Rabu, 03 Mei 2017

who owns lean cuisine

hello, welcome back, thanks for joining me. tonight i'm very excited to tell you aboutyour favorite summertime treat, the hamburger. we are gonna turn itinto a very medicinal cannaburger! what you're gonna need for the cannaburger is some not so lean ground meat. we talked before about the three ways toconvert cannabis. you can convert it in oil, alcohol, or fat. now you can use the fat frombutter, or you can use the fat from an animal suchas cow. so when you go to your butcher don't ask them for lean ground meat askingfor a nice fatty cut of

hamburger meat because the fattier it isthe better conversion you're gonna get and the more potent your burgers gonnabe. so tonight i am using a very fine ground cannabis leaf and a scale. i'm gonna weight it up and i'm making two burgers so i'm only gonna weigh up 1.5 grams of finely ground cannabis. so this averages in about 0.75 per burgerwhich i think is, and all cannabis is differentdon't kid yourself, but as a great rule of thumb 0.75 grams perperson per serving is great for the average person. if youstart exceeding that are you think

you're being funny by adding a lot more marijuana into thisthe problem is you're gonna give it to somebody and you're can frighten them and a lot ofpeople can use cannabis as medicine it can be very important for them so if youscare them off that medicine by adding too much marijuana becauseyou're a bit of a jerk or you think it's funny you're not funny you've done that persona grave injustice so err on the side of caution

don't use that much marijuana i'm using1.5 grams that doesn't look like a lot of marijuanabut when you convert it back can really be potent medicine so that's been my bigwarning and i'm gonna be happy happy time again because we're makinghamburgers! okay what i wanted to do too is iwanted to use a little bit of olive oil. you don't generally do that and i'm onlygonna put about a tablespoon in there but i want that olive oil just to helpme with the viscosity

of the meat so i can get it more evenly distributed when i go to use myhands and get that marijuana worked through the meat. i like to use a little minced onion. i have some minced garlic here. i love garlic. tonight i thought it'd be nice to use some cracked chiles. a few those... i love things with a little bitheat to them. salt. everything can use a tiny bit ofsalt. i'm using a nice gray sea salt. some fresh pepper. nobodycan ever say fresh pepper again. they have to say "afresha pepperrr!" ever since that sketch.

okay, and finally the glue that holds ahamburger together... the lovely trusted egg. in goes an egg now if you're like me, you really like toget your hands... i like to get my hands in there and that's what i'm gonna do. i'm gonna mix this all up really well. it's the best way to do it iswith your hands. touch your food. okay. you really want to do this up greatbecause that marijuana is a fine ground powder and you want to make sure that one burgerisn't just way more medicated then the next burger. and it's a little bit wet cuz i put the oilin there, but that's okay.

so, very simply, you form a hamburger patty. two! okay, and very simply walk over, you want a nice hot pan. get that pan, i would use my barbecue, you'rewelcome to use yours, but my barbecue needs a serious cleaning and i just not havethat kinda time today. hamburger! you saw it here first time on "baking a foolof myself"

cannaburgers: the happy way to get healthy!

food recipe blog

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