during my internship, it's easy to have a sandwich for lunch but not that great here are my groceries for the week to make 5 take away lunch meals healthy and simple recipes starches, meat and lots of veges and it's cheap less than 8รข‚¬ per person for the 5 meals for details, this week, you'll have a courgette custard, tabbouleh, stuffed tomatoes
a pizza pan and wraps i can imagine you think "it's easy for you" "he took one hour in the morning to make them", "we don't have time, energy or the motivation"... but no, all those recipes can be made the day before as a familial dish and take a part in the morning for the lunch the recipes will air this week, to see the first one the monday one, you can click right here if you subscribe to the channel you'll easily see all the others as a bonus there'll be a egg custard recipe for your week's desserts
i give you some time to click right here come on here
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