- hiccup! hiccuping! fire burps! ahh! - los angeles is know forits amazing asian cuisine, and i'm gonna take the othertry guys on a trip around town to some surprise locations, where they're gonna trysome extreme asian dishes. - aww.
- i don't want that. - what? it's gonna get intense! - eugene's torturing us. - i'm gonna try to eat aslittle food as possible. you know why? 'cause i got a fucked up tongue. secret's out, everybody. i got geographic tongue.
- i feel like the three dishes i've chosen cover everything fromcreepy to slimy to spicy. - try guys feast mode asian food extreme adventure something! (upbeat music) - alright, so the firstrestaurant i'm going to is this awesome place called typhoon. it's a pan-asian fusion restaurant. you're gonna be eating bugs.
- what kind of bugs? 'cause lobsters are bugs. (bell dings) - keith's arm is on me. it's just you're-- - it's only on you, becauseyour elbow's in my stomach! - because it's a tight backseat, because we're in your stupid car. - kids!
- [zach] what? - hi, my name is brian vidor, and i am the owner of typhoon, here at the santa monica airport. - so you were working in asia, you moved over here and opened typhoon. - yeah. - you were inspired bysome of the different snacks and street foods in asia.
- street foods, you got it, yes. - the crickets were intaipei beer gardens, and the silkworm pupas are from thailand. we're getting more and morepeople coming here for the bugs. they taste pretty good. - [eugene] so these aretaiwanese-style crickets? - i had a lizard growingup who ate crickets. they looked just like this. - that's a big old plate of bugs!
- you wanna feed each other? - sure. - mmm. - oh no, it's great. - it's almost like eating theskin off of fried chicken. - i got a leg in the backof my throat for a second. - they keep jumping onto my chopsticks. - extremeness, i'm gonna say, like one. it's not that extreme.
- no, i would eat this as a snack. - bugs are beautiful. - [together] woah! - [ned] they look likelittle chicken nuggets. - i don't know if theylook like chicken nuggets. they look like bugs. - ribbed for her pleasure. - oh, please. - so, these are really popularin a lot of asian countries,
especially in korea, wherewe call them beondegi. - butt-diggy. - oh, no! - huh, didn't expect that. - oh! - soft. - oh, it just bursts. - it just tastes a lot like corn. - tasty, wet hay.
- oh, i could see a horsejust going to town on this. (horse neighing) - and these are worm babies. - holy fuck, you can kinda see through it. oh god, why? why? - it's not the most pleasant experience. - bugs overall, sort of extreme. decently tasty and alwayslooks like a plate of bugs.
- [ned] cut to the car! ♫ i ate too many bugs ♫ oh, lord, i ate too many bugs ♫ - so we left the bugplace, what's next, eugene? - we're doing a watercreature of some sort. - okay. - like a lobster? i love lobsters. - think more sucking.
- some sort of blow job fish? - we are going to eat live octopus. - you guys, why was the octopus laughing? - why? - 'cause he had ten-tickles. (laughter) let's go eat one. - alright guys, we are here in koreatown, at wassada restaurant,
and in a lot of koreanand japanese cuisine, things are so fresh, they'restill basically alive. - [keith] this looks crazy. - so sea urchin, oruni, is quite expensive. - [keith] it's a delicacy, right? - [eugene] yeah, it's a delicacy. - is that its butt? - it looks like the topof a good, sexy starfish. you know, some starfish look shitty.
- eat it. - alright. what was that? - woah, that's amazing. - it's like, buttery. - i don't know what i just tasted. - where's the butter coming from? - it's really complicated. it kinda tastes like if melon was a meat.
- it's what lobsters' blood tastes like. - i like to call this thefoie gras of the ocean. - who would have thought there'd be something so good insidethis coffee straw coconut? - does anyone have bread? - oh, no. - there goes that shirt. do you have anythingto get this stain out? the video can wait, okay?
i don't want this to stain. - [eugene] and the best partis, is you can just, like-- - oh, a toothpick! - i mean, it's hardcore, it's not extreme. - but it is an animal andwe are eating its gonads. - [eugene] one of myfavorite dishes, sannakji, which is what we call live octopus. it's recently alive octopus. - [ned] does it move?
- [eugene] it moves. this is especially prevalentin korea and japan. - that's its eyeball? - [keith] ah, look you got one! (gagging impression) - [eugene] oh, it won't let go. - oh, that feels so weird. - oh, i don't want to do it. - and, go!
chew, chew. oh, no! - [ned] oh, zach. no, zach, no! - [keith] don't die! - is it moving? - no! i don't know, actually. - my wife loves me.
- oh, it's stuck in my throat. - oh, ow. - it's stuck to the top of my mouth! - it wouldn't let go of my lip. - how's it taste? - it's really chewy. - it's like seafood gum. - it's actually delicious. - i mean, you can't getrawer than this, right?
- no, this is the freshestfood i've ever had. - this is the most extremething i've ever eaten. - i'm afraid to swallow this big one. - [eugene] you guys good withone more restaurant, right? - i feel like i feel it tryingto grab onto my intestines. - i know! i think it's like trying to work its way back up my esophagus. - i'm still eating it.
- so we had bugs. - [zach] we had bugs. - we had sea creatures. - [zach] yeah. - and now we're gonna dosomething pretty tame. you know? something pretty tame for the finale. - just the spiciest dish in los angeles. - eugene, my tongue's fucked up.
- so, we're going to a thairestaurant called jitlada. - [ned] oh, i love jitlada! - we know that you guys have something called 'the dynamite challenge.' - yes, you guys should try. it's really good and spicy. - [keith] how spicy are we talking? - [waitress] one to ten? - [zach] yeah, ten being the biggest.
- [waitress] ten. - i'm nervous. i'm anxious. - we both love spicy food. i basically grew up on spicy food. - i've chosen a piece thatlike, has no visible spice. - yeah, me too. - i'll put more spice on,i'll put more spice on. - [eugene] and just before you guys start,
keep the screaming to a minimum. - yeah, eugene, we'll keepour screaming to a minimum. - you wanna just stick thewhole thing in our mouths? - shouldn't we? - okay, ready? - [eugene] go! (suspenseful music) - oh, god. (clearing throat)
oh! - oh, my god. - fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. - keith, are you okay? - nuh-uh. - [zach] oh, no! (gagging noise) - i think i'm gonna vomit. - oh, i'm already farting.
- there's like a fountain of saliva-- - there's a -- delicious flavor. (blowing nose) - ow, it's getting worse, it's getting-- - the most preposterousdish in los angeles. - i'm giving cunnilingusto a piece of cucumber. that's how much pain i'm in. - am i crying?
am i sweating? - they cure all diseases. it cures eugene. if i eat them, maybe iwill be cured as well. dear, jitlada. your 'dynamite challenge'was the last stop in our extreme asian food tour. we regret everything, but we love you! i can't stop burping, ned.
farting, zach. crying, eugene. dying, keith. love, the try guys. ♫ i can feel the fire ♫ - this was just the battle. the war will be wagedon my toilet all night. it's a good thing my wife's out of town. - keith, how about ifind italian foods next?
i'm italian. italians have very interestingcuisine, like pasta. (car door slams) oh, my friends left.
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