeds under theenglish channel in 20 minutes, is just one example. from italy to norway, great bridges,tunnels, and bullet trains are making this small continent even smaller. the fastestway now from the eiffel tower to big ben is not by plane...but by train. london's giant wheel is an example of howthe nations of the eu can work together. how do you make a spectacular ferris wheel? swissmotor, italian steel, german design and a capital english view. as europe continues to unite, nations areless threatened by regions. within spain,
madrid now lets barcelona wave its catalonianflags and speak its own language. the irish gift of gab comes in gaelic ...and londondoesn't care. and for the first time in centuries, britain has allowed scotland to have its ownparliament. for those of us who love europe's cultural variety here, this is good news. unification does not threaten europe's diversity.in fact, that diversity is both as vivid as ever, and more accessible. imagine: todayfor lunch, it was quiche and fine french wine under the eiffel tower and, for dinner? pubgrub and a hearty ale in a classic london pub. here's to diversity. throughout europe, cities are becoming increasinglybetter organized. visitors can easily master
excellent transportation options: buses, subways,and taxis. even budget travelers need to remember thatvacation time is valuable. spend money to save time. groups of three or four can travelcheaper and faster by taxi rather than by riding buses and subways. these days, throughoutwestern europe, most cabbies are regulated, honest, and charge the metered rate. the extrafees are clearly explained-and legitimate. i round the bill up 5 or 10%. london, like most big european cities, hasa fine underground system-letting you zip anywhere in town, regardless of rush hourtraffic-fast. big cities become surprisingly manageablewhen you get comfortable with their subway.
to avoid ticket window lines, buy ticketsfrom machines. follow the signs to the right platform. you'll find helpful maps everywhere.in what londoners call "the tube" everything is labeled north, south, east, or west. each line has two directions and thereforetwo platforms. signs list the line, direction and stops served by each platform. lost? localsare happy to help. because some tracks are served by several lines, signboards announcewhich train's next and how many minutes till it arrives. final destinations are displayedabove the windshield. and always... mind the gap. city bus systems are also worth figuring out.buses are generally frequent, user-friendly,
and come with a view. here in london, as in most cities, a 24-hourpass pays for itself in about 3 rides. it lets you just hop on and off both the busesand the tube as you like. even if you never use public transportationback home, try it over here. after a few rides, you'll be getting around like a local. once you've mastered getting around, yournext challenge is to better understand your sightseeing. you can do that with a guide-eitherby taking a tour or hiring one privately. all over europe independent local guides,while pricey, give meaning to the cultural and historic riches that surround you.
female tour guide: can you imagine 2,000 yearsago a person who has never seen the photograph of a leopard. and then they see the firstleopard ever pounce out of the floor live. to enjoy the help of a local expert withoutthe expense of a private tour, you can catch a guided walk. especially here in britain,you'll find hard working local historians taking visitors on fascinating walks througha particular slice of their town's past. some tours hit the biggies. others are more off-beat. male tour guide: down below there of courseis cleopatra's needle. why is it called cleopatra's needle? because she's the only egyptian weknow, that's the reason why. walking tours like these are advertised atthe tourist information office and on the
internet. for me they're almost always timeand money well spent. while most major cities have your standardbig bus orientation tours, all over europe there's a more flexible option. "hop-on hop-off"buses make a circular route stopping at the top dozen or so attractions with 3 or 4 departuresan hour and a continuous narration of the sights. a single ticket gives you 24 hoursof hop-on hop-off privileges as you sightsee your way efficiently through town. and, for the ultimate in economy and control,you can use your mobile device and download self-guided audio tours. after every trip to europe, i'm reminded wecan never exhaust this continent of what it
has to offer. the fine points of europeanculture survive and inspire. its art packed museums make it clear; the passions of thepast are still with us. and, most of all, it's the people who keep me coming back. whethertruffle hunting with friends in tuscany; going for a torch-light sled-ride high in the swissalps or joining new friends on the beach for a shrimp-fest in denmark; europe is both aplayground and a classroom. this concludes our three part travel skillsspecial. remember, anyone who equips them self with good information and wants to travelsmart...can. thanks for joining us. i'm rick steves...keep on travelin'. cheerio.
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